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Just Kate

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Everything posted by Just Kate

  1. Regarding Parks & Rec, it is honestly one of my very favorite shows...but season 1 is terrible. It gets much better as season 2 goes along. You should give it another try 😊
  2. This made me think...I always worry that when I'm finishing a call with my (male) boss, I will accidentally say "love you".
  3. Thanks everyone. The issue is a charge off...and the last payment was five years ago. We were in a terrible financial situation then and we have worked so hard to get to a better place. I do agree with Jean that we have a moral obligation to pay, but I want to make sure we go about it the right way. I am going to check out the credit boards forum (thanks for that tip!). If anyone is especially savvy with this sort of thing and would want to PM me, I would certainly appreciate having someone to talk through this with. Thanks!!
  4. Dh and I made a fairly big mistake several years ago, which is still following us around on our credit report. We are in a better place financially now and would really like to take care of this issue. My problem is...I'm not sure what to do. I keep reading online and there are so many different suggestions for how to move forward (i.e. let sleeping dogs lie, try to settle, never try to settle, etc.). We don't really want a company to do anything for us (so those credit repair companies, which I don't trust anyway, wouldn't help). I thought about contacting an attorney, but I'm not sure what kind of attorney to talk to...and for that matter, how much it would cost! I don't mind to pay for advice, I just don't have millions put away. I guess, I don't mind to do the work myself - I just want to make sure that the steps we take are the right ones for our situation. Any suggestions? Websites to try or companies to contact? This has been hanging over my head for a few years now and I am really tired of the stress that it adds to my life. Getting it taken care of, one way or another, would help so much.
  5. My 10 yo dd is starting to get the occasional pimple. What are the best skincare products for young skin?
  6. Okay, okay...I'm one of those people who posts back to school pictures on FB every year. But you know what I love? Seeing my memories in FB looking back over the years at all of the past pics I've posted. For instance, ds is in 8th grade this year and when I saw his first day of 6th and 7th grade pictures, I was shocked. He looks so much older this year...and he's lost a lot of that baby look. So yeah...I'm one of those that you roll your eyes at!!! (But I can laugh about it)
  7. Ds (13) just started getting into more expensive basketball shoes (along with all of his friends!). When he finally saved up the money to get the pair he'd been wanting, I was shocked at the size that he wanted to buy (much bigger than the shoes I had bought him earlier in the year). I talked to some of his friend's moms, and all the boys are buying shoes about a full size larger than what they should wear. I guess that since the kids are saving up money for the shoes, they want to make sure they can wear them as long as possible. And at age 13-15...their feet are really growing!
  8. Just Kate


