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Everything posted by girligirlmom

  1. Badge Magic. We get it from the Scout store. It's an adhesive and works great.
  2. I'm so sorry. I would have a hard time continuing to call this other mom a friend until I understood what was going on. It's bad enough to be excluded when you believe you are all close friends, but it's worse to then be told about it by the mom and then not be invited. The ultimate of course is for them to then visit you during the party, eat your food, and then leave to finish the party without you. IT's rude, weird, confusing, hard to understand. We have been invited to a birthday party and the family really didn't have much money. There was a homemade cake that wasn't frosted until we got there, water, 1 bag of Cheetoh's and one bag of Chips. There was a craft where the kids traced shapes and cut up cereal boxes and made people out of them and connected the body parts using brads to make Spiderman and other characters. They did have paint. That was it and we were happy to have been invited and really enjoyed our time with the family. Not having enough money isn't really a good reason to be so rude. Below are examples of when we've been excluded. Any other time and it was really simply signaling the end of our friendship. I have had a child or two excluded but that was for a "girls only" or "boys only" party. I have seen my youngest (6) excluded just a month or two ago and was upset when a child only 1 year older (7) than my youngest was invited and so was my oldest (10). Fortunately my youngest stayed home and did not know and we did not tell him. My daughter was excluded from a birthday party this summer for a girl who she thought was one of her best friends. As it turns out the private school the friend goes to requires that if any children are invited from school then all children (girls only, boys only or both) MUST be invited, so the party was getting too big and they felt our daughters would want time alone together instead of with everyone else since my daughter would be the only one that does not go to this private school. What they did instead was to invite my daughter to a baseball game and dinner with the family. It turned out to be better than if she went to the party since she didn't have to share her friend with others. I have been on the excluded side as an adult but it was for what I thought a good reason. In our case my youngest has many food allergies and I was still nursing him so we both avoided his many allergens. It was a Christmas Cookie Exchange get together I think. My friend explained it to me and I was fine with it, but it was because at the time we didn't allow any allergic food in the house and she knew it would be hard for me to be there and not eat. Many times these friends make safe food for my son, but this time she didn't want to ask them to only make safe cookies and I understood.
  3. My youngest has many food allergies so if I'm bringing potatoes I usually bring this: German Potato Salad Ingredients 3 cups diced peeled potatoes 4 slices bacon 1 small onion, diced 1/4 cup white vinegar 2 tablespoons water 3 tablespoons white sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley Directions 1.Place the potatoes into a pot, and fill with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil, and cook for about 10 minutes, or until easily pierced with a fork. Drain, and set aside to cool. 2.Place the bacon in a large deep skillet over medium-high heat. Fry until browned and crisp, turning as needed. Remove from the pan and set aside. 3.Add onion to the bacon grease, and cook over medium heat until browned. Add the vinegar, water, sugar, salt and pepper to the pan. Bring to a boil, then add the potatoes and parsley. Crumble in half of the bacon. Heat through, then transfer to a serving dish. Crumble the remaining bacon over the top, and serve warm.
  4. I'm so very sorry for your loss. This is just so devastating! Can you find others to watch your kids (except maybe the baby) and just go and be with her and do whatever comes up? My sister's best friend's dh just died in September (suicide) and so my sister just sort of became her friend's planner/secretary/admin and was there for her friend to process what happened and get her through each day. My sister was there from morning until evening, took her everywhere, had meals planned and even over the funeral weekend planned who she was having breakfast with, lunch with and dinner with if it was not part of a large gathering. She took her to visit the pastor, to the funeral home, to the police (required), helped pick out clothes for the services, helped do a DVD and picture compilation for the wake and funeral, answered the phone and knew who her friend wanted to talk to and who she didn't want to talk to. In this case her kids were older but if there were children involved it would include taking care of their needs. Having been through the loss of both of our parents my sister knew what needed to be done. She took the whole week off of work and even the next Monday on a Jewish Holiday off from teaching was able to take her friend to Probate or whatever it is where you need to process the paperwork. Even if you logistically cannot be there for her, can you watch her kids when she needs you to. She might want them with her a lot, but certain things like visiting the funeral home might be easier without the other children.
