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Mama Lynx

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Everything posted by Mama Lynx

  1. We've been following this plan, which uses Concepts and Connections: http://quarksandquirks.wordpress.com/biology-hs-level/ We are very happy with it, so far!
  2. Same here. My son has a Sept. birthday, and is 10 in the 4th grade.
  3. Do you mean that the whole 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person thing messes you up? That you find that confusing? Think of yourself as the center of the universe. First person is always you. In the singular, it is just you. In the plural, it is you and whoever you are with. "I" and "we." The second person is someone you are speaking to directly. If you are speaking to one person, then it's "you" singular. If you are speaking to more than one person, it's "you" plural. The third person is anyone else. Those people over there. He, she, it, they. It starts from yourself, and moves outward. For learning a conjugation, I find that nothing works quite like chanting and writing it out until you know it cold :) But I can't tell if you mean that your difficulty is with memorizing the conjugations, or with translating, understanding how they work in a sentence and which to use when.
  4. I consider us to be classical. We use many LCC recommendations. We use some WTM recommendations. We narrate CM-style. We do recitation. We often do art and music CM-style. We are fairly laid-back and flexible in our execution. But with all those variations, we are still classical.
  5. I use a different method than Elizabeth, but I use nonsense words/syllables/syllabification to re-teach reading as well, with excellent results. Right now I am tutoring a 6th grade boy who reads at a 4th grade level. His comprehension is excellent. He has many coping strategies. He often seems like he reads just fine. However, if I give him a nonsense syllable, he can't read it. So we work on phonics, with nonsense items, until they can manage those fluently. When that happens, real reading fluency and comprehension picks up dramatically, in my experience.
  6. My middle schooler (7th) doesn't really have a schedule. He works on his assignments when he wants to, pretty much. Once a week he has classes in Latin, Greek, science and humanities. He has assignments for those that must be completed by class time. He works on math for 30-60 minutes a day, and I have to pin him down and sit on him if I want him to do any writing or grammar :lol: (Humanities is covering his literature and history, this year - late middle ages through Renaissance.)
  7. For those who remember me, try not to fall over :) Here's mine: http://www.caerdroia.org/116
  8. From my (admittedly limited) experience in helping struggling readers, I think the above is an extremely important point. I agree with Abbey's entire post, though. Sure, my young readers read some graphic novels, and pure fluff. But they are never confused with good reading, even when the subject matter is similar.
  9. I have a friend who teaches FPU and who has seen the homeschool curriculum, and this is what he said to me:
  10. Instead of "Medieval History," I'd say "World History from 400-1650" or whatever dates you used.
  11. Now, I know this is very variable. But I'm curious - those of you who have done WTM-style anciencts, how long did you end up spending on the Iliad? Or the Odyssey?
  12. Just to be clear, I'm talking about the Campbell that is for high school. Not the college-level text. Those who have used this: how have you done it? Does anyone have a schedule, or know where I can find one?
  13. I work outside the house about 10 hours a week (some weeks less, some weeks more). I like my job, and the sense of accomplishment it gives me; but it is often frustrating to have even 10 hours a week taken away from homeschooling, and to have my focus split.
  14. Jean, I've been tested and am not celiac, either. But I do much, much, much better if I do not touch gluten. So I'm not celiac, but I pretend to be.
  15. :iagree: Exactly! So I "label" myself a fiscal, small-government conservative, but libertarian on social issues.
  16. {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}} I don't know. I'm trying to fix mine, too. What probiotics are you taking?
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