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Everything posted by whiskeywife

  1. The wii has parental controls and you can turn off the internet option. Op, no we don't have tv's in the bedrooms. We only have 2 tv's, one in the living room and one in the den for the kids game system.
  2. I used to do cross stitching as a child. It's really easy and she can make some really cute things.
  3. I read it through but, honestly I didn't get it. All I got was that he wanted to get her drunk and she realized she was making a mistake. I didn't get the waking up in bed with the guy part. Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I dont' know that younger kids would get it. I suppose if that was the case then what's the point of reading it to them though.
  4. I don't make them eat anything they don't like. I do encourage them to at least try something once. When I was a kid, my parents made me sit at the table until I would finish the food in my plate. It was usually meat that I didn't like. To this day I am a vegetarian. I've never liked meat. After my childhood experience I vowed to never do that to my kids.
  5. No for us. I'm really strict about what they watch on tv and this is one of the movies on the "no" list for us.
  6. DS is getting a dog for christmas. We're just going to give him a bunch of books on dogs and training dogs for him to open on chrismtas day. I want him to pick out the dog he wants so we're going to take him to the shelter after christmas.
  7. I wear my wedding band and engagement ring on my left hand, and I wear a diamond and sapphire ring on my ring finger of my right hand.
  8. Yikes glue traps?!? Please don't get those. That's a horrible way for the poor mice to go. I'd get a live trap. You bait it with some food, the mouse goes in and is trapped. It's like a small box with a see-thru lid so you can see if there's a mouse in there. Take the box outside, far from your house, and let it go. No killing or hurting of the poor mouse.
  9. My DH has a degree in english. He worked for four years as a correctional officer and he is now a medic in the army. So, no he does not use his degree. I have a degree in education so I guess I partially use my degree.
  10. My oldest DS goes to the public school. He is taking a public safety class. For the first two weeks of the school year he didn't even have a teacher for that class. Now that he has a teacher, they watch CSI or other "related" movies three days a week. The other two days the students read a paragraph they are supposed to write about a crime from the daily paper.:confused: Oh, and BTW, DS is failing that class because he doesn't like reading in front of the class.
  11. Both my kids are allowed one hour of tv each day during the week. No video games during the week. On mon, wed and fri DS is allowed one hour of computer time. Usually during that time he plays computer games. On the weekends they are allowed video games between the hours of 9-5. If I didn't set certain hours, DS would be up at 4 in the morning just to play longer. I used to have weekend video games set to one hour but I am trying to get them to self regulate. DS 17 will get bored and do something else, but DS 13 will not. I usually have to tell him he's played enough and he needs to start wrapping it up and get off. DS 13 would play all day, every day if I let him.
  12. I would get the 8. IMO an 8GB is enough size to play games and whatever. My DS has a 16 and a TON of songs/pics and he has only used about half of that. I don't know how old your son is, but remember that he can get internet on the ipod touch so if he is young, you can download parental controls for him to access the internet with.
  13. I hated school. I had a hard time paying attention and was always daydreaming. As an adult with two kids with ADHD, I now know that I would have most certainly been diagnosed with ADHD as well if it were as well known back in the 80's when I was in school. It really took a toll on my self esteem. I remember teachers asking questions and all the other kids would raise their hands to answer, meanwhile I was sitting there and I didn't even know what the question was. I always felt dumb because of that. After a couple years out of high school, I went to college. I had a much easier time paying attention and I did very well.
  14. I would love to live anywhere in europe, especially Paris. DH and I went there for our honeymoon and we loved it. It was exactly what you think it looks like. I've also been to greece, italy, croatia, england and scotland but paris is by far my favorite. I definately recommend traveling before you settle down with a family.
  15. Sometimes google is NOT our friend. Don't get worked up about what you've read online. It honestly could be any number of things. Going to the doctor is the best thing. If they can't get you an appointment this week, I'd ask what they'd suggest you do to make yourself more comfortable until you can be seen. Good luck!
  16. I just have to put my .02 in here. I noticed most of the posts here mention not leaving your young child alone with older MEN. There are women pedophiles too, don't kid yoursleves. It kind of irks me when people assume that a man who talks to a child or works with children must be a pedophile or there is something "wrong" with him.
  17. That's what I thought too, but he likes books with a lot of action and battles and he says it's boring. I haven't yet chosen an alternative but he has already taken a handful of similar books (jekyl & hyde, invisible man, etc) off his shelf and he is proposing to read one of those instead. However, he has already read those so I see no reason to read them again.
  18. I assigned it because I told him to choose some "classics" that he was interested in reading and frankenstein was one that he chose. He rarely argues about reading something. He read watered-down versions of a lot of classics when he was younger so I want him to read the actual version now that he is older. He loves to read so I know it's not the end of the world if he doesn't finish this one, but I don't want this to become a habit, kwim?
  19. DS has read through chapter 4 of frankenstein and he hates it. He said today he wants to quit it and read something else. He typically reads sci-fi/fantasy books with lots of battles and action so I know frankenstein isn't really his cup of tea, but he had said he wanted to read it. Should I let him quit it or should I make him finish it. He loves to read so I'd hate to "punish" him by making him finish it but I don't want to look like a pushover either by giving in when something gets hard.
  20. I don't have a problem with porn itself, but to allow someone to view it in a public setting where children may stumble across it, I do have a problem with that. Thankfully I've never come across that situation and never really thought about it. I'll be making sure to wash my hands extra long next time I use a library computer though. I would wonder why someone would go to the library for that purpose. But I guess since everyone seems to have computers nowadays, I would imagine the majority of people who are there for that purpose are probably married men whose wives frown upon porn.
  21. We just started a weekly schedule last week. I write down all of his assignments for the week and he checks them off as he goes. Right now he seems to like it because he can spend more time on one subject and finish projects quicker instead of them being split up every day. He has a certain amount of time he needs to do schoolwork each day, but last week he spent extra time finishing up things so he would have a short day on friday. I don't have a problem with that as long as he isn't being careless with the work just to get it done early.
  22. This year, DH is deployed and I have no other family members close by. Only oldest DS would eat turkey anyway so I will probably order chinese take out for the kids and I.:D
  23. DS is taking teaching textbooks Algebra 1 right now. He's doing well with it so I think we will stay with TT. What is the best sequence to use with TT? Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry or Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2
  24. I'm not really sure what exactly I'm looking for. That's why I'm looking for suggestions:D. I would like something he can kind of do on his own. He is taking teaching textbooks algebra and I like how it is all done without me. Math is not my thing at all so this works out well. I would like something self-paced that he can do with little help from me. Other than that, I'm not really sure what is out there. As I stated in my earlier post, a lot of what I'm finding is religious based and that is not what I want. Thanks
  25. I'm looking for suggestions for high school science and social studies curriculum programs. I've done searches but I'm finding a lot of programs that are more christian centered. I am an athiest so we are looking for a fact based program not religious based. We need some biology, chemsitry and any other hs science suggestions. Also us history, government, european history and any other hs social studies suggestions. Any ideas? TIA:)
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