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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I will take your physical books. I prefer a shoddy physical book to an e-reader. The only advantage the e-reader has is its weight.
  2. Overall I like my current kitchens layout. Workable triangle, ok counter space, plenty of outlets, under cabinet lighting, cabinets that go up to the ceiling (who wants to dust up there), plenty if windows. What I wish it had: Double wall oven. Oh how I miss my mother's ovens. More counter space and/or room for an Island. Walk in pantry with plenty of room for appliances/dry goods/oils and vinegars/potato bin/onion bin/wine cooler
  3. Around here there are 2 types of doctors. The ones who accept insurance and apply band-aids (i.e. I don't know what is wrong with you but here is a scrip for pain pills) to serious health issues without taking time to be a diagnostician and the ones who do not accept any insurance but take the time to spend with you and do a complete medical history to find out what is wrong with you and find a cure. I am very sorry you may be losing your doc.
  4. You and my dh. i don't like yogurt at all-plain or with fruit.
  5. There is a German butcher by me where I can get Kinder eggs.
  6. Actually, they do this in DC. Where I live I get a discount for bringing my own bags.
  7. I remember the bread bags. I had not thought about that in decades.
  8. Little People were ruined when someone decided to add hands. There I said it. In theory I agree with the mixing up the toys but every time my kids would take a new box of crayons and dump them I would die a little on the inside. I never messed up the crayons. I loved opening that box and seeing that rainbow of colors. Nor did I understand their freewheeling with the play-doh.
  9. I give myself a baking soda scrub once a week.
  10. I don't do camping. You can look me up at the plaza. There is nothing enjoyable about sleeping in a tent and no indoor plumbing and no hot and cold running water.
  11. I hated On Golden Pond.
  12. So with you on the tighty whiteys. Although I hate them so much that my ds has never owned a pair. He has worn boxer briefs since he was potty trained. I also have no issue with the granny underpants. I detest with every fiber of my being the word Panties. I always picture some creep living in his mothers basement and going through his mother's underwear drawer and drooling over her underpants as he chants panties with a beavis and butthead laugh. Moist, however, does not bother me.
  13. My dh used to travel a lot for work when the kids were little and we live nowhere near family and new to the area so I did not have friends for help, either. Yes, it was challenging and some days down right exhausting but I kept my eye on the long term goal. We talked daily. The bigger challenge was when he was home after traveling. It messed up my routines and we had to learn to live together again.
  14. Barbie-I only had 1 Barbie doll. No Ken. No camper, no shoebox, no car, no townhouse. She lived in the jungle with my stuffed animals (the shelves in my room). My friend down the street had it all-including the airplane. My Barbie was poor country Barbie. Dawn dolls-I loved them. To be honest-I loved my stuffed animals more then Barbie which is probably why I only had one. To this day I can remember getting my Chrissie doll. She had hair you could turn around-blonde one day, brunette the next. As for my unpopular opinion-Doctors who say negative things about other doctors you have gone to see in the hopes that someone could give you a diagnosis and treat you.
  15. I want to know what person thought marshmallow topping on sweet potatoes was a good idea and how did they manage to get it to be a Thanksgiving staple.
  16. I have no idea what my first movie was. I have 2 childhood movie memories. The first one involves my mother calling the babysitter to see if she could take me to see Mary Poppins. I have no idea why my mother wasn't taking me but I remember the sting of her having the sitter take me. The 2nd memory is seeing a double feature with my grandma-The Aristocats and Song of the South. Come to think of it, grandma also took me to see Dumbo.
  17. People who endlessly complain about all the awful testing/homework/common core/bullying/insert public school concern here but you know, what can you do, that is the way it is. Yet, if you suggest getting involved to change things they look at you like you just sprung a second head.
  18. Yes, it was rude, thoughtless, and inconsiderate. I would be very hurt. However, you did tell them how were you feeling and they acknowledged their thoughtless behavior. It also sounds like something else is going on with them that has nothing to do with you. I would try to let it go and move forward. Easier said then done, I know.
  19. I see this on my kids swim team. If one of the older kids is helping out the others just don't seem to take them seriously. I think it is an immaturity thing. They are not used to seeing one of their own in a position of authority so they continue to treat the person as a kid not a person in charge. It is incredibly frustrating.
  20. As my father always said "being right doesn't do you any good when you are dead. Sometimes it is better to yield."
  21. No skipping ahead. The thrill is in trying to figure out whodunnit and then patting yourself on the back when you guessed correctly. Or getting angry at the author for leaving out an incredibly helpful clue.
  22. No nuts in brownies or cookies. That is just plain wrong.
  23. No, no, no. No nuts in Brownies (or cookies)! Now I have to go back to the other thread.
  24. Why yes, yes she would. But by then it is too late. The baby is named so your dh can say "suck it up buttercup" only nicer because she is his mom after all. Although it may take a few months (years) for her to let it go.
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