  5. I highly recommend For Women Only and For Men Only. It really changed our marriage. I did For Women Only as a DVD Bible Study at my church 2 years in a row (each Spring) and after the second time I asked dh if he would listen to the audio cds during his travels. He did and came home and wow what a difference! I believe he was willing to listen to them since he had seen a change in me. If we each change ourselves and focus on what our spouse needs, we can really affect our marriage! When we try to get our spouse to "change" or "improve" we really get stuck. We've been together since Feb 1990 and were married in Oct 1993, so we are doing something right. Could we improve? Absolutely. When I stop being selfish and more giving things improve and vice versa. :001_smile:
  6. How many motion sensors do you need? How many can play at once 2 or 4?
  7. I would collect $10,000. We use Sonlight and specifically we listen to the Geography Songs CD that came with our Core. Even my 6 year old knows the song and my 3 learn quite well from these types of songs. North America South America Europe Asia and Australia Africa Antarctica These are the continents Indian Arctic and the Atlantic and the Pacific are the oceans Indian Arctic and the Atlantic and the Pacific are oceans We also have a shower curtain world map on our kitchen wall and were discussing the oceans last night. Yesterday my 6 year old said, I found Turkey. Just like the sandwich I'm eating! I said what's between Turkey and where we live. I expected to hear the Atlantic, but he said Spain. He was right. I said which ocean and he found the North Atlantic (north and south Atlantic and Pacific are designated on this map). He made up his own game where everyday he tries to find a place on the map and then he quizzes us to see if we know where it is! He then said, did you know you can go from Greenland to Russia fast by going over. I said going over what? He said the world like on the globe I broke! He did just break the cardboard based quite old globe that I had bought for $3 when a local school was closing. I asked which ocean and he said the Arctic of course, duh! He asked for a globe for Christmas to replace the one he broke, but please mommy buy one that is so strong it won't break. :lol:
  8. Thank you! At first I thought the library had nothing but it helps if I actually spell his name correctly! I kept putting a T before the L. Is there a particular poem or book that stands out in your memory? A few are checked out so I'll have to go see what's on the shelf. I do have the 20th Century Children's Poetry Treasury selected by Jack Prelutsky. I checked the author index and found that only 4 poems were written by him and the only one that stands out is "Be Glad Your Nose Is On Your Face". There are a few others like "My Tooth Ith Loothe" written by others, but I'll need to have to the kids say them to see if they are long enough. Thanks so much for your help!
  9. Please tell me your humorous or dramatic speech ideas! My children are 6, 8 and 10 and their speeches only need to be about 45 seconds to a minute long and no more than 3 minutes. I'm struggling to find good content for each of them. Even if you only have one idea for one of them that will surely help. Here is the Assignment: All three of my dc are taking the Communicators for Christ Chapter Challenge with our local chapter which is a part of the Institute for Cultural Communications. This means that they have performed all sorts of speeches: Impromptu Introductions Reading or Recitation Expository Speech with a prop Extemporaneous Speech on Current Events Joke or funny Story (we borrowed a joke book), Impromptu Speeches, Persuasive (part of their upcoming Community Speaking Event) Speak in Public on your own at least once for ages 6-11 (not sure if this is part of the Challenge but it is part of the Chapter Requirements) Participate in a Group Community Speaking Event and the last one they each need to do is the Dramatic or Humorous Interpretation. I will be out a good part of today but will check back this evening.