    Prayers for Susan!!
  9. Looks like I should check out Mystie's info. Thanks!!! ETA: my iPhone wanted to spell Mystie as Mattie
  10. Do you know how your husband keeps his lists? I am a huge iPhone/iPad user, but for my tasks, I think I may work better with pen and paper. I just can't quite visualize how to set things up. And I really need to learn more about how to manage email. Do you know how he sets his folders up? I have already started applying the 2 minute rule...and I feel more productive already!
  11. Yes, I agree that thinking about "next actions" will be very helpful. Many times in my job, I just write a big project on my to-do list and find it so overwhelming! Sticking with actions will make things a lot better. I can see that for my personal tasks (things I "should" do, like paint or clean out a closet) this might not work as well...due to that lack of motivation thing. lol
  12. In a previous thread, I mentioned how I am having trouble managing the normal parts of life (executive function, I think it's called). Someone suggested the book Getting Things Done by David Allen. I immediately put it on hold at my library (currently listening to the audio) and started reading blogs and other info online about it. As a super-planner, I love the idea. I can really see how it will help me to manage my job. I still need to look into how I could use it with my job and my home life together (I work in finance, so it really isn't good for me to keep a bunch of work tasks intermingled into my personal tasks). However, I am already overwhelmed at the thought of putting it all together. I just can't see what it will look like yet. Anyone use this and want to discuss? I'm happy to talk about both pros and cons of the system. ETA: This was kind of funny...after I put the book on hold at my library, I told dh about it. He immediately starting laughing because he had just ordered the book from Amazon! lol
  13. I saw that post on Facebook this morning! It was shared in a Dave Ramsey budgeting group. That is so cool ol that you wrote that!! And so very cool that it happened.
  14. Checking in to see how you're feeling this morning? Hopefully much better! (((hugs))) I've never had pneumonia, but ds (very healthy) got walking pneumonia, along with the flu, a little over a year ago. It really took a toll on him! He missed 8 days of school and had trouble getting back to playing sports. He now has to use a rescue inhaler for exercise-induced asthma. I really hope that today is a better day for you!!
  15. Wow...what great suggestions!! I need to think of one task that I could use this with. I appreciate it. And I downloaded the audio version of ADD Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life and ha e started listening. Sounds like it might be a great help.
  16. I'm very sorry. (((Hugs)))
  17. I had to quote your post because you mentioned an Instant Pot. Would you believe that I got an IP last Christmas, yet I've never even used it??? I was sure that the IP was going to change my life, but every time I sit down to try to figure out how to use it and what to cook in it, I get completely overwhelmed. Kind of funny, right? I like your other suggestions about dinner, but my problem is that I try to eat a lower carb diet (I've lot about 15 lbs and I'm about 15lbs from my ultimate goal). For me, I can't quite figure out how to feel my family quickly while eating lower carb. Add in that my ds is quite picky and I just fall apart.
  18. Until recently, I never really considered that I had a problem that might be corrected with medication. Honestly, I just thought that I wasn't trying hard enough (which is funny, because I feel like I work at getting nothing done ALL. THE. TIME). I don't know that medication would be my first choice, but I certainly wouldn't rule it out. I checked the book Driven to Distraction out from my library (it i an e-book, so I got it right away). I'm planning to give it a try this evening. Thanks for the suggestion!
  19. After reading several posts on this board about executive function problems, procrastination, and even ADHD (although I don't think this is the case), I am beginning to think that there might be a name for what I've been dealing with my entire life. I have issues completing things. I am a GREAT planner. I love to plan. I stink at execution though. I spend a ton of time worrying about what needs to be done, yet I often don't make much headway getting to my goal. A couple of examples: When my kids were little, I would make fabulous chore charts and plans for all of the wonderful ways I was going to reward the kids for helping out around the house. I would hang them up and they would never get done. It got to the point where my oldest would say, "Yay, another chore chart that we will never do!" I realized what I was doing to them by planning and then not implementing, so I just quit. I struggle with meal planning and making dinner every night. DH works out of town and it is often just the kids and me. Even when I have a planned list of meals for each evening, something prevents me from following through with that list at meal time. It always seems so strange to me! I read blog posts about how to meal plan, yet I just don't know why I can't follow through. Of course, I end up wasting food and money because of this...and then I get sooo mad at myself. My job - I work in the finance industry and have been in my current position for over 11 years. I have worked in my industry for 17 years doing practically the same job. With all of this experience, you would think that I would have the processes and procedures down pat, but I don't. I procrastinate all the time and feel stress when getting projects done. I have started a sort-of bullet journal for the tasks I need to complete, which has helped me to not forget things. But when it comes down to getting the work done, I wait until the last minute and work late and stress out. I never realized that many people use that adrenaline rush of procrastination to help them to complete projects! I guess that's what I do though. Remembering back, I did this in college and high school as well. I wasn't great at studying every night and instead I would cram for tests (and I did fairly well too!). I didn't enjoy it though. I always thought that if I could be more organized, if I could try harder, if I could focus more...I would do a better job. But here I am at the age of 41 and I continue to deal with the same problem that I dealt with in high school! My biggest fear is that I'm not helping my kids to learn how to organize and plan their daily activities. They both attend a b&m school, so they have homework most nights. We have never really had a set routine or schedule for when they should do their homework. As they are getting older, I can see that this will be a problem. I really want to tackle this problem, but I'm not sure where to start. I live in a more rural area, so I doubt there are a bunch of resources available around me. Would love to hear about anyone else who has dealt with this and ways you've overcome. Or if you have any suggestions for me, I am ready!!!
  20. I'm so sorry! And that really stinks about your plans being ruined. I hope you feel well enough to enjoy watching footage on tv at least...although I know that's not the same.:(
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