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Just Kate

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Everything posted by Just Kate

  1. I’m so so sorry that you are going through this. (((hugs)))
  2. I am so sorry. Prayers for your entire family.
  3. Well, it’s over now. My dad, ds, and I took Bernie to the vet yesterday for the last time. Bernie had declined so much over the last week and I knew that it had to be done, but oh my goodness it was so hard. I think I mentioned that the vet has been a family friend for years? She cried with us. She was so kind and that helped a lot. She pointed out that Bernie had a mass on his shoulder, which for some crazy reason I hadn’t noticed (it was obvious when she showed me). She said it could have come on quickly and that’s probably what caused his sudden decline. So he likely had cancer. Poor old dog. They asked if I wanted a casting of Bernie’s paw print, which I did. That was $20 extra. So imagine my surprise when I went to pay after everything was done and the cost was only $20-something. I knew that was for the paw print, but I assumed they Had made a mistake about the total cost. But nope, our vet didn’t charge us to have Bernie put down. I thought that was so sweet of her. When we arrived at my parents house, my dad already had the hole dug to bury Bernie. My dad is so thoughtful about things like this. He brought out a speaker and played an instrumental version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and then he read a poem that he wrote about Bernie’s life (my dad always writes poems about things). Finally he and ds shoveled the dirt back into the hole. So we got to have a funeral for Bernie, which was so kind and thoughtful. The night before, I spent time looking through family pictures. Dh and I got Bernie about two years after we got married. So many of those picture were hiking with Bernie, taking Bernie to the park, etc. but then, two years later we had our first child. From then on, the picture were mostly of the kids, but Bernie was in ththe background of almost all of them. I think that his 16 years of life really showcases the passage of time through my life - from being young newlyweds, having babies and then little kids, to now, when dh is gone for work most of the time and the kids are older and much more self-sufficient. Bernie was just a constant part of our lives. He was such a special dog and I will never, ever forget him.
  4. Thank you all so much for the kind words and prayers. I have been expecting this for so long (who would have guessed he’d live to age 16!!) so I really thought I’d be better able to handle it. I am so so sad though. We already have another dog, so I think that will help some. We had her for almost four years!!! I got her on a whim because it hit me that it would be so sad if Bernie died and we didn’t have another dog. So see, I was thinking about Bernie’s death four years ago! My daughter (10 years old) will not come with us, but ds (almost 14) will. Im actually most concerned with how he is going to handle the loss. He and Bernie have been pals since he was born! Bernie slept in ds’s bedroom until just a few years ago and ds always called Bernie his “brotherâ€. I know he wants to be there and I will respect that. Thankfully our vet is a family friend who I’ve known since I was a little girl (she is the big sister of one of my childhood friends). I’ve been texting with her and I know she will be very sensitive with us. I originally planned to have Bernie buried. My childhood dog is buried at my parents’ house and my dad offered to bury Bernie next to her. I think that would be nice and my dad has dealt with this before so he will know what to do (I was in college when my childhood dog died, so I wasn’t there to help). But I keep wondering if having him cremated would be easier? Bernie hates car rides, so of course I am dreading the car ride with him tomorrow. I know it is for the best though. Bernie just looks so sad and pathetic today.
  5. I have this same one and it works great! Super easy to use and no ice or salt required.
  6. Tomorrow (Friday) at 4:30, we are taking our 16 year old black lab to be put down. We rescued him from the pound when he was just 4 months old. He was dh and my first “babyâ€. Of course, I’ve known this day was coming for a long time. Over a year ago, we actually thought it was time and made an appointment with our vet, but he perked back up so we were able to cancel. This time I’m sure though. His arthritis is terrible and he can barely walk. We live in a split level house, so there are stairs to get outside. He had been doing them well, only needing a bit of help to go down. Something changed over the weekend and he can’t do the stairs at all. He stopped eating (including his canned food - which is how we have him his meds). His dementia is much worse. He has also lot a bunch of weight. He just doesn’t seem to have the will to live anymore. I thought I was prepared, but I’m not. I’m just so sad. I went through pictures this morning and cried. He has been such an awesome dog. And to make it just a bit harder, dh works out of town and he won’t be here to go with us. He told Bernie goodbye before he left (he was here over the weekend to see the sudden decline), but he won’t be home for another week and at this point it seems selfish to keep him alive just so I can have dh here with me. Thankfully my parents are close and my dad offered to go with us. I know so many of you have been through this. Any thoughts to make it easier? Anything that might help the kids (they are almost 14 and 11)? This is my first time going through this, so I’m not quite sure what to expect.
  7. Just Kate