  10. We really liked all of the Amanda Bennett Units Studies we did (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Baseball, Easter, Olympics twice, Patriotic, Ocean) including the one on Oceans. Each study is four weeks long or 20 days so you can do it in four weeks or spread it out longer and maybe do it once or twice a week. We did Oceans along with The Scientist's Apprentice Oceanography chapter (8 weeks) that I purchased from Maggie Hogan's Bright Ideas Press. We added in the Magic School Bus Books and Videos. It was quite a fun study. http://unitstudy.com/oceans_unit_study.htm
  11. Oh my! I don't remember learning the term NPD and I have a B.A. in Psychology! Thank you, thank you, thank you for explaining my mother in her last few years! She died in 2004 after losing a battle with cancer, but the last few years were a bit strange. I figured after the fact that the cancer must have affected her, because I never understood why she had certain responses to things and this makes so much sense. I think when my father was alive I didn't notice the NPD, but after he died and she remarried it came out in her. I now believe my father may have had it too. When my mother met my MIL she had planned to go square dancing that night, since she could never cancel any of her dance plans for any event. Dressing up and going dancing with her live-in boyfriend (who she later married) was the focus of her social life. She went and got dressed and came out and said Ta Da! Like a little girl showing off her new outfit. The rest of us looked at each other a bit odd. Just before my wedding she kept wondering what was she supposed to be doing during our first dance, since everyone would be looking at her. She couldn't understand why she didn't have a role. Then it seemed to get worse. When I told her I was pregnant for the first time over the phone since I was so excited and she lived an hour away, the reaction I got was, Oh My let me sit down. This is really going to affect me (her). At least my sister knew how to react and wanted to break out the champagne to celebrate. I was just confused. Then everything was based on her and her schedule. How could I plan a baby in January when I knew she had to work? Why didn't I at least have the baby over Christmas break. My sister had a planned cesarean with her second after having a cesarean with her first so why didn't I. How could I have asked my MIL (who lives in Lousiana and we live in NJ) to come and stay with us when she (my mom) was the grandmother. It was stressful and I was so grateful that my son had seen my MIL Friday night and wasn't walking, then took his first steps at my mother's that Sunday, then my MIL saw him on Monday. It was like a competition and I would be "in trouble" if he had decided to take his first steps with his MIL instead of my mother or with just us for that matter. When I told her I was pregnant the second time, she said WHAT? Don't you know I am retiring in June and then taking a trip cross country in our RV? Didn't you check the schedule that I gave you? How could you do this to ME? Oh and I guess you are going to have your MIL come and stay with you while I am not around. You planned this didn't you, knowing that I won't be around. So she retired but then postponed her trip a couple of weeks. Then when my dd didn't arrive on her due date, why was I messing up her plans? She had held off traveling so she could be there for her granddaughter's birth, but why wasn't she "coming out already". Didn't she (the baby) realize my mother had plans! Dd was 10 days late. No wonder she was late with all that stress. So no you are not alone. I could go on but these were the highlights. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, but realize you are not alone!
  12. Dh and I take turns getting eye glasses based on how much is left in our FSA at the end of the year. If there is nothing left, we then wait until the next month and add it to the next year.
  13. My husband, who works in Piscataway, NJ and sometimes the kids think he lives at JFK since he goes there so often for international travel, suggested a 4 hour departure from Piscataway for any JFK flight, so 7:30 am at the latest! He just arrived today from Europe and this was his fourth flight in or out of JFK in the past month. Have you factored in the cost of the rental car for the extra night, gas, tolls & stress compared to staying at an airport hotel?
  14. I'm sorry. I think I know how you must feel. My Large Bar Pan cracked in the past year while removing it from the oven so I called and received a replacement. I did not request a replacement for the first Large Bar Pan when I left it on the stove and turned on the wrong burner, the one under it, and it cracked in half. At least you didn't catch both of your pizza stones on fire in the oven trying to "degrease" them on clean & require the fire department to come out and de-smoke your house like someone I know :leaving: BTW dh was in Europe so it wasn't him and it wasn't the kids :lol: . It's only funny now since we all got out, there was minimal damage, and dh replaced a part on the oven & we are still using it over a year later.
  15. I am brand new to this - ds10 is starting Webelos, started Webelos I in March. Ds5.9 is starting Tigers in September. Dh and I are leading Tigers this year. Did you get a copy of the Cub Scout Program Helps? The Tigers, Wolf & Bears last year met twice a month and then had a Go See It except for September, December, February and June. They had overnight camp out (Fri- Sun) in October, February and June. Two parents were leading two groups, one was Tigers, the other was Wolf and Bear combined, but this year there will be 3 groups plus one combines Webelos. All trips were combined to make it easier on parents with multiple children. Webelos meet weekly and do not go on all trips. The Tigers level has 15 main achievements - 5 are Den activities, 5 are Family (done at home) and 5 are Go See It's. There are other achievements after the main 15. This outlined quite well in the Program Helps. At the Bear level things are scheduled in the Program Helps too with 4 meetings a month, but the 3rd week is all field trips, service projects, etc. The last week or the 2nd week seems optional, so really 2 weeks plus a field trip or service project should be enough. The Program Helps lists the individual achievements that should be accomplished in the Den Meeting, the ones that should be completed at home, and the Electives that could be completed at a Den Meeting with ideas for each one. I was strongly advised to not leave the first gathering without getting a commitment from each family to lead 2 meetings for a month plus a Go See It, so even if we have only 4 other boys in Tigers each would be responsible for a month with our help. More families means less work for each, as in each takes a meeting instead of a month. I'll see how this works in reality but the Assistant Cubmaster said he finally figured this out his 3rd year and he has been doing it this way ever since. He has 6 children, 5 are boys.
