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Everything posted by Lecka

  1. My husband gets it on occasion. He also gets tinned sardines and things like that, on occasion. I didn’t grow up eating things like this, though, and I haven’t done more than try them. My husband will try all the tinned seafood at the store, and there are some he likes to keep around for a snack. Edit: I do eat canned tuna and salmon, here they come in tin cans, and I call them “canned seafood.” Tinned seafood to me comes in a rectangle shape and has a top that peels off. He also likes mustard sauce the best a lot of the time, for tinned seafood. He eats it plain or on toast, and likes it, so he does like it on pizza!
  2. Wow, I’m so sorry. That is horrible.
  3. I have asked about this (driving)…. Here if someone is receiving driving lessons through Vocational Rehab, they get blocks of lessons approved until/unless the driving instructor makes that determination. But I think I was told my son would be approved for blocks of 20 hours of lessons at a time. I’m going to a transition fair at the end of this month and a Vocational Rehab representative will be there. In the past they have said they often get kids to drive whose parents didn’t think they would ever drive. The person I talked to basically was saying, in his opinion, it’s rare someone can’t drive, but lots of parents are doubtful. Driving school here includes 6 hours of lessons, so they are giving a lot more hours. I got an impression (the person I talked to would approve hours by talking to the driving instructors) that many kids learned with the first block of lessons, or else it would be 3 or 4 blocks of lessons. And then some would be longer.
  4. I’m glad there’s an overall better prognosis! Someone from my church just had something kind-of missed/overlooked, and now it’s getting treated…. It’s a heavier treatment, but the prognosis is good! I hope this is just the right thing for this young man!!!!!!!!
  5. My husband has had people be rude to him before about the fact I don’t work outside the home…. Typically they are $20,000 in credit card debt and bitter that my husband isn’t $20,000 in credit card debt. There was a lot different bar for “rude things you can say to people at work” in a lot of places he worked while he was in the Army. Then he knows people who have gotten fired from civilian jobs for talking in the same way at a civilian job….. but that’s just his little area he was in, he was in a more rude area probably. But definitely an area where people would be seeking therapy for PTSD!!!!!! Like, there are definitely guys happy to complain about their ex-wife spending all their money…. But there are also guys who would not respond well to these comments! But my husband has also had mental health professionals he has seen randomly start talking about politics out of nowhere, he has just changed over that. This was an issue with his support group that didn’t have a group leader who would actually not let people start talking about politics. It was actually a big issue for my husband. He needed a support group with a leader who wouldn’t allow people to hijack meetings to complain about politics. And there were people who would be inappropriate about it, in my opinion.
  6. For what is going on — my guess is she has got her own issues and is projecting them onto you. I think my husband would have shut down her comments, but he has had people say stuff along these lines before. It makes me think your husband is not used to people being rude this way. Well — there are people who act this way and like to bait people or whatever, they seem to be mostly bitter people.
  7. I am going to say, I don’t mind having dead lights and adding a string of lights. That’s totally fine with me. We have only replaced a tree because it was really old and not in usable shape anymore, I have not replaced over burned out lights. I just don’t notice the burned out lights. Or, I haven’t noticed on our previous artificial tree. It came with only white lights so I added some colored lights anyway. Now we have one with led lights, and I don’t notice them when the lights are not turned on. I think I would be fine with it.
  8. This sounds like a job my mom took. It got a lot better in the second and third year! Then it got even better as time went on. But the first year was hard, she was not left with something workable by the previous person. BUT everyone knew this was the situation — that she was coming in to clean up a big mess. I think a lot of people do understand that is what is going on! Not everybody gets it, but a lot of people do. I think — don’t be too hard on yourself.
  9. I don’t know what your insurance situation is, and I think it’s worth it to keep trying at various places, but it might be worth looking for referrals for something that would cost money. It might be short-term to be weekly and then be every two weeks or something, or just not a long-term thing necessarily. It might ultimately not cost that much. My husband’s former therapist has moved to private practice now. Edit: you can search on Psychology Today also.
