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Everything posted by frugalmama

  1. I do some - they are easy and quick. I like: Smart Ones Michelina Healthy Choice and Bird's Eye Viola
  2. Ours is called somewhere deep in bear contry, which is from the start of every berenstein bear video. DD is a huge fan and it was playing when I needed a blog name
  3. I don't allow my DD alone with ANYONE besides me or my mother. Period. We've switched Peds and Dentists because of this. If they must talk with her one on one, then I expect to have visual and audio observation in the room. It's the one thing I will not budge on - in this day and age it's too easy for a child to be hurt by an adult they trusted.
  4. We didn't formal school this week, but mine is in my signature below
  5. Good morning all {for the second time :D}! I'm up for the day now and taking it easy today as I am on the edge of an eye flare {I have Thyroid Eye Disease}. So today's plans just got tossed out the window! Breakfast here is blueberry cheesecake muffins - I love mixes :lol:. Today's new plan is to veg on the PC and work on lesson plans. Hoping the mailman has something for me today - this waiting is so hard! Karen in CO - sorry to hear about your bobcat problem. My brother has the same problem at his place in OK except it's mountain lions. Hope you all are having a great day :auto:
  6. :iagree: And fwiw peer tutoring isn't a new concept. I was the smart one in public school as a kid in the early 90's, and ended up grading the teacher's papers and tutoring in 3rd grade. I didn't learn a thing that year - needless to say we started homeschooling in 4th. :D
  7. to develop a comprehensive overview of world and american history and how various events affected one another to cause other events. To relate history to real people experiences and events beyond the major events. To understand and be able to pick out bias in history and understand both the history of the victor {commonly taught} and the victim {rarely taught}. To have an understanding of our family history and how major historical events were experienced by our direct ancestors. Obviously this is an end goal for graduating, but it's my goal. :D
  8. I know they have day programs for adults in my area {San Antonio, TX} but not sure about residential. :grouphug: for her
  9. :grouphug: We've had to deal with this too, but mostly in girl scouts as we don't do many co-op classes.
  10. I'm assuming the lace portion is sewn separate here from the base - if not this might not work. Iron your lace to waxed paper, then cut and sew. Works like a dream - I learned this in 4-H sewing class from a professional seamstress who made wedding dresses for a living. The waxed paper gives you something easier to work with and sew, and when your done just carefully pull the waxed paper away and wash. You can also do the same with any stretchy or slinky fabrics for sewing :D
  11. It's not a true audio book, but we've been reading Thornton Burgess on my kindle with the text-to-speech option.
  12. really for us it's a mix - I splurge on whatever strikes my fancy when I see it. I just can't resist buying books!
  13. We semi-did this when I was a kid in upper MI - Dad built our house from scratch, we had goats, chickens, pigs, a garden plus we hunted. We really didn't buy a whole lot from the store except for grain products really. We canned everything produced, plus what we gleaned from neighbors and nature itself. I miss it - now I live in a city in South Texas, and we can't do anything but garden in the backyard here.
  14. Good morning everyone, starting the thread early as I'm up now and planning on going back to sleep in a bit. Didn't get much sleep last night as the power went out and DD is terrified of the dark, so after it came back on it still took me 2 hour to get her back down to sleep. What's for breakfast/lunch? NO idea here yet - it's Cowboy breakfast today for the rodeo starting next week and I can smell the breakfast tacos from my house as I'm only about a mile away from the site. Breakfast for us will toast probably. What do you have planned today? For us, today is going to be an easy day. Cleaning, and grocery shopping only I think. Why did you decide to homeschool? For us, it was a natural thing - I was homeschooled from 4th-9th, and when DD was born I was fairly sure we would homeschool her too. Then when we discovered her multiple food allergies, some of which are airborne, it sealed the deal for homeschooling.
  15. I would, but I'm in South Texas. Quite a ways from you I think :D
  16. Not sure what faith the church you mentioned is, but Seton offers high school that is exactly what you are describing, and they do LD services too. They are Catholic though, not sure if that matters.
  17. Catholic Heritage Curricula is great and workbook based for most subjects - we used them until this year and I really really wish I could have continued using them.
  18. We primarily use my kindle for read alouds, with it's text-to-speech option. I turn it on and we both just listen unless I pause it to explain something or to answer DD's question.
  19. I got mine through raffles on Hyenacart a few years back. Really each person has their own taste in design for these, so you have to look at what size / type you like and need, and then find a shop that makes what you want
  20. I wear things until they wear out - but I buy classic items that don't show age.
  21. We're pretty laid back - here is ours: Must be in school clothes {but if it's cold we skip this one}. For us this is a white blouse or polo with plaid jumper and shoes. No computer time until we are finished for the day no PBS kids until we are finished for the day If you don't like how something is being taught say so and we will work TOGETHER to find another way to cover the same material Crayons, Markers, and pencils stay in their respective buckets when not in your hand You are always welcome to work ahead, but you must finish what is expected daily in all subjects
  22. this is our tenative plan for 4th - I have the general idea laid out but we are not there yet. MCP Math D Climbing to Good English 4 Pathway readers grades 4 & 5 and workbooks Behold & see 4 - human body Handwriting = cursive R&S Spelling 5 Map Skills D Our United State history & geography Creative writing program? US History
  23. We are blessed to have one through a local homeschool center, FEAST. They purposely sell things very low that have been donated to help other homeschool families. I try to go at least once a month, more if I can, just to see what is new. I even managed to get DD's computer through them for $30 last year when they upgraded theirs. So far today I've done well cleaning and sorting textbooks. Worked a little on plans for starting next week, in addition to plans for this fall. I'm waiting for the mailman to arrive soon to pick up 2 outgoing packages and hopefully bring me part of the incoming packages I'm waiting on. I've been waiting for over a week now for part of it, and they have until mid-February to get here. I am hoping it doesn't take as long as that, because we need those textbooks NOW! How do you handle the wait for things to come in the mail? Especially when you need them right now?
  24. I am glad they are beginning to look into it, as I don't really think it is tourettes either. Something is causing it, and they need to find it before it spreads further.
  25. Same here thanks to my thyroid issues - I have way worse acne now than I ever did as a Teen.
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