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Alte Veste Academy

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Everything posted by Alte Veste Academy

  1. My go-to… Burt’s Bees Overnight Intensive Lip Treatment I use it during the day when I’m super dry. It obviously won’t last well through eating and drinking, but stays on for hours if not. DD’s favorite: Dr. Dan’s Cortibalm (oops, does have petroleum jelly)
  2. Yes. His name is Mr. Kitterson.
  3. Wynken, Blynken, & Nod by Eugene Field Block City by Robert Louis Stevenson The Swing by Robert Louis Stevenson The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear Dr. Seuss's ABC (my favorite ABC book) The Maggie B by Irene Haas A Child's Book of Poems illustrated by Gym Fujikawa Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever (seriously, best ever, and huge) Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose illustrated by Scott Gustafson (also a favorite, my favorite illustrator)
  4. I do not know of anything, but I wanted to throw in that we had to try a few different companies for the prescription food before my picky eater found one that appealed to him. It would be great if the vet could give you samples of different brands because, as you know, they are expensive.
  5. I agree. I agree with the suggestion of logic instruction. Further, learning real-life math topics such as budgeting, taxes, saving, investing, etc. would be a much better use of time for many. Heck, even statistics would have broader use for most.
  6. This woman has a good description of the purpose and stages of underpainting. Here's a good video on transparent vs opaque acrylics.
  7. Here is a chart explaining properties of the Liquitex Basics line. There is a symbol on each tube that will tell you if it is transparent or opaque. This part is important and I'm surprised the teacher didn't cover it because obviously applying transparent over opaque will give a very different effect than opaque over transparent. Burnt Sienna underpainting is extremely common, a first choice for many painters, even for winter scenes, yes. But it doesn't have to be yours for sure. In a while, I'm sure you'll cover more color theory, including complements, which will help you develop a feel for color use that you wouldn't intuitively think would work. You'll form your own preferences as you go.
  8. Your underpainting should be done with a transparent acrylic. This is for the first wash and blocking in your basic shapes and darks/lights. Your top layers, your detailed layers, should be done with opaque acrylic. With transparents, you work light to dark. With opaques, you work dark to light. There is no reason it should be a problem to paint with any opaque color over a Burnt Sienna underpainting. That's a pretty common color for underpainting.
  9. I have one like Maize posted, but it’s Breville brand. Love it. My MIL has an air fryer and was marveling over the air fryer setting on our Smart Oven because we can put in two trays and food isn’t touching like in many kinds of air fryers, so the air circulates for things to get truly crispy on all sides. Breville Smart Oven
  10. Agree with you, but add Pepto Bismol according to WebMD.
  11. I am firmly convinced everything is out there somewhere. Audio/video version in 14 parts.
  12. My DD has been doing one-on-one tutoring with Kena Kong at 5 Star Mandarin for more than two years now. She is a native speaker who is reliable, thorough, and kind. DD has always done speaking two days a week and writing lessons one day a week, but I got the impression when we started that most learners did not do the writing (characters anyway, which is what DD does).
  13. I’m still getting them. I checked just now.
  14. Funny, the results look the same, but I don’t remember the questions being in the format they are. It’s probably right and my brain just isn’t working. Thanks so much!
  15. Two of my kids took this, and the other one wants to, but I cannot remember which one this is. My history doesn't go back that far. If it helps, I think someone posted here about it before 9/6 of this year, because that's the date we took it.
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