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Everything posted by MomatHWTK

  1. Yes. I think there have been cases where this has happened.
  2. My son is a big guy with ASD. I am always on edge when we are out and about. I can only hope that I can avoid or explain a meltdown adequately should one occur. We have been very aggressive in warning him of the risks of a public meltdown. : (
  3. This sums up the societal divide. Some people believe that having the firearm in his hand would be sufficient cause for a deadly force response. We as a society need to establish clear, legal guidelines that reflect the will of the people. Then our officers need to be trained, prepared and compensated accordingly.
  4. Yeah, at some point you're just fishing for more reasons not to like someone. I think she would have appeared more rude to totally ignore a celebratory gathering going on at work. If she didn't want to do things exactly your way, she was really in a no-win situation. Let the poor woman do her job and earn a living. Not everyone has to be pals.
  5. Two issues: 1. Do we as a society agree with training and procedures that permit deadly force in circumstances where an officer identifies a potential weapon without further acts of aggression? 2. Do officers act with the same level of aggression toward citizens of all gender and race when presented with similar circumstances? Beyond those two issues, of course, there are the situations where an individual has disclosed the legal possession of a firearm or is lying on the ground unarmed, sometimes face down, and still executed. At this point in time, I don't think society as a whole has an understanding of or consensus on what constitutes proper police conduct in a given situation. We as a people need to determine and restate the clear standards that we expect to be applied to every person in every situation then provide for the training and enforcement to ensure those standards are met. How? I don't know.
  6. It is a very specific form of racism, targeted at men of color. Perhaps a different name for the situation would help those who don't understand.
  7. My mind has been changed significantly since January. I tend to process based on data and facts. Recent facts have definitely changed my views. Also on my Twitter feed today was a MLK quote "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." If nothing else, the Tweets I'm seeing are reflective of what professionals in digital media are sharing.
  8. I agree, it would be good to see a follow up for the past few months. It came across my twitter feed today. Perhaps, it is being retweeted due to the current situation. It appears that this report relied on several months of research- so I guess it would take some time to do another. Perhaps another agency will do so. What I see is substantial support from both blacks and Hispanics. It also appears that those who don't support cite a lack of understanding. To me, this indicates a communication problem not a fundamental disagreement on principal. Communication issues can be overcome. (Or one would hope.) So, there, now I have expressed an opinion.
  9. They may not be perfect, but after he writes his citations you can check them against and online citation builder. Here's one, but there are others: http://www.citationmachine.net/ You enter your information and style and the app puts it into correct form. Viewing published research articles online is also a good way to 'learn by example.' You just have to choose one with the correct format. I work with an editor who reviews my citations for me when I need to use them in an article. She's very good at telling my what I did wrong so I can learn.
  10. Um... I just shared the research. How on earth do you get 'trying to make a point' from sharing research?
  11. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/07/08/how-americans-view-the-black-lives-matter-movement/
  12. It would appear that simply existing is a justification for deadly force. The lack of training, the lack of responsiveness to the NEED for training is appalling. Everything else is a side issue. If someone is so panicked by situations that they encounter on the job daily that they don't even think before responding, then the person needs a new job. Until that happens, most of us are powerless to do anything. We can complain and protest, but nothing will change unless there is a new commitment to deep and intense psychological evaluation and training for everyone who is given authority by the state to wield a firearm. I genuinely feel helpless. I sometimes feel targeted for blame and accusation because I'm not a member of the targeted demographic. I say the wrong things. I don't understand every reaction or statement I read. I want to believe in the good of those who should protect us. Right now, most of all- I fear for my friends and colleagues who are a part of the targeted demographic. But then, how can you really say to your business associates, "Hey, stay indoors man, I don't want you getting shot." And really, that's all these guys can do. Never go outside. Never drive a car. : ( I don't think police officers are inherently evil, but I do think many are carrying deep psychological scars that prevent them from carrying out their duties. Unfortunately, absent comprehensive examination of each and every officer there's no way to tell who is damaged beyond repair. Otherwise, how on earth can you tell which officer is so freaked-out that they think a person of color walking slowing or laying on the ground is a deadly threat?