  16. Congratulations! My dh's nephew just got married last weekend. Similar story. Their baby was born in September. The word from my MIL is that this girl's stepfather was trying to force/convince her to have an abortion to the point where she was convinced to visit home and her mom and stepdad were going to take her to a clinic if they could convince her to not "ruin her life". She did not want to give up the baby at all, not even for adoption and had moved out and into SIL's home shortly after she found out she was pregnant. My SIL just supported them and did not push for them to get married. She happily reported that she realized they were "truly in love" and not just pressured into getting married so she could keep the baby. SIL wanted her DIL to feel like she would be supported without trying to force them into anything. Nephew works but not enough to support them himself and he's not the most motivated worker. Dear-niece-in-law was totally encouraged by my SIL to find childcare and get a job. She actually works with SIL now at a local Catholic college and is quite happy with the job. SIL did not have a college degree and she herself had gotten married when she was a teenager and later divorced. SIL was not pregnant when she got married but her family was moving 1000 miles away so pressure was there. SIL has recently finished her college degree and it seems like she is encourage her daughter-in-law (our niece in law) to also get a degree eventually by working at the college. The sad part is that now SIL is getting divorced for the 2nd time. They probably would have eventually, but it seems that having SIL's son, now DIL and baby live with them was too much. See SIL's dh (soon to be ex) also has 2 adult dc in their 20s and he and SIL did not agree on how adult children should pay or not, etc. That's not all there is but it didn't help. So my advice, love them and support them, but do not compromise your own marriage while doing so...
  17. Oh, you can get a connection! I don't think they are giving discounts though for connecting flights. Would you need a one way or round trip?
  18. I have not received a catalog and I have been a Sonlight customer since 2003 ordering every year. I am not upset with Sonlight at all. I know that someone in my state did receive a catalog. I am frustrated with my local post office since my guess is that they have my catalog, but just haven't delivered it to me. I usually end up requesting a catalog from Sonlight once they say if you haven't received one yet you can reorder. Then I get both within a day or two of each other.:glare:
  19. Oh my! That makes no sense whatsoever. :confused: Sand and rubber Mulch are so different in a SANDBOX! DUH! I can understand having it under a playset. I have rubber mulch under our playset. I have a child with food allergies, but not latex. I never even thought of the implications! The rubber mulch does have little wires in it occasionally. I believe it's from radial tires. We do not allow barefoot children to play, which is a bummer in the summer, but once a friend's child had a little wire caught in his foot, I had to restrict the bare feet! My children and friends have tried to play with the rubber mulch as sand and it.does.not work. They end up throwing it which makes a mess, especially in the grass or on our patio. They cannot scoop it well. It does not pour through their sand toys. I never meant for it to be like sand, that's why I have a separate covered sand box. I would love to see your Park Board meeting at the former sand box and trying to play with the rubber mulch like it was sand. Many of us remember playing with sand as a child. If only you could get them to meet at the park, my guess is most if not all would get it. Oh but make sure none of them has a latex allergy or they won't be able to come and play! If you can't get them to go, then bring a sample to them. Fill a small bucket with sand, another with rubber mulch and bring it all in a bigger bin. Show them that they took the fun out of the sandbox and put in a safety hazard. Make a huge deal about asking if anyone has a latex allergy before you bring it out since you know how serious this allergy could be and you wouldn't want to cause a reaction.
