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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. When I bought a bundle I got a year of access to the web for free. And got the tests for free. Did they just do that for convention purchases?
  2. I call my son a first grader for dance, theatre, church, and other outside activities. He does mostly second grade work. We work at his level, but do grade by age.
  3. Spelling Plus and the Dictation book have worked for us. It goes through words by rule and includes homonymns. My son rarely misses a word whence pretests on Monday. We go over the rule for the list and any exceptions listed. If he missed a word we practice it daily and do theorist again on Friday. The next week we do the dictation sentences or paragraphs. It only uses words from previous lessons and addes different punctuation rules every few lists. It is very easy to do and takes little time unless you need work on a list.
  4. A bill to allow hsers to play sports at ps was set to be introduced to our stayed legislature this session....after capitol day they made a huge call in campaign and the bill was tabled.... :confused: It only said students wishing to participate had to meet the same standards as all students participating. No regs for anyone else, only if your kid wants to play a sport or do band would you have to prove eligibility. I am glad for those of you in VA who can get your kids in sports now.
  5. Ours is the opposite....my kids come crawl in bed with me and we might wven watch a cartoon before getting up....especially if it is cold!
  6. This is why I don't like it, I heard it in this format. Everytime I hear it, I think of the full phrase amd it is offensive.
  7. I have seen several recommendations to do the program a year behind. If she is struggling, maybe she has missed some foundational elements of diagraming. I am currently using level two a year ahead of time. But I have looked at 5 and plan to take two years when we get to that book.
  8. I remember sitting next to a boy in forth grade, he could not read well and should have been held back, but they did not do that for self confidence in the kids. We took a quiz, for which he could not read or understand the questions or answers. Then we traded with out neighboors....he graded mine and I graded his. He missed every question, I got them all right. But he could not read the letters a-d for the multiple choice answers, so he did what I did and marked all of mine wrong! I took our papers to the teacher and showed her the papers....she fixed mine and we never graded each others papers in class again. He was promoted to the fifth grade with everyone else. That was over 20 years ago.
  9. We are doing 2 now, my sob had not atudied grammar. It is very repetitive. If you bought the tests, you could have her do some of those and see off she knows the material. If she does decently, you could probably do 3. I have flipped through it. I think it has good review and building on past concepts. I think the tests are just a couple of dollars.
  10. My high school show choir sang in a wedding scene for a made for tv movie. We did not make the final cut. I was in the crowd scene for a football game in the same film. That was interesting, they were retreating actual football plays from the guys career!
  11. We have staryed school at 8pm a few times :) I suffered my February blues in January....partially exhaustion from my schedule and partially morning sickness and a little mid year burn out. Do school at what ever time works. Who says you have to start before lunch? I am now feeling more ready for school. We still don't start before 10 am.
  12. This is why I prefer to use the scholastic book wizard. I take a book my son reads and understands, enter it and the book wizard tells me what grade it is ranked for in a year.month format. If the book was easy, I can then search for books that are a little harder, if it was easy, I can search down a level. There are so many books to choose from, this helps me find a good fit comprehension and decoding, book length and interest. Then I can buy or find the books at the.library. I find the children's section a little overwhelming!! It helps me to narrow it down a bit. Also, when someone wants to buy him books, I can give them a range in level and a few topics to shop for. It is simply a reference point to help narrow the selection!
  13. We just started using it. It is as a supplement. I never would have paid for it. I signed up because I could do it for free. I am hoping it will be a.good review for my almost 4 year old. She always says she forgets her letters. It will be good daily practice in a different style. She is my difficult child....she won't share what she knows, it is a guessing game. I have to catch her when she thinks I am not watching! I hope reading eggs will help me see where she really is. Who knows, the child can probably read already for all I know!! When I ask her a letter I get "I don't know?" We shall see.
  14. I worked with a male personal trainer, the did my measurements in private....I was glad no one was around! I really did not want to know them myself! Not a big deal. He was very professional.
  15. I think the CAT is fine. I test my son a year ahead because the test at his level would not give me a good read of his weaknesses. I test for my knowledge of his skills. If you are testing for requorements by the state, you may want to stick with his current grade. They did tell me not to go more than one grade up if fulfilling a state requirement. It is so cheap though, you could do two years if you need a better assessment.
  16. I understand that, our school day does not end with seatwork, we do many outside activites. I just think that when the topic comes up, there are some who have the idea that more is better. Every thread on rigorous homeschooling is list after list of multiple curriculaa, 2-3 languages at 5,6,7 and long hours of schooling. I just wanted to point out that it is not necessarily the only thing that makes education rigorous. I keep our school day short so that my son is not exhausted for his many other activities. At thos point, I don't make him pick. He does dance, gymnastics, musical theatre, co-op for extra lit craft time and PE. Our house is full of crayons, markers, colored pencils, paints, construction paper, and glue. I am not an artist person, he and his sister do art freely. We do fun stuff for history. He loves the lapbook we are doing. It is his favorite part of school. I think his creative play and time hanging out with his sister are equally important at this time. I just wanted to point out that quantity does not always equal quality. He gets a quality education, that is pushing him, bit he is quick with his work and I see no need to work all day if he gets it. Does he stop learning when we are done? No, but I don't have it all planned. Some days I have to work, so he plays computer games - most of which have some eduicational content. Some days we bake, some days we clean, and some days we are lazy. Is our Homeschool rigorous? I don't know. But I know I push him mentally, and he is pushes physically outside of the house. He is also a six year old boy.
  17. I would not do anything formal. Just read, sing songs, play with toys. Priority number one has to be attachment and number two is learning English. She can't do school with him if he cannot speak her language. That alone will take a while and a lot of her energy I am sure. When he speaks fluently and they have had time to bond as a family, then some letter formation and phonics, but I would hold off until next summer. Do lots of prewritingskills - coloring, free drawing, playdough, finger painting, etc. He may imitate if she makes letters. But tell her not to force it.
  18. I this this is a good explanation, but on most threads of this topic people start listing multitude of curriculum and the hours a day spent pouring over them as wha makes it riforous. I do no agree with that. I do not need three math curriculum, grammar, writing, spelling, two history plus every was aloud listed as supplement. If I tried to make my six uear old do school for six hours a day we wpuld both go nuts. It would be busy work, and busy work is not rigorous, it is just busy work. I think some people get busy work and rigour in school work confused. I know a lot of my teachers did when I was in school. I know some kids need more time to get something, bit there is a balance.
  19. Is she doing IP and CWP? I work to slow my son down by doingthe more challenging work in the level we are in. You can get to algebra too early. If we had just done the wkbk and txtbk this year, we would now be in level 3, the CWP top more time and he loved it. He begs to do that book. Slow amd steady is really the beat way with math. If she is flying through, then gets to algebra and slows way down, she may loose her desire to do math, maybe not. I would truly wonder how much she will recall long-term, moving so fast.
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