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Krista in LA

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Everything posted by Krista in LA

  1. My dd goes to public high school and they pretty much have all of the college bound sophomores take both tests their sophomore year. I don't see how it would be too much at all, especially as they would just be practice tests. Go for it.
  2. I always have problems with jeans being too tight in the thigh, and I found that the Eddie Bauer jeans fit me pretty well. Maybe you could try them.
  3. Hmm, so if I get a good physics book for her, she may as well attempt the AP exam?
  4. Gotcha. I didn't know how many problems were in the book since they have the workbooks. She is a math queen and I've had lots of physics from my EE years, so I don't doubt that we can handle it, just didn't know how the book worked having never seen it. Thanks for clarifying it - I'll definitely be looking into this one.
  5. Right now she is in public school and taking a year long pre-calc/AP Calc AB class so I'm not sure how far into the calc she'll be by Christmas time when I would want to start the physics with her. But, if the SAT II is just algebra based, is there even a reason I would want to do a calc based physics? With College Physics, do you just read the book and do the workbooks with it that I see on Amazon? And then that would prepare her well for the SAT II? Saxon Physic and Kinetic Books have also been suggested to me, do you know if they would be good prep for the SAT II? Thanks so much!
  6. Suggestions for physics? I'm looking for something that she can do mostly on her own but is thorough enough that she can do well on the physics SAT II. She will be taking calculus simultaneously and loves math, so it doesn't have to be an algebra based one. Any physics that does a great job at preparing them for SAT II?
  7. Thanks for the suggestions - I'm checking them out now.
  8. It really depends so much on the illness, whether they are being treated, and how old your kids are. I have a mentally ill sister who we hopefully will never see again because she has deliberately done things that have put me and my family in danger. I have a brother who is schizophrenic but medicated. He calls each of us for our birthdays and we try to visit him when we are in his area which is very seldom since it's several states away. The kids know he is ill, we talk about it, and we accept him for who he is. I believe my mother has an undiagnosed mental illness, perhaps BPD, besides her hoarding illness. She's harmless though and we will see her if she comes to our house, but we obviously can't go to her house.
  9. I need to find something to use for dd for 12th grade English, preferably including some British Lit. I'm hoping to find something that she can do mostly on her own without much planning on my part and complete it over the summer. An on-line, computer based, and/or correspondence course would all be fine as long as they aren't too expensive. Any suggestions?
  10. I'm not sure if I have a question yet, or if I just need to get out some frustrations! :rant: My dd was homeschooled through 8th grade and then decided to go to public high school where she is a junior this year. She is planning on being an exchange student for her senior year. I spoke to the counselor this morning trying to figure out what she needs to do to graduate on time as she will definitely not want to come back from living in Spain for a year and have to do one more semester of high school. I was told that there is no way she can graduate without doing one more semester of high school here. She has enough credits to graduate after this year, but they require English 4 plus a senior project. I asked about taking English at our local college and she told me that they would give her credit for it but because it isn't the same as their high school English 4, it would not count for that requirement?! I didn't realize that our school was so good that their English was better than the college's. I also asked about doing the senior project ahead of time or even while she's gone. There is a presentation part to it which I think could easily be done via Skype, but no, they wouldn't agree to that either. So, I have a couple options at this point - pull her out of school at the end of the year, give her credit for the classes she takes in Spain, perhaps do English 4 and physics over this next summer, and give her a homeschool diploma, or take it up with the school board and see what, if anything, we can workout. It just really irritates me that they seem so unwilling to work with someone who is an A student in honors and ap classes and is looking to learn more than the school could possibly offer by being an exchange student. A part of me wants to fight with them to point out their stupidity and get the diploma she has been working for! The other part says it's really not that big of a deal, colleges won't care, just finish up with homeschooling. I guess I'm just glad I know there are other options than what they offered because when I asked the counselor how it was going to look when they had an honors student drop out of high school, she told me that it would say that she transferred out to homeschool. I told her that I did not want that put for the reason for withdrawal at which point she informed me that I did, because I don't want her transcript to say dropout on it. I think I do. She's going to drop out of high school so she can go live in Spain. Sounds like a perfectly sound idea to me. :rant: So I guess maybe I have a couple of questions, but I'll probably have to talk to the colleges for answers. If she went to high school for 3 years here and one in Spain while only doing at most 2 homeschool classes, how will the colleges view that with regards to apps? Do you think she'll have to jump through the homeschool hoops when she'll have recommendations and grades from public school for most of her high school career? Is there any reason at this point that it would matter whether she had a ps or hs diploma when she will obviously address the issue with her exchange when applying to colleges? Is there anything I'm missing? Anybody have any ideas?