    I’m so sorry. Very gentle hugs for you.
  8. Love all of the suggestions! I quickly ran to the store and got the groceries to make grilled chicken salads tonight and then cheese tortellini for tomorrow night. My kids are picky. Like super picky. So it’s no fun to cook when dh is gone. I think I need to work on them though, so I’m going to try to come up with a few different options for the end of the week.
  9. I need to go to the grocery store fo the week yet I have no idea what to buy! Please tell me what you’re making for dinner this week. Dh is out of town (which isn’t abnormal), so it’s just the two kids and me. Thanks!!
  10. Done! I didn’t have to write anything either. Just rate my feelings on certain situations.
  11. That’s a good point! I live in WV and the popular green bean here are called Half-Runner beans. People harvest them, string them, and then often can them. They are always the first to go at the farmer’s markets in the summer. I love when my mom cooks half-runners for me (I just can’t get the quite right). And yes, they are boiled! And just so you know that I do understand how veggies should taste, my other favorite vegetable is roasted Brussels Sprouts. Oh yummm....dd and I could eat a pound each of them.
  12. Agreed! My ds is a super-picky eater. He won’t eat most veggies, but he will eat my mom’s canned green beans, which are boiled forever with onion, salt, and butter. So that’s how i cook green beans! All other veggies are steamed or (preferably) roasted. I actually don’t mind the beans, although dh doesn’t love them. When my kids see fresh green beans prepared (that aren’t boiled!) they are horrified - lol.
  13. I use both and think they taste very different. That being said, if I were in your shoes and didn’t want to buy a bottle of sriracha sauce, I would just use the buffalo sauce. I’m sure it will be great!
  14. I read this story earlier today and was horrified. Let’s say the sex was consensual...how is that even okay??? And now she is being attacked for her social media presence? This whole situation is astounding.
  15. Yes! I had to drive five 13 and 14 year old boys to a basketball game the other day —TWO HOURS AWAY!!! That was quite the car trip! It was right after school, so they were all so rowdy! Thankfully I didn’t have to drive all of them home (only two). I don’t think I could have handled the smell of five teens after tha game!!!
  16. I am so sorry for you loss. And I am in agreement with everyone else here that you did not fail your daughter. It is so obvious how much you love her and that you gave her a wonderful life. Many prayers for you and your family.
  17. I’m so very sorry. I lost my best friend to cancer...she was a 36 year old mother. It has been four years and my heart still aches.
  18. That’s a great suggestion!! Over the past several years, I have attended mostly non-denominational churches. They have all had their sermons online and the ones I’ve attended sound like they would work well for your friend. So he may want to check out the websites of the churches in his area.
  19. I’m doing quarterly goals this year, so at this point, I only ha e the first two quarter’s planned. Q1 - pay off one credit card balance, plus additional $1,000 in savings Q2 - pay off other credit card balance, plus additional in savings (not sure of this amount yet) I know the last 6 months will be focused on increasing our savings account. Dh has the possibility of making a job change, which would sigificantly help is to meet our savings goals. I’m waiting to see what happens before I commit on paper to what we plan for the last half of the year.
  20. You really need to contact his work and take him to a doctor to be seen. When my dh has an at-work injury 3 years ago (he fell and ruptured his quadriceps tendon, although we didn’t know it was that serious at the time), I called our family doctor to make an appointment. When they asked what had happened, I told them that dh fell at work. The receptionist immediately cut me off and told me that I had to speak to his work and go through workers comp. Your normal health insurance will not cover you if it is a work related injury. So I would definitely call his work and start the process to get him seen right away!
  21. Nooo! I just about died when, as an adult, my mom gave me my baby teeth. Those things were thrown away immediately!!! I can’t imagine keeping my own kids’ baby teeth.
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