  13. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/survey/pressure-build-class-2016-survey-admissions-directors?utm_content=buffer327bb&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin&utm_campaign=IHEbuffer
  14. https://globaldigitalcitizen.org/solution-fluency-lesson-planning-guide-part-1?utm_content=38268138&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin
  15. For some estate planners, the "trust" instead is a really big sell point. I never totally understood why. I think it is useful for wealthy clients and for others--may it is just the document the attorney has on hand and wants to use. I'm so sorry for your loss and can understand how frustrating it must be to have to think about all this now. We just rewrote our wills this spring. So here are my tips based on that process: A will that leaves everything in trust for the children until they reach X age.For our will/trust funds are to be split based on a specific formula and distributed into four separate trusts. Each child gets a set amount based on age/needs. (Tough decisions there!) We set a pretty late full distribution date, maybe age 30? (after college) A declaration of who will be guardian for the children and who will be trustee for the $. Go at least two deep appointing people if you can.It is fine to appoint a bank if you don't have anyone you trust with the $. Or, use co-trustees who both have to sign off. If you really trust someone, they can be both guardian and trustee. If not, split the job or name a relative for guardian but bank for trustee. Most trusts are boilerplate (all the same) if there is something specific you need for the kids- add a provision. For instance, we needed to make sure that the trustee would hang onto the family home for our ASD child even if it didn't make financial sense. We also indicated that funds did not have to be spent for college only. Our kids may choose a different path and we are willing to support that. It is easiest for an attorney to give everyone the exact same document and just switch out names. Usually this is fine. Because I knew a bit about the field and knew I had specific needs, I went a bit deeper. (But that also cost me $). I would say ask for a standard will with a trust. Name your guardians and decide if you want two trusts- one for each child or one common pot. :grouphug:
  16. Last 4-5 years I think, businesses "connect" or "reach out" instead of calling.
  17. The addition of botanicals and other organics to cosmetics is "normal" from a historical perspective, but frustrating for the food allergic. When adding milk and almonds became big, DH and I had to start being much more vigilant when shopping. : ( Citrus would be really difficult- all the natural cleaning supplies!
  18. Did any of the parents request a ban. Some do not wish to do so. If they did and it was denied, then there are legal channels to go through. Much more effective than speculation.
  19. If your kids want to run their own business someday... Founder of Gobble, Inc. is up now, Pinterest found is up next. http://www.startupschool.org/live/
  20. ONA conference is taking place. The keynote panel addressed lack of diversity in mainstream media reporting. http://ona16.journalists.org/sessions/fridaykeynote/
  21. Researched this for an assignment: http://www.vistalab.com/eglossary.asp Http://www.assh.org/handcare/hand-arm-conditions/cubital-tunnel Http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=a00069 http://www.repetitive-strain.com/Articles1/cubitaltunnelsyndrome.html "This problem can be caused by pressure placed on the nerve when resting the elbow on a hard surface for an extended time. Keeping the elbow bent or repeatedly bending the elbow during tasks may cause muscles surrounding the ulna nerve to tighten and cause it to become irritated. Repetitive or prolonged bending of the elbow may also stretch the ulnar nerve, causing it to shift position and making it more likely that the nerve will become pinched."
  22. One tip, go ahead and purchase the .com with her first and last name. I can't guarantee that it will be useful in 10 years to have it. But when DH researched, that was the way most artists and authors had their websites set up today. We are in a similar position to you, except without the mentors. DD has sold several small paintings. But sometimes I regret her letting those go. She only sold ones she was willing to sell though. So she made a deliberate choice. I have a book on my desk about copyright, etc. laws that I need to read through. Artwork copyright belongs to the artist but once it is online it is so easily stolen. : ( We are treading cautiously for that reason. I am in a few LinkedIn groups for book authors. If you want to passively learn more about the business side, you might join a LinkedIn or Facebook group and just follow along. I also know at least one company that assists folks to self-publish physical books. We are toying with a picture book featuring DD's artwork. If I ever get it off the ground, I'll try to remember to update. The whole thing is overwhelming. My DD is ready to get to work and launch her career and it is so much more complicated when they are under 18.
  23. Oooh, yeah. Benadryl and Zyrtec both make me go out of my mind. Benadryl I can handle in small doses, Zyrtec I tried once and never again!
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