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Everything posted by eight_gregorys

  1. You guys are so cute. I try not to get frustrated with those questions. It just seems like everyone asks the same thing. I always love when people are sweet and compliment my kids. A week or two ago the kiddos and I were in the commissary and an older woman stopped me while the bagger was putting my groceries in the car. She asked if she could tip the bagger for me and told me how awesome my kids were in the store. Then she told me that she had 6 kiddos as well and how they were all grown and she missed those crazy days of taking them all grocery shopping. It's always older people who give the compliments and are nice. I guess people today just can't imagine being able to afford having 6 children. Then again, I have had several people ask me why in the world I would want to homeschool because then I would have to be around my kids all the time. :confused: Those comments always baffle me. I don't always "like" my kids. They do drive me nuts sometimes, but I could never imagine saying that about my babies. One of the previous posters had a good point about just thinking that everyone asking questions is doing so in a positive way. Sometimes it's just so hard to not get frustrated when everywhere we go it's the same exact thing. I'll have to work on that because I know I have the tendency to be a smarty pants.
  2. Well I have to say that I do agree that random acts of kindness have truly diminished in today's age. I never do anything to be rude on purpose. I really don't think you can judge someone from a post about grocery carts, but that's just my opinion. I think I will bow out of this discussion now. I really don't see it going anywhere positive.
  3. I wasn't making it a contest. You feel the way you feel and I feel the way I feel. I was just giving my opinion and my reasons for my opinion. If you can't accept that...I'm very sorry. I'm not asking you to agree with me. You obviously feel very passionately about returning grocery carts so I'll just slap a rude and irresponsible label on my back and go on my merry way.
  4. I'm considering this myself. I have 6 kidlets. My girls are 11 and 2. My boys are 7, 6, 6, and 5. My 7yo is developmentally delayed and requires a lot of extra help. My other boys are super bright and ACTIVE. It has really been a struggle to challenge them and keep my sanity. We tried enrolling my 7yo in school last year and I was ready to pull my hair out. The time that was wasted trying to get him help was ridiculous. They spent more time trying to get me to medicate him (ADHD). My other boys really want to go and thrive on structure so I'm thinking we are probably going to send them. It makes me really sad. I'm glad I'm not the only one. :grouphug:
  5. Just another note....I don't leave my children unattended because when my oldest son was 2 years old someone tried to kidnap him right out his carseat while I was putting his stroller in the trunk of my car. So maybe I'm a little paranoid about leaving my kids alone in the car, but I'd rather incur a dent in my car or have people annoyed with me than to have a missing child. To me there are just more important things and I'm not willing to take the chance.
  6. :iagree: I do what I can to make sure I'm close enough to return a cart when I park. There are cart collectors for this reason. I do the same thing at Aldi if I have my children with me....I'll do without the quarter to make sure my kiddos are safe and not unattended.
  7. I was diagnosed with Secondary Fibromyalgia awhile back. It's no fun at all. I would consider having your vitamin D levels checked. I was having serious pain in my legs and it turned out that I had a very low vitamin d level. Supplementation really helped. I'm all for non-conventional medicine as well. The type of medicines my doctor's threw at me would make me a zombie. Just don't give up and listen to your gut. It took me two years and 8 doctors before I was finally diagnosed properly.
  8. It is very possible. I have 6 and have been attending class full-time (some online, some on campus) and so has my DH. I took a break this past spring semester because of some health issues, but we are both going back in a few weeks. I would recommend getting everything as organized as possible before school begins. It really helped to not have to think about things...if that makes sense.
  9. Donna Young posted some very cool generic game boards not long ago, too. My kiddos love games so these have come in very handy. Here is the link.
  10. It's just my humanness (is that a word) that thinks it is worse. To me it ranks up there with adultery. I know that I shouldn't believe that and that sin is sin, but it's just one of those issues that is harder for me to accept I suppose.
  11. I wholeheartedly agree with this. While Christians (myself included) tend to view homosexuality like it is worse than other sins, God doesn't view it that way. Sin is sin. It would hurt me, but ultimately I am their mother and I would love them anyway. God never called us to judge others and I would hope that I wouldn't do that. (I say hope, because I am human. I make mistakes like everyone else.)
  12. Has anybody used this? It looks VERY intriguing. Any one have any thoughts on this curriculum? Thanks!
  13. Has anyone used the Homeschool in the Woods Art Lapbook? How long is the study? Does it last a whole year? If not, how long is the study? I'm looking for something that last a whole year and this looks awesome. Thanks!
  14. I have a DS, 5 who had a cavity for a year that dentist was watching because DS is very reluctant to let the dentist clean his teeth much less let him fill cavities. DS went in March for his every 6 month visit and the dentist said all was fine (the cavity hadn't gotten bigger, it would be okay to continue to watch). Well in mid-April DS started complaining of his tooth hurting. We took him to the dentist and he went from needing a filling to need a baby root canal. We went ahead and booked the appointment for 3 days later to get it taken care of. When we came back in to have it done, his tooth had abscessed and the dentist needed to pull it and will need a spacer when he gets his third molar. DS was actually very happy about this because the tooth was causing him a lot of pain. If I had it to do all over again, I would have just had it filled. Even though the dentist said it would be fine, it went from fine to abscessed in 5 weeks. HTH,
  15. Thanks so much for posting this. I ended up with: 2 aquadoodles for $5 each Blockus for $6 Some preschool games for $3 each
  16. I was pregnant at 15 and had my oldest when I was 16. I was able to finish school and I turned out ok. It is a long, hard road, but it surely isn't hopeless.
  17. My youngest DD was born 8 weeks premature. The ultrasound done the day before she was born estimated that she would be around 3 pounds which is pretty normal for a baby that gestation. I have lupus and had severe disease activity while I was pregnant with her which led to them inducing me at 32 weeks. I was told to expect her to spend at least 8 weeks in the NICU and that she would have some severe issues because they suspected that my lupus had affected her development. We spent the night praying that God would strengthen her and that he would help us get through all of this. Well Sarah was born the day after that ultrasound weighing in at 5 lbs. 2 oz. She had premature lungs and was on a c-pap for a about a week. She spent a total of 17 days in the NICU and is completely perfect. She's 2 yo now and hasn't had a single problem. The doctors couldn't believe how great she did especially since the ultrasound showed issues with her kidneys while in utero. She had an ultrasound done on her kidneys after she was born and they found NOTIHNG wrong. God had his hand on my precious DD, and there is nothing that can convince me other wise. Blessings,
  18. I'm interested in what everyone does as well. So I"m giving this a little bump.:lurk5:
  19. I just told my boys, "Hey, naked light saber fights are not allowed." One of the boys had just taken a shower and instead of getting dressed, he thought he should just join in on the fun with his brothers.
  20. I'm glad I looked at the amazon picture first because when I first read your post I thought you meant Alpo containers that dog food comes in. :ack2: I don't know know why I thought that. My only thought was..why would someone want to do that? Anyway, those containers look like they would be fine. They're airtight and look very convenient.
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