  20. :iagree:I also think that the # 1 superfood is Cod Liver Oil. I don't drink coffee or tea but without my CLO I would be dragging on winter, cloudy days. I normally buy Green Pastures Blue Ice High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil Mint flavor but that one will no longer be available soon. I think I will switch to Fermented CLO from the same company. I don't need as much in the summer as long as I get outside in the sunshine daily. What are the symptoms that lead to the endometriosis diagnosis? Has this only occured this winter or has it been going on longer? Does she exercise? It sounds like she feels horrible and has given up hope that changing her diet will help. I wonder if that's because she tried it and it did not work, she just does not know where to start, or she doesn't even have enough energy to deal with making changes. Maybe there are so many messages about what's right to eat it is so confusing. We resist change even if we will greatly benefit since we don't know that it will be worth the effort. I was like this and it took awhile for me to give up what I was used to eating since I didn't know I needed to change and did not know how much better I would feel. I have a few thoughts on the diagnosis - Are you sure it's not Candida? Candida is my #1 guess with your report of her poor diet, feeling tired and pelvic or abdominal pain. An overgrowth of Candida can cause these symptoms. Candida is normally part of our body but gets out of control with a poor diet. Does she eat or crave sugar(many various forms) and/ or white flour? There are many more symptoms and ways to diagnose Candida. Vitamin C is great to help Candida but it will not go away without diet changes, antifungals and probiotics. HEre is one plan http://www.naturallythriving.com/basics/cfd.php So can a lack of magnesium. There used to be a good balance of magnesium, but many of the modern farming techniques are not replenishing the soil. In addition Calcium is added to many foods including orange juice, but then it is out of balance with magnesium. Magnesium helps my cramps disappear and helps me increase my calm, and get a good solid night's rest. My next guess is depression which can also be diagnosed by poor diet, feeling tired and abdominal pain. There are many homeopathic remedies for various types of depression, but her symptoms include some that indicate Sepia. There are other remedies as well. Cod Liver Oil is excellent for helping with depression. Magnesium would be my next suggestion after homeopathy for this. Although Vitamins and supplements may help, the best course is a complete diet revamp including Superfoods which are similar but not quite the same as Vitamins. I know you know, but I hope she will listen to you and try it. The sad part is that she likely does not realize how good she could feel, instead of all this! It can be overwhelming to be tired and in pain, I've BTDT but I do truly feel better! When you take only the vitamins and many times only some of them, you may be missing key ingredients that work together with other vitamins in your body. It's as if you are only getting pieces of a puzzle and sometimes too many of the same kind and not enough of another kind. Many times Vitamins are made in a lab, but these are synthetic vitamins that are missing key components. Some naturally occuring vitamins are really a combination of many variations of a letter but then isolated in a lab only a part is represented. For example you can buy Vitamin D but is it D2 or D3? D2 is considered toxic by some (including me), especially since it is not the same as D3 which can only be sourced from animals. The best vitamin D source is of course, sunshine. Your body gets enough and then stops processing it even if you stay in the sunshine longer than you need. There are different forms of Vitamin A as well. WAPF recommends a 10 to one ratio of Vitamin A to Vitamin D3 AND these are Fat soluble vitamins so it's best to take them with fat or to ensure that fat is included. That's why I believe a good diet with superfoods are easier since they are good quality sources that include the necessary combinations. We follow the Weston A Price Foundation's dietary recommendations, which I could have gotten from my great grandmother too since the WAPF diet is based on traditional foods, ones that people have eaten for years and thrived on before modern processing of foods. My grandmother used to eat this way but her diet got more processed over the years. Here are some more links: http://westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/dietguidelines.html http://westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/characteristics.html http://westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/dietdangers.html http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/codliveroil.html http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/superfoods.html What I can tell you is that I changed to this way of eating and I feel great. I also use homeopathy and this article may help. http://www.drluc.com/homeopath-depression.htm Sepia is one of the remedies I think might help (you only need one but the right one) but truly a trained classical homeopath is the one I would go to for help. One thing I have learned from my homeopath is that if you do not feed your body well, you won't have much energy or good health no matter what remedy you take. Remedies and vitamins cannot makeup for dietary defiencies as well as actual food or superfoods.
  21. We rarely call the doctor for a fever. In my kids 102.9 is borderline, but barely high. It may sound odd but I have found that fevers of 103.5 and above (104 - a low 105) clear the infection in less than 24 hours most of the time, but fevers under 103 take longer to do the job, like 4-6 days. We do use homeopathy and I might call my homeopath if the remedy I try is not working and I cannot figure out what my child needs. I've studied homeopathy a little bit, but I generally start with this article and can then figure out which remedy my child needs. http://drluc.com/colds-caughs.htm Most times when I catch it early homeopathic Arsenicum with help stop it. I do also give Vitamin C in megadoses, plus we regularly take Cod Liver Oil and Fish Oil since those all help the immune system heal itself.
