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Everything posted by PollyOR

  1. Ginger, I just came across this thread today. I hope your recovery is going well. :grouphug:
  2. OP, thanks for posting about Susan's blog entry. I find it interesting that many Christians seem to be afraid much of the time. It is the opposite of what they are taught in the Bible. Plus, they seem to take delight in instilling fear in others too. 2 Timothy 1:17 ~ For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
  3. On the cover of The Human Odyssey (k12) is a picture of a falcon hunt from a Book of Hours made in the early 1400's. There is also another picture from this book used for Art Study in Lively Latin 1 (lesson 16). The Book of Hours/Belle Heures was taken apart and put on display at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. You can see a short (11 minute) video tour of the display . Enjoy the rabbit trail :) (I suggest previewing the video so you can see if the "biting off the tongue" illustration might bother your kiddos)
  4. Thank you! I've spent an enjoyable hour reading Drew's blog. :)
  5. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=191383&highlight=Bennett
  6. My daughter seemed bored, so I tried to start her in Algebra in 8th grade. We were spinning our wheels. I wish we had waited. A couple of resources we've found helpful: Key to Algebra (including their online service) The Teaching Company's Algebra 1 course (awesome!) Good luck finding what works!
  7. :iagree:Thanks for the reminder. I started The Brothers Karamazov. It is going to take me a long time to read. ;) 15yo and I are reading Wuthering Heights. Just for fun I read the first book in the 39 clues series, The Maze of Bones. It was okay. I'm beginning to think my Rick Riordan quota has been filled. My 12yo is devouring the series which makes me happy. :)
  8. Thanks for the information on how to get "reinstated." 15yo was very surprised to find her account disabled this afternoon. :glare:
  9. Molly, what a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing. :grouphug:
  10. :) DONE!:) with Robinson Crusoe. This was my 3rd attempt to read Robinson Crusoe, so I guess the 3rd time was the charm. I am very glad that I read it. Lots of wonderful little lessons. Warning - it moved very slowly. I was 3/4 through the book before I hit the exciting part. The end didn't seem to fit :001_huh:. It seems like Defoe didn't know how to wrap it up. 2nd warning - the book is a product of its times and author. I had to remember that as he spoke of "savages" and "Papists."
  11. My son-in-law is going to Hamburg, Germany as an exchange student for approximately 6 months. My daughter is excited but is also a little stressed about the unknowns of living there with small children. They visited Germany a couple of years ago with a 6 month old, and they loved their visit. She is due in April so will have a 3yo, 2yo, and infant. Any advice for her will be greatly appreciated. :)
  12. The first time I read Madame Bovary I absolutely loathed it! It is such a depressing story. When I read it the second time I was able to appreciate Flaubert's writing.
  13. Reread Ethan Frome. I'm not fond of tragedies, so I don't know why I love this story so much. This is one of those rare cases where I like both the book and the movie (Liam Neeson).
  14. I read The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins. I had read The Woman in White last year and enjoyed it, so I thought I would give this one a try. A detective story and romance mixed together. A bit long (500+ pages).
  15. I have yet to find out. My dd and her friends call me a "noob." ;)
  16. Runescape. :w00t: My 15yo has been begging me to play with her for months. I should not have started. :tongue_smilie: It is all I do in my spare (and not spare) time.
  17. I've only skimmed the replies. Daisy, my oldest dd chose to homeschool for 8th, 11th, and 12th grades. She unschooled since she wasn't cooperative. I strongly encouraged her to start community college in January of her "senior" year. She did great (4.0)! Now, all I hear are negative remarks about homeschool and....she blames me :confused:. Um, whose idea was it? I have to let it roll off my back.
  18. DH uses one. It took several months of tweaking and changing styles. I lost quite a bit of sleep in the beginning. I thought about moving to the couch. ;) We are used to it now. In fact, the white noise is lovely. Hang in there. It is worth it in the long run.
  19. This happened to us. FOUR hours! My DH thought it was comical. I was NOT amused. We have never let an Electrolux(?) salesman in again.
  20. Jen, can you try over the counter progesterone? I understand that this can be hard. You want to receive help but not get agencies involved. My dd went through ppd last November and ... as the mother/grandmother it was so hard to witness. She acknowledged that she needed help but then wouldn't accept it. Trying to figure out when to step in and help and when not to can be nerve wracking for the family. I noticed that you live in Oregon too. Have you tried light therapy or taking vitamin D? October and February are my worst months as the seasons change. :grouphug: I hope you find what works for your body and situation.
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