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Colleen in NS

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Status Updates posted by Colleen in NS

  1. Hey, I just want to say that I've really appreciated your posts over the past few months. Esp. the ones about science study, math, and university experience.

  2. Hey, I think you did a great job trying to keep the Holocaust thread on the original poster's topic.

  3. Hey, it's my new friend!!!!!!!!! I wish I'd had someone take a picture of us at the airports and on the airplane, so we could post it here. Did you read the conference thread I started??? Please, go post your thoughts!!!! I had a lot of fun chatting with you all day on Sunday. And thanks again for the Mrs. Field's peanut butter thingy! :)

  4. Hi Dayle! I just saw Beth's thread about the hurricane, so you can go read how we fared. :) Hope you guys are doing well these days!

  5. Hi Dyan! Remember our R&S Recordkeeping course conversation/thread from a year ago? Well, I saved it all this time, and reviewed it again just now. I just wanted to say thanks again for helping me - you answered every single question in an understandable manner. And I had questions in my mind today, that I realized were answered by you in that thread! I am going to buy this course, thanks to your help. I don't know when I'll have each kid go through it, but I will. And it will always be here on my shelf, in case their skills start fading away (as you warned), so they can review, too. Thank you!!!!

  6. Hi Jane! With legumes, mostly I just cook a bunch of them in my 6 qt. crockpot, then freeze them in 3 cup containers (enough for a meal for my family). When they are frozen, I pop the blocks out and store them in ziploc (well, Superstore no name brand) bags in the freezer. Then I just take a block out for a meal. I put them in chili, in homemade tortillas, I flavour them with whatever and serve them on rice or noodles or with bread, with veggies. Flavourings: bacon bits, bits of cooked sausage or cooked hamburger, garlic, cooked onion, pepper flakes, cumin, anything that I sniff and decide would smell good in beans! Homemade BBQ sauce (mustard, ketchup, garlic, soya sauce). I make soup out of them, just adding water and whatever veggies I have on hand, then freeze the soup, too. I don't really have recipes anymore, I just think in terms of a protein serving, a grain serving, and two veggie servings for each person. Hope you are doing well!

  7. Hi Janice, So I reserved a few chemistry books from the library, and one came last week. It's called the Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments. I started reading it, and LOVED the first few chapters - so explanatory, and so eye-opening - "Oooooohhhhh, so THIS is what chemistry is supposed to be all about - how INTERESTING!" And I love how the author tells you where to get equipment, how to sub in more available chemicals, how to properly keep a lab notebook, etc.. I had no idea chemistry could be so interesting. Then I said to myself, "cha-ching! I wonder if this is the book Janice talked about a couple of years ago!" A quick search, and voila - there it was, Janice's ravings. WOW! It's a great book!! I see why you like it!

  8. Hi Julie, I read your CaringBridge site, and I just wanted to say I am thinking of and praying for you and your family today! Colleen

  9. Hi Lisa, you came to mind today, and I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and said a prayer for you.

  10. Hi Nan, Just popped over to say hello. I'm sorry I haven't communicated in awhile, esp. after meeting a few months ago! I do think about you, though. We've had a stressful two months, but are hopefully at the END for awhile. I will hopefully e-mail you sometime to catch you up on all our news. xoxo

  11. Hi Rhonda! I see you logged in recently. Just wondering how things have been going for you!

  12. Hi, I just replied to your thread about wheat berries.

  13. Hi, just wanted to say I am glad to see that you are posting here again. I used to enjoy your posts years ago, and didn't you used to post on the old boards, too? I also remember your family story from a few years ago. Am reading your blog right now - I used to work with YWAM, so stories about missions interest me. Take care!

  14. Hi! I just noticed one of your posts, and that you've been married since a year before I was born!!!! And you have a child a year younger than me and you are homeschooling kids that are my kids' ages! How cool! Hope we hear more from you on the boards!

  15. HI!!!!! I found you!

  16. Hugs to Kalanamak and family.

  17. I "see" you online.....hang in there, the baby WILL come! :) When you give up canning, sewing, and crocheting, take up a new hobby - how about knitting, or bead weaving, or macrame, or drawing.....or dream up some new casseroles to put away in the freezer. Thinking of you! :)

  18. I don't want to add anything more to that thread, but those tags ARE hilarious! I was sitting here howling, and telling dh about the whole thing and then reading the tags to him!! She does rock.

  19. I just have to say, that I have read many of your posts here over the past year (maybe more at the old board? I can't remember), and I am always so impressed at the job you seem to be doing with homeschooling your kids!!! You don't ever seem to be panicking about anything - you seem so confident and calm or something. Anyway, just wanted you to know that someone noticed, and you are encouraging to me!


    Hope your arm is feeling better, too.

  20. I just read a math post of yours from this morning, and I just want to say that I always appreciate when I see your occasional posts here. You are sooooooo helpful!

  21. I just typed a long reponse to you on my Latin thread - please read! You were so helpful!

  22. I left a "thank you" message here in Sept., but am now editing, because I think I can creatively leave official positive feedback for you now. :D Off to try...

  23. I wanted to "submit feedback" for you, but apparently I have to also link a deal thread, and can't do so. Anyway, I'll put this out here in public for people to see: Joan is a very detailed seller - she made sure I understood what I was buying and when, and she sent the book out in a timely manner. She communicated with me every step of the way of our transaction. I'd leave "positive feedback" if I could! :D

  24. I'll be interested to hear if she meets Dr. Harbinson and how she likes his teaching. He used to teach dance in YWAM, and he also taught about the arts from a Biblical worldview. I still have that teaching on tape and I loved it! He is very passionate about it. He has a huge heart for young artists. And a very funny British sense of humour. He wrote a musical drama a long time ago, called Toymaker and Son (google it), and then trained hundreds of mission teams to perform it around the world in several languages (the narrator on the tape). He trained others to train teams, too. I performed on two of those teams for several months at a time - it was soooooooo much fun, and a powerful message in its time. Dh and I adore the guy! :)

  25. I'm glad to see you posting again!! You've got a lot of really helpful insight and experience to share.

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