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Everything posted by MomatHWTK

  1. Look at resources that are geared toward helping you understand ADHD and ASD. For us, a lot of issues were alleviated by DH and I understanding DS' thought process and changing our approach. It doesn't make all the issue go away, but it helps. Basically, you learn to speak the child's language. Then, as he matures you can help him begin to understand yours. (i.e. We use the dependence on structure to create "rules" for doing certain things.) Undoing rules that the child has internalized on his own has been our greatest challenge. One of my children will absolutely not read for pleasure b/c in his world reading=school. He has become more flexible over time (comics, graphic novels and magazines are non-school reading). We had to realize why he was reacting the way that he was and adjust our approach to see improvements. Also, for a child who suffers from rigid thinking, it is VERY important to choose your battles. Therapy and medication may be necessary at some point. It wouldn't hurt to get an evaluation to find out exactly what you are facing. Getting an eval doesn't mean you have to follow every recommendation. A starting point for your research: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/making-sense-autistic-spectrum-disorders/201608/cognitive-rigidity-the-8-ball-hell
  2. Ahhh... It is my ADHD boys who have trouble with handwriting and tensing up. Don't know if there is a scientific connection, but definitely anecdotal evidence from this house.
  3. Links at the end of the article: http://hwtk.net/fun-fall-family-activities/
  4. I have a little more time to write now. Ergonomics is the field that addresses proper body positioning for work, etc. If your elbows are bent at the wrong angle or you are holding your pencil too tightly- these things can cause nerves to be pinched and cause pain or even lost function. Here's a visual guide: http://www.ergotron.com/tabid/305/language/en-US/default.aspx If your child is at the 'wrong' height when playing piano, or tensing up (or both) I can believe it troubles him. My oldest and middle son both have a HUGE amount of trouble with handwriting. They do Ok with typing. Hand strength can be an issue, too. http://www.ot-mom-learning-activities.com/hand-exercises-for-kids.html
  5. Could be legitimate strain due to poor positioning or tenseness. I would research repetitive strain injuries. I developed wrist injury from poor writing position.
  6. Then there's this: http://www.businessinsider.com/best-american-cities-to-live-on-40000-2016-10/#cheyenne-wyoming-7 10 of the best American cities to live comfortably on $40,000 a year
  7. If you research adolescent and teen brain development, you may get a better idea of what is happening. Here are a few resources: http://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Families_and_Youth/Facts_for_Families/FFF-Guide/The-Teen-Brain-Behavior-Problem-Solving-and-Decision-Making-095.aspx http://harvardmagazine.com/2008/09/the-teen-brain.html My kids have all hit a really rough spot right around age 10. All three who've been through it have been more anxious and irritable. My DD hides when she is frustrated or angry. My boys are a little more expressive about how they are feeling. :glare: I find it best not to attempt to alter their course once set but to redirect them (i.e. send them out of the room). Food is VERY important. A huge majority of the time, the kid will recover if fed. They are just growing so fast and burning through energy. Also, this may or may not be an issue, but I recently read that self-harm is not uncommon at this age. Kids are feeling emotions and they don't know how to vent them. For many, teaching them better coping mechanisms can help. The same is probably true of explosiveness in general. Acknowledge the feelings and help the child to better cope with them. But, I've noticed mine have trouble remembering the coping tips in the heat of the moment. It takes time. :grouphug:
  8. http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/diagnosis.html 10-15 are tough years, IMO.
  9. Bias Isn't Just A Police Problem, It's A Preschool Problemhttp://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/09/28/495488716/bias-isnt-just-a-police-problem-its-a-preschool-problem
  10. No information pro/con regarding the source, just sharing: http://lifeflipmedia.mysharebar.com/view?iframe=http://bit.ly/1VjNWVo%3Futm_medium%3Dsocial%26utm_campaign%3Dpostplanner%26utm_source%3Dtwitter.com "It's even more stunning, however, when you consider that even the highest state-level minimum wage rates are significantly lower than what it takes to afford basic housing in the U.S. (In Washington, the state minimum wage is $9.47 per hour)."
  11. These might help: http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/top-teaching/2010/11/reliable-sources-and-citations http://www.edudemic.com/students-better-online-researchers/
  12. It might be beneficial to send the person who thinks they can do better shopping for groceries alone a few times. ; )
  13. http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2016/09/29/the-racial-confidence-gap-in-police-performance/ Public perception survey.