  10. https://www.vetcenter.va.gov Just a website for vet centers. There are some things where they just work for some people and not others. It’s one of those things, there could be a bad counselor here, too, for sure. But it could be an option. I
  11. I’m 50/50 on whether I think you should file a complaint. I think it’s worth considering. It sounds so unprofessional, I think it’s to that point, maybe. But if your husband doesn’t want to I would not worry about that.
  12. I’m going to add, usually they are overjoyed somebody has got a support system!!!!!!!!! You are a big part of his support system!!!!!!!
  13. Maybe he can try a support group. There are different kinds of support groups, here the VA has them and so does the Vet Center. There are multiple VAs within driving distance here, too. Some of the support groups have a facilitator but are pretty open. Some are therapeutic support groups that are run by a counselor who is more directive and is coordinating with individual counseling, my husband went to one like that through the Vet Center that was the best for him.
  14. It just depends, but my husband was much better off with the counselor at the Vet Center, but even there he did not stay with the first counselor he was assigned to. He ended up with someone really good. But it was kind-of the counselor’s choice to refer him to another person. A previous person told him that it’s common for people in the military to think they are supposed to be treated badly and not speak up. His point was to say — if you don’t have a counselor that is working out, you need to request a different counselor.
  15. That is bizarre. That is not normal. Maybe try a vet center.
  16. There are some recreational shoppers in my close (but not my immediate) family. One buys things on sale or from the thrift store, with an intention of re-selling them online. She does resell things, she’s always got some things listed on Poshmark and a similar site. But it comes across like she’s buying more things than she actually re-sells. I am sure she is skewing the average for my entire extended family! The other shoppers are not being given spending money by their parents. They are not 100% financially independent, but they are working and seem to prioritize clothes and shoes for their disposable income. One in particular has been — identified as having a spending problem, and her parents provide less for her. She has got two jobs now. I have no idea if credit cards are involved. I like to think she is a savvy shopper. She also works at a boutique now where she gets an employee discount. For years my aunt got a job at a store like TJ Max or Marshalls, around Christmas, and would stack her employee discount with holiday sales, and she would know all about the sales. She would buy tons of clothes this way. I don’t “know” that I know anyone buying fast fashion from the Internet. But overall the averages ring true to me, because I do know people who are driving up the averages enough for them to just make sense to me.
  17. They didn’t do the whole family, but my mom and my aunt had matching clothes for the two of them and their dolls! My grandmother made matching outfits for their dolls. They loved it! Edit: my mom did “mommy and me” matching outfits with her and my two older sisters, but it had lost steam before I was born. I had matching (coordinating/some of the same fabric) outfits with my same-age male cousin, which we both loved when we were little.
  18. Maybe this is off-topic, but my great-aunt died of cancer when I was a child, and everyone thought it was because they used ddt on their farm on their cows, and she was the one who applied the ddt. I don’t know if that was official. I have heard a lot about glyphosate being bad for monarch butterflies, but I hadn’t heard about these health effects, that is scary.
  19. Three a day, minimum. I quit drinking some stronger black teas because I did realize I was adding too much sugar. Now I (as a rule) do not add sugar at home. I like lots of sugar, and I have it when I’m out, but that’s not very often. I like green tea (of various kinds) and some herbal teas without sugar. I do also drink diet sodas. Edit: I don’t like coffee
  20. Wow, beautiful!!!!!! I have a funny bison story…. I drove someone to a rural DMV to try to get in line early, and we happened to see a herd of probably 20 bison right as the sun was rising — it was a great moment of serendipity! Your picture is wonderful and reminded me of that happy memory.
  21. We went to marriage counseling and had advice to make a point of spending time together without just talking about the kids and family stuff. It helped a lot with our own relationship as a couple.
  22. Wow, I’m sorry it’s working out this way. It sounds like your husband’s heart was really in the right place!
  23. I don’t know if the dad has any preferences. It can be hard to know sometimes, I think parents can not want to get into the middle of things sometimes, they can’t win, lol. At this point if it ends up that some siblings make plans to go to Boston, the dad is free to go to Boston, too. If the plan is already out there and people are making serious plans — that is the situation. If people are just talking and not making serious plans or arrangements, then that is the situation.
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