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Everything posted by Kelly1730

  1. You are on a roll, Jean. You'll have this mastered in no time and then just think how good it will feel not to have to think about it every again!!
  2. Thanks, Mandy! The more I think about it, the better I feel about it. We will get history through biographies if nothing else. I'm getting excited to do some planning, but have to get these 2013/2014 portfolios finished first! :smash:
  3. We have been praying too and will continue to do so until she is really free. What a courageous woman!
  4. Good Morning! Church Hamburgers on grill for lunch Weeding and mulching in flower beds Work on boys portfolios (almost done!) Sit on my deck and read a good book!
  5. Oh, see I think it does get better. After that young adult, yet not independent stage is over B). My four adult kids (32, 30, 27 and 22) are such blessings to me. I love when they come home again and watching them all interact now with in-laws and nieces and nephews. I try hard "not" to worry about them. I pray much and trust them to make the right decisions for them. Might not be the decision I would make, but that's how they learn and, after all, I'm not footing the bill anymore. :D
  6. Did work on boys portfolios, still more work to do on them. Did I say "mop the kitchen floor"? What was I thinking!?! Dh is mowing today, he will drag all that grass inside all over my clean kitchen floor, so mopping will have to wait. Had a nice time at grad party, so nice to sit and eat food you didn't prepare and talk with friends you haven't seen in awhile. Made quick grocery stop. Next up, pizza and a movie, the second half of "The Hobbit"
  7. This is very similar to ours. Two eight week semesters, meeting the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. Three classes, teach one, assist one and one free period. $55 per semester, per family, covers everything. We pack a snack/lunch but we finish at noon. I love that it's only 2 Fridays a month. I couldn't do anymore than that.
  8. 2 homemade banana muffins and blueberry coconut milk yogurt
  9. do you drop history for the year? Please help me think this through. My original plan was to do MP's Ancient World, Ancient Greeks for history, MP's Exploring Planet Earth and Geography along with Mapping by Art. Realizing (with some help from you all:) that Planet Earth would not be enough science (even though MP thinks it is:P) I've decided to do Elemental Science Earth Science. I would add in biographies and living books that go along with the topics studied. Is that "enough"? Can I just drop the history and feel like my boys are still getting an excellent education? We've covered the history cycle and that is one of the reasons I decided to focus on Geography but then I got sucked into adding the history back in again anyway! Ugh! Any suggestions would be so helpful as I need to work on my objectives for next year and get them submitted to the school district so that is off of my plate. Thanks in advance! Edited to add: We will also being doing Current Events more intentionally.
  10. I know the feeling, graduated four so far. So thankful for these last two at home. The Christian school that two of my children graduated from is having their ceremony today. Prayed for those kids and their parents this morning. This young adult yet not independent stage is not for the faint-hearted! Take some time to just enjoy the accomplishment, both theirs and yours! Congratulations!!
  11. Good Morning ladies! It's going to be a beautiful weekend:) Enjoying my quiet house (I'm the only one awake:) Work on portfolios Mop kitchen floor Weed flower bed (possibly) Attend high school grad party Grocery store stop Watch second half of The Hobbit
  12. We did a Disney Cruise and had two rooms, one for my daughter, 17 at the time, and one for my husband and the twins, who were 7 then. We were with friends and my daughter hung out with their teens when she wasn't with us. I did allow her to come back to the room at night when she wanted, usually around midnight. I was tired and went to bed earlier but on a Disney cruise ship they have activities all day and night long, it seemed.
  13. Oh no! Hope it goes much better than you think it will!
  14. Today concludes our first full week of summer break and I gave them the entire week off of everything. Right now they are tearing down a fence to earn spending money for camp and I think they are loving it;) Next week we'll start back with math and reading (my own summer program), adding Latin for review the week after that. They do about 15 minutes of piano practice on days we are home. I think the structure is good for them (and me) but it was nice to have an entire week off. Not off for me, obviously. Since I'm not doing school with them, I've been working on portfolios for our evaluation next week.
  15. Most of what I do outside the home involves our church. Ministry, small group etc. Dh too, and my kids have all seen that. Three out of our four adult children are very involved in their churches also and that is very gratifying to me. Dh and I wanted to model how to serve and have fun and I hope we've done that. What I do for only me? READ:)
  16. Yay, you! I love it! You are beaUtiful!:) Enjoy your today,. hope the headache is g o n e! BTW, baby Cade is fever free this morning! Praise be to God and thank you all for your prayers:)
  17. This is what we do also. I don't even really think of Boxtops as fundraising, although I guess it is. Our co-op fee is $55 a semester, August and January. We've never been asked to pay anything more. I. hate. fundraisers. Had way more than enough of that in private school!
  18. We read The Hobbit for our last lit book this year. We are going to watch the movie tonight. Just to caution, it is rated PG13 for "extended sequences of intense fantasy action violence and frightening images".
  19. Okay, I only have 2 left at home and they will be 13 in July. I would get someone in to clean bathrooms and floors in a heartbeat if dh would agree! And I may use my powers of persuasion to that end, if need be :blush:. Homeschooling is very much a "job", it takes time and effort and thinking and planning and implementing all of that! So, if you have someway to make that job easier, I say go for it!
  20. That's fine; I probably misread it. Still really easy way to print the book list for the portfolios. Thanks again!
  21. Good Morning! Well, after yesterday's very cool and rainy weather, it's so nice to see the sun poking out:) Breakfast ( i think i'm going to make banana muffins) Laundry Upstairs: dust, vac and boys bathroom (which I never did yesterday) Work on portfolios maybe some weeding if I can get outside this afternoon Dinner: Tacos, corn and applesauce Movie: The Hobbit (the boys are SO excited, we read it for lit this year and I promised them the movie after we finished:)
  22. Thank you for sharing this! I used this today while making book lists for portfolios. I didn't know they also tagged it by subject. I'll have to check that out.
  23. You need a new avatar so we can see your new cut:) Is your head feeling any better?
  24. Trying to decide between WWS and Jump In for my rising 7th graders. I'm leaning toward Jump In, just because I think "they" might like it better. If they like it better, we may get more accomplished than pulling teeth!
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