  22. Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid 1/2 tsp (2000 mg) twice a day or more or even better a Vitamin C complex with Bioflavonoids, Rose Hips, Acerola like this one at Vitaglo http://www.vitaglo.com/770.html I have taken up to this does every hour or two on the first day just to clear out my head, and then I back off to 1000 mg to 2000 mg per day. I have also found that with recurring sinus and ear problems it's related to an overgrowth of Candida. Totally cutting out sugar helps tons, as does cutting out grains and cutting out pasteurized dairy. The best any doctor ever wanted to do was to give me an antibiotic, but that just made everything appear to clear up and then come back with a vengeance! If you think Candida might be a concern, please avoid any antibiotics. In addition - garlic oil is my next best remedy. I gently and lightly cook garlic in olive oil (do not burn it) and then strain it. Let it cool to body temp but not too cold. Put 3 drops in the affected ear and hold it in at least 5 minutes. Have a paper towel handy to catch it as it comes out.
  23. We enjoy Bible Study Guide for All Ages here as well. I have 10, 7 and 5 year olds. When I get out the box, which is about twice a week, I get a cheer from my kids. We use the newer version of the children's sheets.
  24. My #1 answer is a magnesium supplement like Natural Calm brand. She also might need Calcium but she likely needs mainly magnesium if she is getting dietary calcium. I met Dr. Carolyn Dean at a T-Tapp retreat in 2007. She mentioned 2 major things in her talk that affect most women: 1. Candida Overgrowth 2. Magnesium Deficiency Here is the information on magnesium: http://www.carolyndean.com/articles_mag_measuring_up.html (click link for pdf article) http://www.carolyndean.com/articles_the_magnesium_miracle.html I buy magnesium, Natural Calm brand, from Vitacost and take it nightly. Eat healthy, get plenty of sunshine during the day, and sleep in a dark room with no artifical light. Access to light from the moon is fine as it has been reported to help regulate women's cycles, but no artificial light from inside or outside (no street lights). The dizziness you described might be caused by Candida Overgrowth. Several people I know both IRL and online who have had Vertigo recently also are struggling with Candida Overgrowth. I had Vertigo for 1 month and I struggle with it Candida too. I am working on following this plan http://www.naturallythriving.com/basics/cfd.php which is based on the Weston A Price Foundation's recommendations but cuts out all sugar and grains.
  25. Here is a link to an article on the Real Milk.com site that explains the history of pasteurization of Raw Milk. http://www.realmilk.com/untoldstory_1.html If you skim it fast it might not make as much sense as if you read it slowly. I've read it more than once and it's what has helped me to understand what Mark McAfee means when he says there are two types of raw milk. Be aware that realmilk.com is run by Weston A Price so it is clearly biased for raw milk as am I. Sometimes though it helps to understand history when you want to change things. You may find a "Why Pasteurize?" history on a government site easily, so here is the other perspective. This article explains Why did pasteurization start? Why was it needed in some cases when for hundreds or thousands of years before it was not done? How did it help? I just read it to my 10 year old and he asked many of the same questions I did. Why didn't they just clean up all the dairy farms and require certification of all of them, instead of creating/allowing two types of milk, certified milk that safe if consumed raw, and unclean milk that required pasteurization. Clearly pasteurization helped but was it necessary or was there are better way to save lives? I think if they cleaned up the milk and the source of the feed, and didn't allow milk from sick cows that would have saved lives. Do I (or you) really want to drink milk from a cow that has tuberculosis or any other disease just because that milk was boiled? Does that make it safe? Does that make it healthy? Clearly I understand that pasteurized milk today is different than pasteurized milk back then, but how much different? Other questions I have asked since I learned about raw milk in 2006: If cows have 4 stomachs are supposed to eat grass and other vegetation, why are many in this country in confinement dairies still and why are they fed soy, corn, and other grains instead of or in addition to being grassfed? How much of their diet is vegetation vs. grain? Is this only in the winter or all year? How come they all do not go out in the sunshine? More importantly: How can I find out if the milk I am drinking and feeding my children from the local supermarket comes from a cow that eats her vegetables and gets out in the sunshine? Is this why milk must have Vitamins A and D added, since the cows don't eat enough green vegetation nor get enough sunshine? The interesting thing is that Coit was from NJ and the laws that came from were founded in NJ but you can't buy raw milk in NJ in 2009. Strauss was from NYC and raw milk can be purchased in NY. I do not believe that all raw milk is safe for human consumption. I would not want to drink raw milk from many of our nation's dairies. I do drink raw milk from a certified supplier, but I also drink raw milk from a few Amish farmers since I know the farmers and I trust their operation as do many other WAPF members. Here is the personal testimony of an 83 year old man's experience and his description of the history of raw milk: http://www.realmilk.com/crime-against-raw-milk.html The timing in this article picks up in the timeline where the other one leaves off.
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