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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Thanks. I am doing my best to rest and sit in positions that will supposedly help baby move down...I wish I knew where my Pilates ball was....
  2. Is there a list of subjects you have to provide information for? If you HAVE to list a reading plan, just make a list of books you plan to require, a number of books required for the year, or a daily time requirement for reading. You might also list a certain number of book reports to be completed. In 5th grade we just did reading comprehension and book reports.
  3. If it was an unannounced visit, I would not be okay with it. If it was scheduled in advance, I would meet with the teacher. My house is not always in a condition to receive visitors...neither am I at times ;), I would want to be sure I had showered and dressed before the teacher came by.
  4. I have found myself sitting like that quite often in this heat!
  5. I went in for by 39 week appointment today. My BP was high when they first checked it. They had me lie down and checked again, it was lower but still not great. I have been 120/60 ish in all three pregnancies. Today it was 145/89ish and then 134/75ish I think. I have to go back on Friday. She is currently giving me the option of breaking my water on Monday. If my BP stays high she definitely wants me In on Monday. I don't really want to be induced in anyway, but I am miserable! Last week I was kind of a 3. She said outside was a 3 but inside was not disliked at all. Now I am a 4. Baby is still high. I would appreciate any prayers....I need this little man to move down and labor to start on its own. And I need my BP to go back down.
  6. We don't have more than 5 kids, just two; but we have a two car garage partially converted into a bedroom. The washer and dryer hooks are in the garage and a built in work bench. There is not enough room for a vehicle. We have all of the garden tools and some toys in the shed out back. We would not have room for what we have without the shed.
  7. A couplr look like they are trying to give birth! Those are hilarious!
  8. Glad we are not the only ones! Both kids want to dive as well after watching synchronized diving. At least they have shown no I.merest in water polo....our pool would be a very dangerous place!
  9. We have around 1200 sq ft for 4, soon to be 5 of us. We would eventually like a little more room, but it is laid out well for us now. I think 900 sq ft or less is small. We looked at several of those when we wanted to buy, there was nowhere to go. We would be on top of each other all the time.
  10. We have a board game called Sum Swamp that really helped my son learn his facts up to 6+6. Hee also loved Yahtzee. Monopoly is good for math skills too. He masterd more facts playing those and Bingo than he did using workbooks.
  11. Both kids take gymnastics classes, so we usually get handstands, cart wheels and forward rolls.....but this is different! Furniture was rearranged, there were true vault attempts....neither has done vault in class yet! It is a mad house I tell you! :lol: But it is fun.:D
  12. We have been watching the Olympic gymnastics competitions...last night we had vaulting attempts in the living room. Tonight, general chaos!!! It is quite entertaining! I have repeatedly warned them that the only hospital trip I am making Is to have this baby so they had better not break something! ;)
  13. I have never purchased from them, I did unsubscribe from the email list because of the story emails!
  14. Can you take it to the dump yourself? I know sometimes you have to pay to drop off, but it would be worth it to not have little creatures invading your garage! We have taken trash to our business dumpster, but if it is a strike, that may not help at all. Or....who is refusing to negotiate with the union??? Take it to their house? ;) Kind of like the toilets in The Help :lol:
  15. My 4.5 year old is in a pink with flowers Graco high back, belt positioning booster. She has been for a while. She is tall for her age.
  16. I have everything except science experiment supplies, but we won't start with that until Sept. We will start wed if I am not in the hospital! We have to take two weeks in January for musical and I like to be done by the start of May with recital preparations. We sort of started yesterday....we are doing lessons in the history of the Olympics and doing a lapbook. Wednesday we start with English, Math, history, spelling and memory work. I am holding off in science and Latin until after baby comes.
  17. We clean the kitchen after dinner. Throughout the day dishes are rinsed and stacked. After dinner we unload and load the dishwasher and wash the pans from cooking dinner. I got bogged down cleaning after every meal. Our kitchen generally starts clean. I declutter an area daily, the kids pick up their messes daily. Vaccuming, and bathrooms happen once a week. We have a nonshedding dog, so we don't deal with a lot of hair. I like a clean house, I would like It to be a little cleaner at times, but I don't want all my home time to be cleaning. I want to swim with the kids, do puzzles, play games, and read books out sode of their school work. If I were to do as much as you list, I would always be cleaning when not doing school. I do have job 4 nights a week outside of the home. DH helps a lot with the housework, that helps. He does dishes after dinner most nights, he miws, gardens, and tends the pool. He will also fold a basket of laundry and put it away if I dont get to it.
  18. That is nice of them, I would keep a record of the call day and time and persin you spoke with. Also, check with School B to see be sure they received the letter.
  19. We were never sent home with Shakespeare. We read at least 8 Shakespeare and 4 Greek plays from 8th-12th grade, we always read them aloud in class. This is one place where a coop class is great. I taught a Shakespeare class at our coop last year. We read 5 plays in 24 weeks of class. They only had to read part of one act at home when we got behind schedule. The class went from not getting it at all to loving It. They got up and acted everything out, especially sword fights and death scenes! Find a group to read plays in, it is nore fun :) I will not teach As I Lay Dying, Heart of Darkness, or Lord of the Flies! We have copies of them all and I will have them on an optional reading list, but they will not be formally taught! There are so many books I have loved, we can discuss those. I don't see any need to teach a book I hated when there are too many to get through in high school.
  20. I only heard it the first time today, did not see the visuals. I thought it was counting blocks...."block 1, block 2..." Just telling him how far he had gone. Then I saw what happened and I found it very funny! I tried walking and listening to books on my ipod. I could not focus on my safety and the story at the same time :)
  21. That is what we have been working on this summer. I started with a laundry hamper for each family member. Clothes don't get washed if they are not in a hamper. They are also in charge of putting theor clothes away. They help fold some, but I sort the clothes based what drawer they go in. I hand them a pile at a time to put away. We cleaned the playroom together. Now they pick up daily. It is usually just a few things in the evening because they earn privileges by picking up a few toys midday. I include them.in clean up by giving them.small tasks. Today, I sat on the floor and handed items to dd to put away. She knows where everything goes. I have her. Hair clips, toys, books, etc one at a time. It took a while, but it kept her helping. Several small tasks throughout the day work well. I will give a number of toys to pick up, or set a timer for two minutes, or tell them to get the trash from under the table. Something that can be done quickly. It helps me keep things picked up a little.
  22. Great weekend! My 4 year old was in her first musical! She played a mouse and had a line. She learned how to play with the audience very quickly!!! She slipped the first moment out and had a goofy look on her face, a little laughter amd she knew what to do the rest of the show!! DS was Prince Charming. He danced so well with his little Cinderella! I survived 9-4 rehearsals/camps and a show on Friday and 3 shows on Saturday without going into labor!! Now that I have no commitments, all contractions have atopped and little man has become very comfortable!! We just at pizza! Well....school should start Wed. Totally depends on the baby ;) we are making an Olympics lapbook. I need to wash baby clothes and finish getting ready for baby!
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