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Everything posted by MistyMountain

  1. I have a blend tech that I inherited that I just had to buy the carafe for. You can't go wrong with either one I think. I am happy with the blend tech. It hasn't made grainy smoothies for me but I do add water to them. I even used it for grinding grain which it does decently but not perfectly.
  2. My oldest britax convertible expired before she outgrew it. It was a bummer but I did get rid of it and get a booster to replace it since she was mature enough to sit still at that age.
  3. I pronounce them all differently and was very surprised to hear most other Americans don't. I knew they were wrong. ;)
  4. Me too. My oldest is reading really well for her age and can read any book she could possibly comprehend including chapter books unless it has small text and she gets dinged on these stupid worksheets because she mistakes a lamb for a sheep.
  5. My dd gets those worksheets and gets things wrong on them all the time for things like that. One was for the th sound and had a picture of a thimble. We don't have those in the house and I never mentioned one before. We don't even have those thimbalina stories.Or there will be a picture of a baby bear and she was thinking bear instead of cub.
  6. MistyMountain

    AAR Level 1

    My son is the same way. He loves doing the games. He doesn't love doing the fluency sheets and doesn't read any of the words except the, a and of by sight yet. He can read one word at a time really well but he struggles with sentences and seems to forget how to sound out a word without pauses when he doing a sentence or he loses focus. He has been in this stage for a long time but I am finally going to stick with AAR1 for now and let him keep trying hoping he will get it one day. I'm not sure what I will do once he finishes AAR1. I finally beginning to like it but it cost a lot of money and things are tight.
  7. In the area where I grew up it changed to 6th grade a few years before I started. In the area I live now middle school is usually 7 and 8th grade but there is one school where it starts in 6th grade. The charter the kids go to goes to 8th grade. 7th and 8th grade is in a different section of the school with lockers.
  8. My dd is at the same level so I will be watching this for ideas for quality stuff she might like. Most of what she reads is fluff. I do have some of the great illustrated classics and she can do those. She won't do books with small print and some of what I think might work like Ronald Dahl has smaller print.
  9. We have breakfast, lunch and dinner. I never call the evening meal supper and I definite do not call lunch dinner.
  10. There are more videos and they go into a little bit more detail on brain pop than brain pop jr.
  11. I get it free through my state but my kids especially my son really love it. If he is asking for it I bet he will get a lot of use out of it and enjoy it. I'm not sure if I would pay full price for it or not but I do really like it.
  12. My youngest gets excited when I pull the old clothes from my oldest out. I sometimes get hand me downs from friends for my oldest daughter and my son. They are happy to get new to them clothes that they like. Most of the clothes I buy for my kids come from thrift stores or consignment stores. It doesn't bother them that it isn't brand new. I am picky about the condition though so they are nice clothes.
  13. I used reading pathways with my oldest when she was reading well except for multi-syllable words. I just did the last section that covered multi-syllable words. It did the trick. Once we started that she started flying through the reading levels and she made rapid progress. I tried reading pathways with my son briefly at the beginning but he wasn't ready for it at the time. I am doing AAR with my son at the moment but I'm not sure if I can afford to continue so I might try a combo of PP and RP after we finish level 1.
  14. Wow that is really off. Just looking at it I knew it didn't seem right then I did the Scholastic Wizard and it rated it as a 4.9 and a F which does not make sense at all. I remember the first real book my dd really read was rated at an F and it was much much easier. I'm not sure how that book got a letter rating corresponding to 1st grade.
  15. My 7 year old 1st grader can finish one in a week no problem but I am not sure if she is motivated to read an American Girl book every week for weeks on end. She likes American girl books and can finish them pretty fast but she likes to read a few of something and then read something else.
  16. We are a family of 5. I don't do laundry every day but I am doing it more than 2 times a week. I do laundry when the hamper is full which translates into a full washing machine load. My kids generally get their clothes dirty especially my youngest so I usually have to put their stuff in the hamper after just one wearing. I don't sort clothes I just throw it all in together. I am good about doing the washing but I hate hanging up and putting away the clean clothes.
  17. Kindergarten was 8:15-10:45. 1-8th is 8:15-2:45 so the school day is 6.5 hours.
  18. No they are obviously just following your families genetic patterns since you and other family members are the same way. I have the same family history and two of my 3 are skinny and small. This is not a shock and it isn't occurring because of stress or lack of food. ;)
  19. Ds is 5 and learning how to read but he is going to take quite a while to learn. He used to sound out words with pauses so we went back to blending with two letters before we moved onto 3. He finally is sounding out words pretty well a lot of the time in isolation. If he doesn't get distracted he will rattle a word off fast. For some reason when he is reading words in sentences he is sounding out the words with pauses again. Has anyone had an issue similar to this? Will it work itself out eventually? I am using AAR right now and I like it for the most part.
  20. I'm doing a free trial of dream box and it is expiring soon. I am not sure whether or not I'll continue. My kids really like it but I can't control what they are learning and I am not sure if it will help their skills or not. Anyway dd and ds were enjoying it and completed a lot of things but right now most of what is left is flashcards where it flashes a number on the ten frame or abacus really fast and takes it away. They can't do the flashcards. What can I do about that or is there nothing you can do? I won't be buying it if that is the case because they aren't able to do them yet.
  21. Right now I am just doing math fact work, helping her learn the sayings that go with the phonograms and she reads books or gets read to for around an hour daily. I want to add in more math work and reading comprehension exercises. I will probably use WWE for that but only the dictation part not the copywork. Her school does an adequate job of teaching writing and spelling. She doesn't need to do spelling because she a decent speller for her age and she doing good in that area. For science I have lots of science books in the house and I have the Magic School Bus complete dvd collection and Peter Wetherall science videos. For history I have a lot of history books in the house and Liberty Kids for after we cover colonial times. This is for first grade but I imagine it will be similar next year too.
  22. They do that at dd's school. If a kid doesn't finish their classwork or turn in their homework they get study hall. I don't have a problem teaching the kids responsibility but I do not like them doing it by taking away physical activity from the kids who probably need it the most. If a kid is having trouble finishing classwork taking away physical activity will only make the problem worse not better.
  23. There were two siblings who had albinism that went to the school I went to growing up and they had pinkish eyes and white white hair and their skin tone was even whiter then M and siblings. It isn't just a literary invention. I have looked it up and now know there is a wider variety of how it can affect any individual and there are a few gene mutations that cause it. I am more informed now that I looked it up. I only knew those two people with albinism and I mistakenly thought that the eyes were characteristic of it.
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