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Everything posted by Sneezyone

  1. Sometimes, yes, for Dr. visits or b/c DH is traveling and I'm at work. That's also not how it works at DSs school. People can come into the school and sign kids out with a note. No one verifies the signature. Furthermore...I WANT ACCESS TO MY KID IN CASE SHIT HAPPENS AT SCHOOL.
  2. They can check the phone in the hall or between classes IF they're allowed to have it. In our district, the kids are being told that their phone or personal comms device must be in a locker or not brought to school at all. It cannot be on their person or in a pocket. Our son gets 22 minutes for lunch. Less for passing to another class. There is no return to locker option. Also, seniors (both my kids turn 18 early in the year) have the option to leave early. The unlocking stations are time-limited.
  3. When my kids were little, if someone other than their dad or I was picking them up we would either tell them in advance or confirm a change with a text message and requirement that the person picking them up employ our safety code. As teens, we text directly from our phones to theirs. If anyone can call the school and leave a message for the kid, the opportunity to add additional protection measures is significantly curtailed. Schools with 2000-3000 kids can't do what I can do with a text, nor will they welcome ferrying messages to classrooms for student populations of this size.
  4. It's *NOT* allowed here. Apple watches are specifically prohibited to be on a child's person. Devices must be 'away for the day' and we are not alone. NOTE: My husband, a srsly macho dude who generally finds me hyperbolic, agrees. We had a whole convo before I went to the school board wherein he said to go forth and slay dragons. Many school districts are using pouches for personal comms devices that can only be unlocked at stations placed throughout the school, after school, as if congregating children in public spaces isn't a target? That's where ours seems headed. Fix the guns. Fix the counseling availability/accessibility. Fix the connection and engagement. I cannot and will not cosign limiting access to my child under these conditions.
  5. It doesn’t make kids safer per se but it DOES allow parents to hear from their kids when they’re in harms way. It does allow parents to ensure only approved people pick up their kids. Gun violence is the leading cause of death for kids in the USA. Any word, sound or attempt at communication from my child, in that moment, would be a comfort *to me*, something I would listen to again and again and again and again and no school will keep me from it. PERIODT. If classroom distraction is an issue, address it in the classroom. Kids who abuse the privilege of having a personal device should be disciplined. These kids aren’t going to magically graduate and be less challenged by tech. TEACH THEM HOW to manage it from elementary on as a skill like any other. That’s what we did at home. The idea that the school is issuing devices and touting digital learning while prohibiting comms that can provide comfort to parents in an emergency? No. Just no.
  6. I'll be honest, from a parent perspective, I DON'T CARE. Schools lost the battle of closed doors and full control for educators when the nation decided armed maniacs indiscriminately shooting at people was an acceptable price to pay for freedom. If my kid is passing his exams with great grades and is able to discuss what he learned after school, I'm good.
  7. Those are on t he list for 'away for the day' here too. My response? Fight me or bite me. I don't care either way. Unless they can demonstrate that my son's device is distracting for him or other students, it will remain on his person.
  8. This is exactly what we did. DH was 100% on board too, a rarity, as he usually thinks I'm overreacting or overprotective and likes to follow rules. Our district is simultaneously touting its state of the art tech and the classroom use of it while prohibiting the use of devices for safety and communication purposes. They made no mention of and haven't even acknowledged the safety consequences for students. Now, all a student needs to get excused from class/school is a call or note from??? There's no way to implement/insist on a safe word for schedule changes and pick up person modifications. There's no way to find or communicate with my kid in case of evacuation or lockdown. Nope. Not going for it. Uvalde was my turning point.
  9. DEFINITELY NOT. My best/pro BF experiences were on the left coast. I was still nursing youngest when we went to AR for a family funeral and our relatives (older) were notably uncomfy. The local family (with kids our age) were bottle feeding.
  10. ETA: PHEW! From big books swinging free (I noted most of the braless are less well-endowed) to plural marriage being biblically justified, to nudity being Satan's fuel and BF shaming... This thread is fun! 🙂
  11. I BF in Hawaii. It was blissful. No one said a word. Ever.
  12. I am too busty not to. J cup. Everything that’s not fitted looks like a tent and when I’m not wearing one I look 20 years older so, vanity? I generally enjoy looking put together tho. It raises my don’t F with me/treat me with respect factor in public. At home tho??? OFF. IMMEDIATELY.
  13. An apple tag on a carabiner could work for some but DS is often wearing bb shorts with no loops. That also doesn’t provide two way communication. DS attends a suburban HS with 2400+ kids. I’m not comfy running all my comms through office staff. At all. I suspect the school staff aren’t either.
  14. I made the same speech at our school board mtg this week. No regrets. If teachers ask, they’ll get the same answer: DS will keep his Apple Watch. TYVM.
  15. 90/100. I think I missed a rando question about the chaplain/prayer.
  16. Everyone isn't into SM tropes and influencers, not kids and not adults. Part of preparing our kids for adulthood was having open and honest discussions about SM offering false representations of reality. We allowed them access, in part, so they could see/experience that for themselves (as verification) and we could help navigate. BARRING ACCESS TO SM IS NOT A CURE. IT'S SETTING THEM UP FOR FAILURE. How many L-wing/R-wing extremists were inoculated against propaganda at home?
  17. Even in the current recruiting environment, where almost anyone with a pulse can get a decent look, that history (being so current) would be a no-go. Does your community have parks and rec programs? In our area, there are robust opportunities to establish a stable career with or without a degree. Lots of outdoor time, VERY active, kids aplenty!
  18. I don’t see any reason why ‘up all night with newborn’ is causally related to ‘never having an abortion’ but YMMV. The question is definitely odd. There are better ways to check for attention.
  19. It’s probably just an attention check. Any number you enter would be ok because it’s just checking for a number greater than 0, not a word.
  20. I really like MPix. They offer multiple sheens/formats and professional paper/print quality at affordable prices and quick turnarounds.
  21. 😂. DD got the connoisseur mix of wheat and rice noodles (there might’ve been a sweet potato one too), Vietnamese, Thai, Korean, and Japanese flavors. Bestie said they are ‘expensive’ ($2/ea) near her but I found ‘em for 50 cents a pop at my local spot. Bestie is convinced they ‘fell’ off the back of a truck. 🤣
  22. I got my first call yesterday. In a frantically delivered data download, I heard: The ramen packs from the Asian market you gave me are killer! (send more). MOM: No. Find a local dealer/supplier.🤣 Also, she did a thing and applied for a parking pass, found a Target and Publix so WINNING! Oh! Do I think she should put the student driver magnets back on her car b/c she got honked at multiple times. This is stressful! Floor mates keep laughing at me (read: find me hilarious) but I’m just being myself. SQUIRREL! The dining hall closes early so she’s gonna go put food in her Tupperware for later and do you know that thing EXPANDS and holds A LOT?! OK, thx!! LUV U BYE! Srsly. This kid will be loved or reviled. There’s no in between. All in all, good things are afoot.
  23. 100% what I would do. I love the people my kids love because they’re all potential family. When my kid (my primary concern) says no, not my person, we can be friends but but not family, if that makes sense. They’re never cut off.
  24. I am relieved that she’s not emailed or texted yet. When she’s bored or not engaged she texts and emails constantly. I am concerned that she’s left a good relationship that may not survive her spreading her wings. I think most of her texts and emails are engaged in maintaining that bond. It both troubles me and pleases me A) that she is able to be present for her partner and B) that she may not see that she needs the time and space to slip into her full self unencumbered. She’s got the tools to navigate these waters. We just hope she uses them wisely.
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