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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Figure skaters tend to have bigger thighs because of the weightlifting they do everytime they jump. Those skates are not super light. Contemporary and modern dancers also have bigger thighs a lot. It has to do with training. The stretch in ballet between movements helps lengthen the muscles. Contemporary dancers do a lot more jumping and rolling to the floor, etc. They don't get the same stretch between movements. I don't think I can adequately explain it in writing.....I am more physical when it comes to descriptions of anything dance....
  2. We blacken it! This recipe is close to what we do. We cook it in melted butter because the firat recipe we found used butter and we prefer the taste. If you don't like spicy....don't try this!
  3. Scratch that plan!! I cooked my chicken carcass on low all night, cooled it enough to handle amd was straining the bones out....I got the bones out and had a large container of delicous smelling, beautiful chicken stock....as I was putting the lid ob, my three year old bumped me and the broth spilled!!! At least it was in the sink! There is enough broth for my lunch, but I will have to buy more broth to make soup for the family.....spaghetti and meatballs tonight. I wanted to cry! It was so much broth!!!!
  4. I whole heartedly disagree that you must be thin to be a dancer! You must be healthy, but thin is not required. If you want to dance in the NYC ballet,yes, they look for tue typical ballet body; but I have a very dear friend who started in the dance ensemble of Hairspray and eventually understudied and when on in the lead role. She has been in the dance ensemble of many shows. The Lion King had dancers of varied body types, there is a local modern company that is popular and has varied body types. I have had beautiful dancer students who were not tall and thin. For jazz and modern, a smaller sorter frame can be advantageous. By hip hop teacher in high school never made it over 5ft. She danced all over the world amd in a few music videos. All of those people studied ballet along with other styles, they are successful dancers without the body type. You just need to find the right studio and keep on top of it. Teach healthy eating habits and encourage the physical activity.
  5. Ideally, I would cook them in the crock pot, but I did not know if they would cook that way, I can always just throw a lunch portion in a pot for me, the chicken is cooked, just needs reheating. For me, there is no lunch option :) I am craving Dumplings for breakfast actually ;)
  6. Yesterday I made a whole chicken in the crock pot, I have cleaned the carcass and made broth from it and put almost enough chicken in the fridge for C&Ds. That is the dinner pkan for tonight, but I teach dance until 8:30. I want to make the food at lunch, eat some, and put it in the crock pot on warm until time for the kids to eat. Will c&d keep in the crock pot???? Or will the dumplings turn gross???
  7. I would be very careful where you take her. If you want a strictly classical studio, if it is attached to a company, go see a performance. See who they put in th company. Go view a clads, see who is in class and how the teacher interacts with the kids. I have always worked in very accepting studios. We had students of all sizes, we did end up with an anorexic student. We watched her eating, her friends and classmates came to us, we spoke to her mother -who was in denial- and finally with her. In my high school classes, we again had students of all sizes, no comments were made about anyone's size. My senior year, we had a girl so thin you could count her ribs from across the room. Our teachee addressed the issue and she eventually got some help. My point is, it happens everywhere (even outside of dance and gymnastics), you need to be xomfortable with the studio environment. What costumes do they choose, do they choose costumes that will flatter larger girls as well as the tiny ones? Most important, you must stay involved. Talk with your daughter about class. Allow her to share what she is feeling. Get to know the teacher so you feel comfortable asking questions.
  8. With this pregnancy I only got very faint almost not there lines....I thought I was imagining it because I wanted it so badly. I seem to remember th same thing with my first born....
  9. Jesus told us to worship God with all of our heart, mind, and soul. God also gives people gifts of music (both vocal and instrumental) and dance. I feel the closest to God when I am singing or dancing. Someone who plays the piano, guitar, drums, etc may have the same feeling about their instrument. They may not be able to worship with all that is in them without their instrument. If God gives us a gift, should we not use it in praise of Him? This is how I view music and dance in worship. I am not the type to dance down the aisles during church service, but when I am alone, that is what I do.
