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Everything posted by MistyMountain

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. That must be so hard. :(
  2. Peter Weatherall's math and science dvds, Mathtacular and School House Rock.
  3. I spotted and even had a brief episode of red bleeding in my first pregnancy and it turned out okay. It was really worried too when it was happening. I hope everything is okay for you.
  4. Phonics worksheets drive me crazy especially when you have kids who can read well and that is an awful lot of worksheets for one week during their Christmas celebrations.
  5. That one had me cringing too. I'm an atheist and I knew that!
  6. I wouldn't really expect a 27 year old adult to be super bubbly, energetic and fun especially on a first visit while you are around. To me the most important thing is someone who is reliable and responsible and who will follow my wishes. It would be nice to have someone full of energy but it isn't a requirement and I really would only expect to find someone who is playing with the kids and bubbly in a teenage babysitter who hasn't had kids yet and even then there are different personalities.
  7. I haven't had the book read to me or seen the movie since I was really small so I wouldn't get the reference. I wasn't really into Alice in Wonderland and it doesn't even stick out to me when I saw or read it like a lot of other movies or books. I plan on reading with my kids if they want to. I have it in the house but the haven't picked it yet.
  8. I did read the original and there were several quotes beside that one that is pretty bad. This is one case where the original doesn't make him look better.
  9. I can handle that. That is what I figured but I was wondering if they were going to spend weeks talking about human sexuality. The paper we got sort of made it seem like that. I didn't think they would talk to a bunch of 5-7 years olds about sexuality for weeks but you never know. ;) It just wasn't clear what they were going to be covering. Plus they way this church handled something without informing parents also gave me pause. It is too late now but maybe my younger ones can take it in 1st. I will do it in 4th as long as I can trust our church then.
  10. I was wondering about this. I know they had the info session but I had to sign up before going to the info session. From the registration we got from my church I was a little leery on what they were going to teach because they called it a comprehension curriculum on human sexuality. I doubt they would spend the whole time talking about sex but I really wanted information on how that topic is going to be covered. I am okay with the basics being taught and I am guessing that is all they would do and it would be age appropriate but I really wanted more details. I haven't even gone over the birds and the bees yet. I didn't end up signing up and it is too late now but I am wondering if I will regret that since they don't have another until 4-6th grade.
  11. I don't post on either on Facebook. I try to keep Facebook mostly free of politics. I don't post on stuff like Syria because I know there are people out there who who post things that would really really get me down if I did and I know people would not like me if I turned it into my views on politics. I know I am not going to change anyone views so I rather avoid politics altogether on Facebook. I spend way more time outraged about world wide problems then I do about DD. There are definitely people out there who do not think about global issues but spend lots of time on pop culture.
  12. Our semester ended on the last day of school before the break. School starts here on the 21st of August except for kindergarten and 1st which starts on the 28th. We don't get grades until after the break is over though.
  13. It was a school evaluation. I am guessing he would qualify for private therapy. My insurance does not cover those type of services though and even if they did it is a high deductible plan and we are no where near meeting the deductible. A referral wouldn't change that. We just can't afford private OT. I thought about going in for an assessment and then going in every once in a while for tips and for them to see how he is doing.
  14. She doesn't have any homework this year but she got homework over Christmas break last year in kindergarten. Her homework as a whole has been easier this year. Go figure. Those type of assignments that your girls got is really annoying to me.
  15. My 7 year old first grader is similar. I carve reading time into our day at bedtime and always read if they ask to be read to. She doesn't grab books on her own and start reading but she enjoys reading time and picks things to read on her own then. She can pick if she wants to read to an adult, read on her own or get read to.
  16. SO would the HWT preschool book be the best? I used it with my oldest but I didn't use all the bells and whistles with her. I did a little with the chalkboard but I mostly used the kindergarten workbook and explained the formation like they described. Is the preschool version more hands on? Does it give some tips or does it have an activity for everyday that isn't writing letters on paper?
  17. I just avoid books where kids behave bratty and treat other people bad. My girls pick out total fluff or twaddle at times. I balance it out with books I get from advice from here, classics, best book lists and award winners but I still let my kids pick what they want to read. I don't seek out bad books but sometimes my kids pick out cheesy books on Rainbow Fairies or Magic Kitties or Fancy Nancy and Pinkalicious. I am not crazy about these books myself but since Fancy Nancy doesn't make fun of people, hurt people or call people smelly I let them read it. The books are not well written but hey I spend time reading fluff at times too and read lots and lots of fluff as a kid like goosebumps or the babysitters club and VC Andrews. ;)
  18. The OT took a look at him and she did say that I have reason to worry about it. She thinks it could possibly be sensory related because kids with sensory issues will use his hands less and could be less aware of their bodies position in space. She said that he still uses a fist grip and he switches off his hands. She said that he doesn't even use his arm for stability which develops before the grip. Unfortunately she can't work with him because OT is only for kids with a medical diagnosis or who had bad academic delays which he doesn't. She said he isn't ready to write letters yet and gave me a few ideas of things to work on. She said when he does start letter to let him write them big. I really wish I could get him OT but oh well. I really like having something laid out for me what to do everyday so figuring out what to do with him will be hard for me.
  19. I got a registration form for the OWL class for my 1st grader. What kind of things do they teach in 1st grade OWL? Do they get into the mechanics or is mostly about keeping safe like bad touch good touch?
  20. I wouldn't worry yet. Not all 3 year olds are interested in letters. My 3 year old hasn't learned the letter sounds yet and I have done the magic videos that taught my other 2. (Leap frog and Preschool Prep) There is plenty of time to learn them still. You can try the video route but as evidenced by my 3 year old not all 3 year olds really care to learn them. My 3 year old has no signs of a cognitive issue and is very verbal. My oldest didn't know them until after 4 and she is a strong reader now.
  21. I think she has sensory issues but not motor issues. I am not sure about processing speed but she does have symptoms that are like inactive add.
  22. You hit all my favorites. I did just get my kids the Where in the World is Carmen San Diego DVD. My kids also really like The Science of Disney Imagineering but the price of those is hard to swallow for a short video that cost the same or more than whole series. Oh and I almost forgot I like the Peter Wheatherall science and math DVDs.
  23. From hearing what my friends who have kids in public school and volunteer in their classes say the public schools kids may be writing a lot but it is quantity over quality. They may be writing a lot but it isn't good writing at all and the spelling and writing is pretty poor.
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