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Everything posted by PollyOR

  1. I should NOT have opened this thread OR watched the video. Listen, I'm trying to pay down my credit card. LOL!
  2. Thank you! (We need a weepy smiling :) face) Each and every one of you has said something that has touched my heart and renewed hope inside of me. Polly, who is pressing forward this morning.
  3. When my daughter was 10yo I read The Odyssey (Butler) to her and later we read The Iliad (Fitzgerald). I thought we were on our way. Then at 12 1/2 she confided in me that she was depressed. Our lives changed. I spent my days trying to coax her out of her safe place/bedroom. Our calendar filled with dr.'s appointments. DD became a guinea pig as we tried numerous medications and dosages to see what would work without unbearable side effects. Life has gradually improved over the past three years :). She can now walk down a grocery aisle without me. She spends most of her waking hours outside of her room. We have fewer dr.'s appointments. She has friends. She smiles :D. But, our academics never recovered. I will admit there were also other factors in addition to the depression. Recently her best friend who also homeschools took the GED. It has lit a fire under my daughter and she is studying for the GED herself. I feel torn. I'm so happy to see her diligently studying, yet I want her to aim higher. And, um, she isn't exactly acing the practice tests. Can I tell you how hard it has been to accept that our path has changed? I have hesitated putting this on the board. I decided to lay it out here, because you all are a wealth of wisdom and I may be asking for non-classical ed info and help. If any of you have advice on preparing for the GED, I would greatly appreciate it. She is currently using a test prep website, LearningExpress Library, through our library and we've purchased a couple of test prep books. If you know of any other useful websites or approaches, please let me know. Thanks, Polly
  4. Thanks for letting us know about this documentary. Just watched it on Netflix. I'm for choice (obviously ;) ) and was saddened to see children being denied that right. I was touched by the school taught by volunteers.:)
  5. :grouphug: This is so hard on the families. Such a roller coaster of emotions.
  6. An option - Children's Miracle Music. We use this when we need help getting back into a morning routine.
  7. Maybe Key to Geometry would be helpful? My daughter was having major sleep issues and we went to a sleep specialist a year ago. He suggested going to sleep and getting up at the same time every day. This is hard even for me ;), but we found that it made a major difference. Probably the biggest thing that he suggested that has helped is NO screen time after supper. This includes TV and computer. 15yo dd was not happy about it but has since realized that being on the computer late in the evening makes it harder to fall asleep. She now boots herself off at about 7pm. She also tried a small dose of melatonin at bedtime but felt that it gave her crazy dreams.
  8. Glad you took her in :) AND glad that the extra fluids are helping.
  9. Is this it? http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=274005
  10. One for starters: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=255217&highlight=odyssey
  11. Ann, sorry I am not much help. I read it with my newly turned 13yo. She loves :001_wub: it. But, that is all we do...read. There were some posts on the K-8 board about some supplements. BTW, good price! I think I paid about $65 for that volume.
  12. Bumping this thread because I would like to hear more about this program. Opinions and experiences? Thanks! :)
  13. LNM = Latin for the New Millennium (I had to look it up too :))
  14. Haven't read most of the replies..... I used Saxon for 2nd dd (K-54). I think the K-3 program is just like any other program in that everything is there whether your child needs it or not. It is very thorough but will be overkill if you use EVERY thing. It did take us hours because I hadn't learned that it is okay to pick and choose. Once we got to Saxon 54 I thought it would take less time. Nope. DD was in tears daily due to the amount of time it took to get through a lesson. I was in TEARS when I started using it with 3rd dd. I could...not...do...it! :ack2: We now use Rod & Staff. You couldn't pay me to go back to Saxon. Great program but too painful for me. I wish I had the guts to use Singapore, but Rod & Staff works :)
  15. The fact that a positive news story is popular is also amazing. :)
  16. :glare: Youth don't realize how dangerous that is. So, glad you weren't hurt.
  17. I have absolutely LOVED k12's The Human Odyssey! It's a keeper. R&S Math R&S English and Lively Latin (BB2)
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