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Everything posted by warneral

  1. Project passport isn't really chronological. I inserted the projects and lapbook king into my Mystery of History schedule, but only because I want to space it out with writing, notebooking, outlining, etc. if you want to do it as written, I would just get going with it anytime you want to. Not sure if that helps!
  2. If I had a 6th grader that needed spelling rules and phonogram instruction, I would use Logic of English. AAS is a ton of time and work spent on fairly easy words. I'd want to run faster than AAS does. Another option is rod and staff. You can look at samples to see word lists for placement
  3. Thanks moms! I think I will not print off the history. I may try a few weeks of it from the ipad. I really don't want to print full color art paintings with our color laser. I just need to find a way to make viewing it handy. Or just wait until we are using it,get a feel for if I want to bother.
  4. I never even looked at it. I take a peek at book lists from sonlight, TOG, MFW, Winter Promise and choose some of the books from their corresponding time period and age.
  5. Easy - skip a year! He already did 2 levels of FLL? Take next year off. Maybe read grammar land or sentence family with him. He is far too young to do independent grammar and has already had a good taste for it.
  6. I am printing LIvely Latin but am considering leaving out the history lessons. We did Ancients last year, and while more Roman history would be nice, I have a lot of work planned in History for cycle 2. Has anyone done LL without the History and then regretted it or felt like it left the program less effective? This year I really want to focus on writing and logic stage History. We also are starting up BJU science which is going to take much more time in future years. TIA!
  7. Tress - I can only imagine the frustration you must feel :(
  8. yes! I don't have little ones but I seem to be extremely unorganized. I keep flitting from one idea or task to the other without actually accomplishing enough! I still need to print and plan latin, vocab and get a more solid plan for writing. My goal is to start mid August (2 weeks before their friends at school). It's approaching too fast!
  9. While I love listening to Audio books (we listen to great literature in the car), the mother seemed to be giving the kid an "out" to not have to pick up a book daily and read. Oh well, it could be worse, but still!
  10. I started with Sonlight Core B (and C separately was the plan). I read TWTM and switched plans. My suggestion would be to either do SOTW without worrying so much about extra projects. Choose some good Core B books to read, add some bible and enjoy! *OR* if your kids aren't getting much from the Usborne layout, consider dropping the History encyclopedia. You could get a different one or just drop it altogether. CHOW will be your spine regardless. You could try substituting the History encyclopedia with this one: http://www.usborne.com/quicklinks/eng/catalogue/catalogue.aspx?loc=usa&id=3922 it is far less busy and has more words. Many of the same topics (as I recall)
  11. by the way, I think it would be hard to hear that my kid was bullied. It would be even harder for me to hear my kid was bullying someone! To hear it from my church youth pastor (realizing my friend told him instead of me) would be very hurtful. If she doesn't handle it appropriately (is defensive for instance), then by all means you will need a witness or mediator. But right now, you don't know how she'll handle it
  12. Well first, I am so sorry about this! Seeing that camp is over and the counselors are now on to other camps, I would first want to take the biblical route - if your brother sins against you go to that brother. So I would go to the mom and tell her what your ds said. If she doesn't take it appropriately, then bring in another witness (perhaps other kid's mom). From there I would go to leadership. Matthew 18:15 from the words of Jesus
  13. I have the onenote app. I mainly just view from it. Can't open attachments so I print to the screen from my pc
  14. Sometimes a break is necessary to curb burnout. It sounds like you're feeling the edge of burnout? Or is he? If so, I would let him explore his interest and not have him do more.
  15. By the way, I think Singapore would work if you added complex word problems and extra practice... Did you use either of those books? Again, I like math mammoth because it is strong in mental and conceptual math, but gives enough practice all in one book
  16. I agree about math mammoth. It goes slow with lots of practice and tiny incremental leaps. It also gives you a typical scope and sequence so that you cover what 4th grade typically covers. It is also nice because you don't juggle books like Singapore. It really teaches to the student and I help when needed
  17. I got autographed copies in our classified section here for a good price
  18. I love the look of Black Death but doubt it would be realistic for my kids. A coop situation would be ideal
  19. I have two copies so that each kid can outline from it. One smells like a basement lol. Have fun! I'm rereading TWTM right now for logic stage history.
  20. I love it and use it lots! I got it a few years back when it was a promo for $50 including some spines and covers. That deal hasn't returned unfortunately. Sometimes mybindingsupplies has deals on spines and covers.
  21. We got some inexpensive colored Lyra pencils from amazon See here http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Lyra+colored+pencils
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