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Everything posted by HRAAB

  1. We're out all the time. So are the other homeschoolers evidenced by how crowded our little community library can be during the day. When I first started homeschooling about 13 yrs. ago, I would get comments like, "Are you sick today?" Obviously not. Nowadays, it just doesn't stand out. We do have a large homeschooling community in our area, though.
  2. I took his name because it seemed like the thing to do. Twenty-three years later, I wish I had kept my name. I miss it and think about using it again especially now that my parents are gone. My dh wouldn't have cared, and in fact supports our daughters when they say they want to keep their name. My niece and her dh combined their names together. Janet
  3. You are so not alone. Unfortunately, I have three girls that just love lapbooking. I have managed a couple from Hands of a Child - that way I don't have to think to much about as long my fingers and brain can handle the folding. Janet
  4. Ecclesiastical. It's what I was most familiar with hearing: from the 1 yr. of Latin I had in high school and from when I used to attend a Latin Mass. I don't know that it makes a lot of difference, though. Janet
  5. I've line dried my clothes for years. Have never had a problem with dust. In the summer, they dry so quickly they're not on the line for very long. If a wind comes up, I take them down. I'm not in a subdivision with small lawns. Most people have acreages with a good share of direct, but still haven't had a problem. My dh, who has chronic sinus problems, does better with line dried clothes than clothes from a clothes dryer???? Lint might be the culprit there, not sure. Janet
  6. I went to our local homeschool store only to find that MCP isn't selling to bookstores - that's what I was told. I ordered Spelling Workout from Rainbow Resource and had it the following week. Janet
  7. I just received mine today. After a cursory look through, I can't find anything that is overtly religious. I do not like books that teach 'religion', but this one doesn't have anything in it that would bother me. Janet
  8. Oops, I missed that. I know some other ladies here use it; maybe one of them can comments. I usually try to buy secular products, too. Janet
  9. We have 8 apple trees in our orchard so I've done tons of applesauce, however, I never use a recipe. I just quarter the apples, cutting out any bad spots, heat in boiling water w/about a T. of lemon juice until slightly soft and put through a saucer (neat little machine that separates the peel and seeds). Then I sweeten the applesauce to taste - we not 'sugar' people so most people would probably want it sweeter. Then I either can or freeze. Frozen applesauce taste great. Or just keep in the fridge and eat fresh. You really can't go wrong with applesauce. Janet
  10. This is a fantastic idea. Memory work is one area where I always seem to fail - it just doesn't get done. I've got a shopping trip planned now. Thanks for sharing. Janet
  11. I purchased this program on the recommendations I received here. Although I'm still waiting for it to be delivered, when I looked at the samples, I didn't see anything religious. I had 2 yrs. of Spanish 30 yrs. ago, so I'm hoping it doesn't expect a teacher with much prior knowledge. Janet
  12. I don't leave it on the counter, but not because I think it will go bad. I don't know how long it would take for butter to go bad. My mil always leaves her butter on the counter; it's usually a melted mess. I like it to look like a cube. So it's all about appearance. Oh, and if it's out of sight, it's out of mind and lasts a little longer. Janet
  13. Absolutely. I have at least children that learn better and retain information better that is presented visually. We mine our library's video section. Janet
  14. At first I would have signed it along with a note requesting the names of possible films. Then I read the nest post about "fowl language and brief nudity". Now I might retract my signature. I don't do a lot of censoring in my own household where my child (older) would be sitting next to me and we can pause the film and discuss. However, in a classroom I would feel quite different. I think I would be making a phone call or writing a letter to get more details. And I certainly hope her Spanish grammar and spelling are better than her English. Janet
  15. Pay for one of you super organized homeschooling moms to come to my house, show me how to get organized and leave me detailed instructions on how to keep it organized. Then, high quality microscope, science experiments, art supplies, fun books, games, etc. But then I'd have to start over with the organizing again. Janet
  16. I agree with the ones saying it was probably an accidental death; mother's irresponsibility lead to the death perhaps but not pre-meditated. I hope they're able to find her daughter. Janet
  17. My dh's great, great grandmother was Choctaw. In 2000 we traveled to MO to find her grave (that was an adventure of a life time complete with hot humid weather, ticks, hound dogs, farmers with shotguns and me pregnant with twins). Anyway, my oldest dd developed a real interest and pride in her Native American heritage and wanted to learn the Choctaw language. There was only one program I could find; unfortunately, there are very few native speakers. Anyway, Ishki is mother. That's what she calls me. Her dad is Inki. And everyday she says chi hula li - I love you. Janet
  18. My views align much more closely with one candidate except in one particularly important area. There are many issues near and dear to my heart in this election, and I need to weigh them closely. I'll be another one in the polling booth until closing time. :001_smile: Janet
  19. All I've found are even sizes. My 7 (almost 8) yr old twins can still wear size 4. My 11 yr. old wears a size 8. They're taller and thin. Janet
  20. ------ With or without the original errors??? Janet I
  21. I've been hoping for Clark. It would be a good balance. Janet
  22. I'm not sure what you mean by saying I took your point. I understand your position, and I disagree. Again, I never said working at McDonald's is offensive, even for a college grad. What is offensive is someone sitting in their ivory tower where everything is fine saying to someone who has had the rug pulled out from under them, worried about how they're going to pay rent or buy food (unemployment doesn't cover it) let alone health care, my husband has his job, we're not wondering where our next house payment is going to come from, but I just saw a help wanted sign at McDonald's. Especially to the head of the family who might be responsible for 7 persons. If my husband were working at McDonald's we were would be looking for government assistance because there is no way minimum wage would feed a family nor keep a roof over our head. The tone was offensive and condescending. The opinion could have been stated differently. Janet
  23. I'm pro-life: anti-abortion (with a few exceptions), anti-death penalty, against the war, and all for helping those mothers with babies we don't want to see aborted, before and after the birth, pro-social services. My family is full of pro-choice people, but I would never call any of them pro-abortion. I really have never met anyone that wants more abortions; they want to see a reduction in abortions, but have the option available. I guess there we differ..... Janet
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