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Everything posted by Shawndrese

  1. Both of my boys have their own milk crates filled with their own binders for each subject. I had the whole years worth of material hole punched and put in the binders. The binders are also color coordinated. For example, they know when it's time to do SOTW to both go and get their red binders. Every day, I let them pick what they want to do first...what they are in the mood to start with, and we just pick out that binder and start where we left off from the day before. The only scheduling I do is have a rough estimate of where I want to be at the end of every month. So I know to pick up our speed a little in a subject, or take our time if we can. There's a part of me that would like to be a little more organized and I go back and forth about setting aside all their work for a week in a separate binder (and then file the work in the others when that week is done). But I'm worried that would just stress me out more. Who knows...I might just have to give that a try next year :D
  2. OOhh pickle head. That's a good one. I'll have to remember that one! LOL
  3. I had a moment like this last week...but we were at a homeschool playgroup with a bunch of new mommy friends :glare: My ds4 saw a squirrel run across the playground and shouted to his brother (who was on the opposite side...so he shouted extremely loudly for the whole world to hear) "Hey Eliahs....look at the racoon!" All of us moms couldn't help but crack up. :D (And yes, he knows it was a squirrel but I think he just got a little too excited. haha)
  4. I don't know what started this...but I have always called my kids some form of food. nugget, pumpkin, sweet pea, sweet potato, pop tart, dumpling, peanut, etc... I was told the other day by my ds4 that I can only call him food that he likes, "like pizza, or pickles, or ice cream" LOL
  5. And my kids will have nothing to laugh at every time they see your "machine kitty" :lol:
  6. Maybe you can start both, and just take your time? Drop one or the other depending on how she is doing. I haven't actually seen FLL 4 (we are just finishing 2, getting ready for 3) But I'm pretty sure FLL 4 also has dictation and copywork for some of the lessons. That may be enough writing for your daughter....just for the summer anyway. :D
  7. Well, what is it that you are wanting them to learn? Or are you just wanting something to keep them busy for the summer? WWE and FLL teach different things. (WWE being more copywork and narration, FLL being more grammar) We do both :D
  8. My mom has had hermit crabs for years, and they are usually pretty quiet and hide a lot. One thing to keep an eye on though...they bury themselves when the molt, and the other crabs will eat them if you don't separate them. (my mom has a separate little tank she puts the molting crab into)
  9. :iagree: This is all we listen to at our house :001_smile: A lot of it is contemporary and upbeat, and you wouldn't know it was Christian music if you weren't listening to the lyrics. A few of my favs: Barlow Girl, Jeremy Camp, Casting Crowns, Skillet, Desciple, Toby Mac, Mercy Me, Group1Crew, Flyleaf, Fireflight....
  10. My avatar is my and the hubby on our wedding day....and there are more pics of us and the kids on my profile page :D
  11. How funny! Yes, we are in Rockford (actually Machesney Park now) And yes, I've heard of Hallstrom! What a small world :D
  12. :iagree: This exactly! And what an amazing person you are for seeing things this way!
  13. So sad to see how many kids these days want to kill themselves. Is it just me, or is it happening more now then ever? I had a friend in highschool who talked about shooting himself on several occasions, and we never thought he actually would...until he did. And a close relative of mine was just hospitalized for wanting to kill himself (mostly over bullying) - and he got the idea from a friend of his who just attempted it. Horrible! I'm glad you guys reported it!
  14. I do this a lot....milk in the cupboard and cereal in the fridge :lol:
  15. Mine has changed too :D Apologia "Who is God" - Awanas FLL3 WWE2 Pentime (cursive) AAS3 MM3, LOF Apples SOTW1 AIG Life Science Song School Latin Harmony Fine Arts CC for memory work Lots of reading :001_smile:
  16. I live about an hour west of Barrington, so I'm not sure about any co-ops in that area. But I did find this website, and it has a couple listed in that area. I bet if you do a google search you can find more. Being that close to Chicago, I'm sure there are tons of options for you! :D All I do know, is homeschooling doesn't get any easy than in Illinois (maybe Texas) There are no requirements other than you promise to teach your kids :) You don't need to register them, join any groups, have curriculum approved, or do any testing...if you don't want to. Good luck with your move!
  17. Reading this bring tears to my eyes. How horrible for those kids! I'm glad you called....you definitely did the right thing!
  18. I do all of my knitting on circulars too. I think they are easier to use. And like a PP said, knitpicks are great! They are my favorite ;) I would suggest she watches youtube videos for help. I completely taught myself that way (reading instructions from a book was too tricky for me) Good luck with the blanket! :D
  19. Awe...your poor kitty. I hope he/she starts feeling better soon!
  20. We did this for my son :) It was a blue baby doll if that helps. :D But he loved it!
  21. :iagree:This exactly.... At the beginning of the year, when my sons writing was more of a challenge, we always skipped the copywork in FLL. Now that he is better at it, and doesn't complain so much, we do more of it. It really depends on the day, if he's having a good/bad day, and how much writing he's doing with other subjects.
  22. I'm sorry....but I am :smilielol5:!!!! Boys are just too much sometimes, and its nice knowing that mine aren't the only one! My youngest still gets a kick dancing naked and shaking "it" for everyone to see. And although my oldest (whose only 6) is still constantly grabbing (and I'm constantly telling him to stop) and least he keeps everything in his pants. :tongue_smilie:
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