  11. There are too many variables to make a blanket statement about it. We all know that you can homeschool for very little or spend thousands. I have one that goes to public school and one that homeschools. The past two years, I would definitely say it was cheaper to send my dd to high school - I had to buy school uniforms, a few supplies, and a backpack for my dd which probably came out to $200-$250 each year, plus fees for the clubs and flagline uniform. If she had continued to be homeschooled, I would have spent more than that for high school level curriculum and she would have continued with piano and ballet which would have cost at least $200/month. If my ds went to school the past two years, it would have cost more to send him to school than homeschool, but only because I have so much of the curriculum that I used with dd so I only had to fill in with some workbooks and lab supplies. This year however, dd didn't need as many school uniforms so I spent less on her, but ds is taking 2 on-line classes that are costing $1100 total. I'm definitely spending more on homeschooling this year than public school!
  12. :iagree: Or the ped who told me that green poop was normal and to give a bottle of water to my 2mo between feedings because he was nursing so often. It really was a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance and he just needed to nurse on one side at a time for a while.
  13. Ours sometimes doesn't even knock - just drops it and runs. I do have to make sure I don't leave the garage door open though because he's been known to leave it in there and we don't find it for days with all of the junk we have in there!
  14. My dh and ds both went through ordeal this spring. It is a service organization - that is their primary purpose. They do learn/use Indian folklore a lot in their ceremonies and even have dance teams. But, there is no cult aspect of any of it or dh would be running the other direction!
  15. :iagree: It might have been more interesting to see what was normal for each country rather than what was obviously some extremes. Or show both extremes within a country. Very interesting though.
  16. My dh would, without a doubt. I would never ask him to though, because I would never be able to get that vision out of my head.
  17. I would have been very disappointed if that happened to us - I love opening presents! What we did is invite our parents and closer relatives over the next morning and opened the gifts then. Obviously that wouldn't work if you were leaving immediately for a honeymoon, but we weren't leaving for a few days so it was fun to get together and do that the day after the wedding when we were all relaxed.
  18. When I was in school, I was sent to the school library on a regular basis as the teacher couldn't keep up with me. I think I read nearly every book they had. :lol: I don't think that we went to the actual library that often, but the bookmobile came by regularly - it was better than the ice cream man!
  19. I said yes because you said under the age of 18. I never did when they were young, but as they reached their teens I have.
  20. Or if you are lazy like me, you pour a bottle of bbq sauce on it in the crockpot, cook all day, then shred.
  21. Ok, since you all seem to know something about this, I'll add in my scenario. I had an endoscopy a couple of years ago. He found an ulcer, inflammation, and flattened villi. He ran a blood test then which came back negative for celiac. I don't have any specific symptoms of celiac, but have suffered with stomach issues on and off as an adult, usually correlating to stressful times in my life. It has been suggested to me that if I have flattened villi, I have celiac regardless of the blood test and lack of symptoms. I am thinking about trying gluten free to see how I feel, but haven't yet. Any thoughts about the flattened villi?
  22. For dd, it was $5k about 3 years ago minus a 5% cash discount. Ds just got his on and it was about $5600 - no cash discount because they already figured in multi-kid discount. Our insurance paid $2k of dd's and slightly less on ds because he had already had a spacer through the ortho.
  23. A new battery for my laptop and some books for ds's on-line Lit class.
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