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Once Again

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Everything posted by Once Again

  1. Praying for you. My sister died of breast cancer when she was 39. I miss her so much.
  2. We start school at 7:30am and usually work till 4 or 4:30, with an hour off for lunch and recess. If the children are on the ball we can get done as early as 2:00. I get up early so I have some time for myself before school starts. I think I need that time in the morning to prepare mentally for the school day. I've found I have to follow a fairly rigid schedule to get things done, but it is working. Homeschooling is a full time job, no question about it.
  3. I'd call the Dr.'s office and tell nurse the symptoms you are having. They should be able to advise you on whether you should come in or not. For myself, I'd probably go in and see the doctor. The amount of fatigue you are describing concerns me. (I used to be a R.N. on a cardiac floor) At least call the office.
  4. Oklahoma's virtual school is K12. Both Broken Arrow and Owasso are very nice places to live. I love NE Oklahoma.
  5. One of my children has mild autism and is just not able to function in groups. She has to have one on one to learn and that is not possible in the public school system.
  6. You mentioned you would like a Christian perspective on the situation. 1 Corinthians 6:5-7 New International Version (NIV) 5 I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? 6 But instead, one brother takes another to court—and this in front of unbelievers! 7 The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? Your insurance will likely take action against the business to get payment, but from these verses, I feel a Christian should never sue anyone, especially a fellow believer.
  7. I went to school from K-12th, and I still felt left out and lonely. School is not necessarily the answer.
  8. Wow! I wish my dh would do that. You are so lucky.
  9. It could have been worse. Mennonite churches practice the holy kiss.
  10. Just want to caution you on the long term use of hormonal birth control. My doctor warned me that long term use could increase the chance of cancer. As my sister died of breast cancer at 39, I quit and use other methods when I'm trying to avoid a pregnancy.
  11. Yes, I felt it. Only lasted about 20-30 seconds start to finish this time.
  12. I received the Art of Argument texts today (both student and teacher's editions) and the DVDs that go with them. I was a little disappointed that the TE did not have lesson plans, though it did have tests and answers. So my question to those who are using this curriculum is: How do you set it up? Do you watch the DVD first and then go through the book. How many days do you spend on each fallacy? My ds is only a sixth grader, so I was planning to take a whole year to work through it. TIA
  13. That's so cool. I'll have to tell my ds about it. "See, Latin may save your vacation some day!"
  14. Glad you are doing so well. I will continue praying for you and your family.
  15. Now they've revised it to 5.6, though they said it might be downgraded later.
  16. Okay my house just shook for a good full minute. The news is saying 5.2 this time.
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