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Ruby Rose

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Everything posted by Ruby Rose

  1. Thanks for all the commiserating. :)
  2. My first born graduates high school. That feels crazy! Time is going too fast! I'm fairly sure I'm entering a midlife crisis or something. :( Carry on...
  3. I see beyond the spelling and see initiative, independence, and leadership. Not to mention he sounds excited and sweet. :)
  4. That is crazy. Most places have bills automatically generated or billing outsourced by people who make money off the number of bills they send out who don't care what the amount is because they get paid the same. Here is a thought on some of the larger companies billing and credits. Say AT&T is owed $1 from 1 million of its millions of customers. If they let that slide they are losing $1,000,000 in revenue. In the reverse, if they owe credit of $1 to 1 million they are skimming $1,000,000 from their customers. Anyone going to allow that? Pennies add up! On a smaller scale, 2000 customers owe $.50. That is $1000. Don't know about you, but I'd miss it!
  5. Honestly, it's a major struggle. In fact I'm going for testing on Friday because I haven't been tested since childhood. I'm hoping to find a medication that works for me. I know it will help me get the house, the schooling, everything together. It will be a much needed relief!
  6. I just read an article about this. NOTEWORTHY POINTS: *You can infect others 2 weeks after infection. *Hand sanitizer DOES NOT kill the virus, wash hands with soap for 30 seconds. *Bleach is needed to kill virus on surfaces. It has a long shelf life.
  7. I was fine until you dissed Downton Abbey. I can deal with the rest. ;-)
  8. I just had this same meltdown yesterday! Sick and tired of being sick and tired.
  9. I'm very surprised they would allow employees to push carts with children in them to the car. Sounds like a major liability. I'd never let anyone push my children. I'm so thankful worse did not happen to your child. With a person who is obviously oblivious to the dangers moving vehicles present, this situation couldn have ended much worse. It sounds like this person is a danger to herself and others in the parking lot. Hope the management takes appropriate action.
  10. When I had wood I wanted gas. Now that I have gas, I wish it was wood. I can't enjoy the gas because all I see are $$$ going up in smoke. Plus our old wood fire place put out more heat.
  11. Ruby Rose


    Just make sure your yeast proofs. I used some old yeast once and made bricks. Yours is probably fine since it is still sealed. So, who has a good pizza sauce recipe?
  12. I'm only on Season 1 episode 2! I have so much catching up to do!
  13. Go to http://www.searspartsdirect.com/partsdirect/index.action?psid=92778736&sid=PSx20071217x00001a&OVMTC=Exact&site=&creative=6039397464&OVKEY=sears%20parts&url_id=92778736&adpos=1t1&gclid=CLfwr6770LQCFQf0nAodKTEARQ or call Sears Part. Put in your model number and you can view a schematic of your oven and look up the price of each part. I think it is either the heating element or the thermostat. Your model number is probably located inside the oven or on the door, if your stove top lifts up, it may be under there. Yes, I used to work there a million years ago! :) Where to look for model # http://www.searspartsdirect.com/partsdirect/modelCategoryLanding.pd?selectedCategory=mc_range
  14. I am thinking about starting this next week. My kids are always with me so I was thinking we could do it together if I did a slow jog. My fitness level is low so I don't think they would have too much trouble keeping up. Plus they could always ride their scooters. Anyone ever done this kind of thing with young kids?
  15. We will start back Monday. A couple of days to recoup and get the house cleaned and organized then we will jump back in to a routine. I'd love to actually sleep for a few day. The holidays are exhausting!
  16. It also does numbers. You move the number blocks up, ex a 3 then a 4 together and it says 34. I had it read up to 90 billion. A+ app!
  17. I found this looking for something to work with AAS. We all know tiles are the worst and iPads are fun! I'm downloading this app now but it looks perfect for AAS or as a stand alone program. Color me EXCITED! :-) http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=rFV2Wv6LKFY
  18. Four men in my family have a name in common. One goes by this name and one uses a shortened version. It is the middle name of two. My DD is named after a deceased relative and my cousin considered it for their daughter. I would have been fine with them using it as a middle name, but I wouldn't have like them choosing the same first name. Luckily they didn't. Eta now that I think about it, 2 of my cousins have the same 1st name and are named after the same person. One goes by their 1st name, the other by their middle name. Looks like we are pretty big on carrying on family names. ;)
  19. In our state, regardless of compulsory age, once they have been enrolled in school they are treated as though they are of that age. We just found a covering school, enrolled in it, and sent withdrawal paperwork to the school board and local school.
  20. Ruby Rose


    Growing up Santa did not wrap. In our house Santa does wrap and usually brings all the gifts. This helps tremendously with begging to open presents early. This year their are 2 each under the tree because one is the same thing their cousins are getting so they will know it was me and the other they will also know is from me. Everything else is wrapped in Santa's special gift wrap. Red for dd and blue for DS. That way there is no need to write names on the package and the handwriting detectives won't catch on. :D
  21. I'm more worried about the crazies doing something, well, crazy.
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