  14. Starting point for your research: https://www.workplacetesting.com/definition/1586/tendinitis Rest and adjusting your body position when doing repetitive tasks can help.
  15. Just keep acknowledging their feelings. Don't tell them they will change their mind, but let them know that you are going and you hope they'll have fun.
  16. So, you think that it is your comments that I consider equivalent to a shoot on sight mentality? Interesting. I wonder why you are ascribing my comment to yourself. I don't remember naming anyone on this forum or otherwise. However, I do think bringing up facts that were not known to the individuals making the decision with regard to the appropriate use of deadly force is unhelpful. That would imply that our Constitutional standard should permit the shooting of a person if enough evidence can be found after the fact to prove that he was a criminal. The only facts relevant to a genuine investigation are those known to the officers at the time of the event. To say that one believes one individual's statement of those facts over another may be disagreeable, but it is at least understandable. Attempting to post-justify an action based on a person's criminal record is not. Our laws are designed to permit the use of deadly force when necessary. The fact that individual citizens may consider someone rubbish or that the community is better off with that person dead is not relevant. The standard for state action is significantly higher than that for individuals. A person's alleged worth does not determine the protections he or she is provided under our laws. I cannot comprehend how anyone who has invested any time in studying the Constitution could not understand that basic fact. It speaks of a deep and dangerous ignorance that I certainly hope future generations overcome. If not, then we will all lose the protections that our guiding document has afforded us for over two centuries.
  17. Well let's hope enough people in the next generation learn about the Constitution so that the shoot on sight advocates don't win out. : (
  18. Yeah, strangers saying hello to me in an elevator is just way too much in my space. You are just a walking talking obligation creator. You have created this "common manners" rulebook in your head and then expect everyone else to follow it. It seems a little unreasonable to invade other people's peace then judge them for not being thrilled about it. http://biblehub.com/nlt/proverbs/27-14.htm A loud and cheerful greeting early in the morning will be taken as a curse! In my book, any greeting before a full cup of coffee would be too loud. I have learned to ignore extroverts who vert on everyone around them. But, that doesn't mean I have to respond and encourage them. I try to follow a 'do not engage' policy. (Cleary, I have forgotten my rules this week.)
  19. The protective instinct should be for the Constitutional protections that keep all of us safe. Once someone decides that death may be meted out without trial and conviction, then anyone may become the "bad rubbish" that it is meted out to. That is the very nature of discrimination that our system is designed to prevent. No one is lesser and punishments are to be controlled and fair not delivered on the streets.
  20. All of this blurs the issue of whether it is reasonable to be in fear and justified in using deadly force in the circumstances know to the police at the time of the altercation. The standards need to be clarified for every encounter. Looking back later and saying, "Well, it's ok because the guy was a criminal," isn't Constitutionally supportable. It just makes people feel better because they think it is not going to affect them. We have a system and it doesn't include summary execution without trial.
  21. Supper at home, change at home. New routine.
  22. My extroverts exhaust the introverts in our house. We have to take turns being "on" with the extroverts and then go recharge. If ONLY I could get the two extroverts to talk to each other! Your Ds probably gets all the interaction he wants or needs if you have an extrovert sibling in the house. If he isn't unhappy, then he's just an introvert. That's ok. I do think it is important to provide him with social skills training on how to make conversation, etc. so he can 'fake it to make it' in extrovert land. However, that training doesn't have to be hands-on. I learned a great deal from studying social psychology and business networking materials. It is possible to see the value in others without needing to interact with them. Do you KNOW that he doesn't like people or are you just making assumptions based on how you think he should respond to others?
  23. Gah! This is why I enjoy freelancing. I don't think the unnamed co-worker is the PITA in this situation. I would blame it on sunny McSunshine who expects everyone to be just like her or they are rude. Just don't say good morning and get over yourself. If someone isn't taking assignments report it to a supervisor. Gossips and finger pointers are just as toxic to the work environment as people who just want to mind their own lives and do their jobs.
  24. Oh, sorry didn't realize there was a paywall. : (
  25. http://www.wsj.com/articles/murders-in-the-u-s-rose-in-2015-1474897888 Because I think it's topical.
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