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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. We had DD's ears pierced for her 5th Birthday. My sister had offered for her 1st bday but I kept saying no, and finally gave in for her 5th. Big mistake. One ear got infected and had to have the earring removed and now DD only has one earring left. She is funny with her ears and won't let us take the other one out. So now we say she is being different (unique) by only having one :)
  2. Thanks for the replies already ladies. DH has told me that he would get the snip. But it is just that I feel odd about him getting it done and not me.
  3. This might be possible TMI. The DH and I have two children and we don't want any more for various reasons. I can't get my tubes done because I am "too young" (I am 26) and might end up regretting it later on (I was told that by a OB/GYN). But I feel that making DH get the snip is 'wrong' in a way?? Also I have tried every type of contraception (pill, implanon, IUD, rings etc) and they didn't work, I just bled non stop. Umm, 'rubber' things irritate me and feel gross (I have tried non latex ones). I am so scared of getting pregnant that our teA activities are next to none existant and our relationship is slowly suffering for it. What is your opinion on the sterilization subject fellow WTM'ers?? Should I just make the husband get it done?? Or is there something else we could consider??
  4. Is this the teA appliances thread??? http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55527
  5. Thanks for the link to the other thread which had the link to the Fat Head website. I was examining it rather closely last night and some of what I read was a real eye opener. Thankyou heaps ladies :)
  6. Can someone post the links to these threads pretty please. Tea thread (hilarious and informative!) Crockpot thread Shopping cart thread Removing shoes before entering house/asking guests to remove shoes thread Bikini thread Thanks :)
  7. With all the teA threads I've been reading today, my mind went straight to the gutter when I read the title of this thread. Sorry Imp. :D
  8. :smilielol5::smilielol5: HE THEN STARTS CRYING?!?!?! :svengo:
  9. This was in the probable cause link... "In the beginning, HGW woulduse the bathroom under her parents monitoring, watching her go and making sure she would not touch anything prior to washing her hands. One of the kids stated that after her mother scolded her about touching the door, she told HGW to go in and wash her hands. HGW went to wash her hands and had to touch the door knob to get into the bathroom. By touching the door knob, she was being rebellious and disciplined her for it. HGW had begun her menstrual cycle and had left a drop of blood on the toilet seat, therefore banishing her to the port a potty and made to sleep in the barn. After that, she was made to wear a pad of some type in her underwear so that her mother could check it daily to keep track of her cycle." My heart was breaking while reading that. NO 13 year old girl has to put up with that sort of barbaric treatment. And there was this too... "The children were asked if they liked HGW. They said no, but they loved her because she was their sister. The children said that nobody in the family liked HGW and they didn't see or talk to her much anyway because she was always in the closet. The children indicated no, when they were asked if Carri Williams liked HGW. When asked how they knew that, the children indicated that their mother has said it many times that she didn't like her and didn't want to see her grumpy face but loved her because God made her and she was her daughter." At least the poor girl is in a better place now. And I feel so sorry for the other children too. What a heartless b i t c h of a mother and the father, well :glare:.
  10. Love this show. Have you seen any of these magazine pics??
  11. That woman is a f**king joke and I really feel sorry for her children. :glare: I hate public school for my children because other parents can't bring up their children properly. When a SIX year old boy is calling the girls in his class S E X Y you know theres a problem. When the same 6 year old boy and his friends are kicking, hitting with sticks and SPITTING on 6 y.o girls you know there is a BIG problem. Hmm maybe this lady and the parents of the brats at DD's old school belong to the same self-absorbed club... :glare:
  12. I recommend going straight to encyclopedias and shakespeare. Even better if you have the babies indicate which topics they are interested in. Maybe they could use an eye blinking morse code?? I know someone who's 2 month old could write its own name, maybe you could work on that first??? And I apologise if you are legit.
  13. :grouphug: for the first poster, you have my deepest, sincerest sympathy. But I also have to add... :lol::lol::lol: you ladies are on a roll today!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
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