  10. I just ate half a pot of chili on my own yesterday.....that's all :)
  11. We have a plastic crate. To successfully crate and house train they should only have enough room to walk in, turn around and lay down. This is also safest for travel. Our dog loves his crate. We don't really use it anymore...he is 11. But it is a comfortable place for him to go when he wants to be line.
  12. We use SM text, wkbk, IP, and CWP. I have the HIg, but have not really needed it. We drill skip counting for Classical Conversations, so that skill is strong theough 10s, we need more work through 15, but it will come. And we read Life of Fred for fun. I do not see that we need anything more than SM at this point, it gives varied methods of problem solving and definately has more than enough drill of you use the text exercises and the wkbk. Depending on your child's abilities adding the IP or EP gives plenty of practice. I did not buy LoF because we needed more math, I bought it for fun amd something to do on days I was too sick to work through a whole new lesson. We are gettinga little from it, but it is mostly entertainment. I would be more inclined to add xtramath.org to our math than buy another full curriculum to supplement and add drill. My son actually hates to practice something excessively once he has it down. Two programs would burn him out and make him hate math. You have to do what Is best for your child.
  13. It does that to everyone, just switch to reading eggspress. There is a different placement test and harder lessons, plus a library to select books from. My son loves that part, but hated reading eggs itself.
  14. My son has been doing two step algebraic problems at six in level 2 CWP. It explains the method pretty well. I agree that it has given him amazing word problem skills. He will understand the whys of algebra before he gets there. It has helped me with my understanding of math and I was an advanced math student. I did very well, I can't imagine how I would have done with a program like this....
  15. In PS, we wrote a history research "paper" as a class. It was just an intro to research, 1-2 pages, not bibliography, we just used our text and one other source that the teacher read to use. It was totally teacher led. After that, in private school, we wrote two page papers regularly, we did not learn bibliographies until middle school. Our first 10 page, full research, quotes, in text citations,etc was in 11th grade. We did one Jr year and 2-4 Sr year.
  16. We have the text, wkbk, HIG, IP and CWP and use nothing else. That combo gives lots of practice, too much sometimes. We skip some of the text exercises and when we do them we do it orally. We rarely use the HIG, we do ablittle mental math in it, but usually just use the text exercises for mental math. If you want challenge, I would get the IP and CWP, the word problems are my son's favorite part.
  17. We are waiting for the snow here with a frocks pot if chili!
  18. I enjoy cooking and it tastes better. It is not typically cheaper in my experience. I can get brownish mix for $1.00, the chocalate alone for homemade brownies is more than that. I can buy a can of chili for less that $2.00, mea alone costs more than that. I but enjoy it.
  19. My mom grew up Church of Christ, they left when she was in high school. They believed that if you did not take communion on Sunday and you died the next day, you would not go to heaven. In college I had friends with the same belief. Maybe that has something to do with it.
  20. Never did that until college, and I had vaccines. My DD has had vaccines with out that.
  21. I don't know that it is necessary to use them all the time, but I think a student should be familiar with them if they plan to attend college. Any professors I had in the English dept, amd even my theatre professors, used many of the standard editing symbols. They circled things and made notes too, but I had a lot of symbols on my papers. Had I not known what they meant, I would have had a hard time revising my work. I don't know what symbols are taught in R&S, I don't have those levels, but symbols I saw and used were the paragraph symbol (p with double line on side), double underline for capitalize, and the curved line for reversing words it phrases. Those were used all the time by my professors, there may have been others, but it has been a while ;) Important to drill....maybe not, important to at least know what they are...yes.
  22. I don't think there is anything questionable in it. It was a good movie. There is some smoking and a tiny bit of drinking, one character thinks two people are dating...or more but it is a misunderstanding. I think there may be one kiss at the end. My 6yo watched with me.
  23. I can't remember the brand, but it came from Babies R Us, it is suede on the outside and lamb flees on the inside, it does leave the face exposed, no flap over it. It kept my kids nice and cozy.
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