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Everything posted by klmama

  1. Isn't that funny! My mom looked just like her Norwegian father, but people often thought she was a Native American. They always cited the dark hair, eyes, and skin, as well as the shape of her nose and eyes, and all those features came from her dad.
  2. My dc may call me "Mom," "Mama," or "Mommy," but I hate being called "Mother." They don't mean it in a sarcastic way or an angry way at all, but that's how I take it. Irrational is exactly the right word for it!
  3. The only child I know who had them out was already quite chubby when they were removed at age 5. She did get heavier, but it looked like that was the path she was already on.
  4. Many of you looked for unclaimed funds at http://www.missingmoney.com/, but did you realize that most individual states and Canadian provinces have sites, too? If you click on the map pictured on the main page of MissingMoney, you'll be taken to a map where you can click on your state or province. I found money for a relative that way, even though he wasn't listed on the national site. Just wanted to share, in case someone else was in the same boat!
  5. Is there a janitorial supply store near you? I'm sure they would have one.
  6. I think your list looks fine. I would definitely give your ds the power screwdriver, though. It isn't something he is likely to hurt himself with, and it will provide him with lots of fun. Ask him to help any time a screwdriver is needed. He'll be able to use it for years. At those ages particularly, it doesn't matter what you spend. It only matters that they love the gifts. When my dd was that age, her favorite gift was a 12" pink ball that cost a big $0.99. She thought the other gifts were nice, but the pink ball was her favorite. Enjoy the cheap requests while they last! It changes as they get older! Congrats on getting ready for Christmas early!
  7. :iagree: It's nice to read various perspectives on things here! When the conversation becomes less than civil, I just shake my head and stop reading. FWIW, Susan, even though I voted to keep the politics here, I won't feel the least bit offended if you decide to can the discussions on that or anything else. It's your board, and we are guests. You decide what works best for you and your staff.
  8. LOL! Thanks for sharing! I needed that laugh! :)
  9. I can't vote! I don't keep it on the counter, but not because I think it would go bad! I have a couple of reasons for refrigerating it. I keep it in the fridge because I don't have a covered dish and I don't want it to attract any flies the dc let in when they are running in and out. I also don't want to tempt my 4yo, who would love nothing more than to stick an inquisitive finger into it to take just a taste - about 100 times a day! The cat might be tempted to jump up and lick it, too. Bleck. To top it off, I don't like how soft it gets when left out in the summer. I just get it out about an hour before a meal so it gets soft enough to use.
  10. Sink Reflections, by Marla Cilley. She's the FlyLady. I couldn't stand her emails interrupting my homeschool day, but the book was helpful. The best thing I did was make a binder with lists for all of us (dc and I) to work from in the morning. Everyone has chores, and breakfast doesn't get eaten unless those chores are done. Lists are in clear sheet protectors and attached to dry erase markers. I didn't get everything caught up this way, but it sure helped. As for developing the self-discipline, I think little steps help. Pick something you don't really want to do, and then do it. You'll feel good that you accomplished something and did the right thing, all at once, and it will make you feel better about doing it again and again.
  11. I appreciate all the kind words and encouragement! I think the biggest problem is that we are using quite a few new materials - math, spelling, grammar, science - and the dc aren't used to how they work yet. I'm sure tomorrow will be better. Now, off to bed so I can have a good night's sleep before facing them all again!
  12. You are so smart! I always think I'll do this, but then I start planning and just jump in full force! Maybe next year I'll remember to ease into things.
  13. Actually, besides being the right thing to do, this was probably the best thing you could have done to further your cause. It showed the librarian that you realized you overreacted, had the guts to own up to it, and generally showed you have decent character, despite your little rant. She will probably take seriously any suggestions you make regarding your library's book selections, rules for children, etc. Take advantage of the opportunity to give written suggestions so they can consider them!
  14. I know it must get better, or I wouldn't have kept doing it all these years, but right now I'm just... tired. We haven't covered all our subjects yet. Dc are struggling to focus. Every subject is taking much longer than it should. I have no idea if the detailed plans I made up for our entire first semester should be scrapped or if we might actually be able to learn how to get it done. Sigh. I hate the first week of school. It isn't any fun at all.
  15. Do they let you know exactly what minerals are in their products? I have thought about purchasing some mineral makeup, but I haven't found the ingredient info online and at the store I can't read the fine print. Besides the usual nasty stuff, I need to avoid copper, too. Do you know anything about that?
  16. Wow. What a tough situation. I'm sorry you have to deal with this disappointment of having less time with him, and then that you have to decide about seeing other family, too. As a wife, I'd want him all to myself. As a mom, boy, if my ds were ever deployed, I'd sure want to see him before he left, even if only for an hour or two. I would be incredibly hurt if he didn't try to see me, and that would make his deployment even harder. Even if I didn't see him often, I would still love him dearly, and I'd want that chance to say good-bye in person. Could your dh work that out somehow? Is there a way for his visit with her to be for a limited time in the afternoon, just them, without it interfering with his time with you and your kids in the morning and evening? How far away is she? Could he drive to meet her halfway or something, then drive back within a few hour period? Can he stand up to her enough to say, "Gotta go, Mom. I love you," then give her a big hug and a kiss and leave? That would be my vote. Let her have a little time with just them, and you have your time with him, too.
  17. I may try something like this myself. My only suggestion is that after the system gets learned, you start having your ds do the moving of pages, first under your supervision, then later on his own. Something I've observed in my own family is that I end up doing most of the organizing, and my dc aren't learning the skills they will need later. That's one of my goals for this year - that they learn to organize their work!
  18. Okay, for some of you tough-minded gals this is a no-brainer, but for me, it's a huge step. I have a hard time saying no to people, but today I had to. My neighbor (whose dc are my dc's best friends) wanted to get our dc together today so she could do some things. Normally, that would be fine, but her ds is sick. Tummy ache yesterday, fever last night, sore throat today. I found out about the tummy ache because he was with us yesterday when he started looking a little green. Literally. So, I asked how he was doing today and she told me the rest. "But really, he's feeling pretty good today, except for the sore throat," she said,"so let's get them together after lunch." Aauuugghh!!!! I don't think so!!!! It was hard for me, but I sucked it up and said we won't play until her dc are all 100% well. She was fine with that, seemed to understand, and said maybe later in the weekend we could try again, if everyone is healthy. So, I'm here doing a little happy dance because I stood up for myself and my dc, because my neighbor seemed to understand, and because I've gotten my first reminder of the season that I should always ask if anyone has symptoms before we get together. It seems everyone we know thinks it's fine to have playdates if they give their feverish dc some motrin, and my dc end up paying for it. I'm going to put a note by the phone to remind me to ask about health before we make playdates!
  19. Some people are under the mistaken impression that all coconut oil is bad for us because hydrogenated coconut oil is bad for us. They don't understand the difference. If you are using raw, unrefined oil, it's fine. Even refined is okay, as long as it's not hydrogenated.
  20. I found my copy of the Latin Centered Curriculum! It's been lost for ages, and I thought I must have lent it out without recording it. Nope! It was hiding with the dust bunnies behind my dresser. So, even though I hate deep cleaning, I did it, and now I get a reward! It's good to do the right thing. :D
  21. Do you use any products with peroxide? Some leave-in hair conditioners cause bleaching, too.
  22. If you do go with a spray, be sure to get a spray that actually works for brown recluses! Some won't be as effective. Also, get some sticky spider traps to put along the baseboards behind the beds, toilets, etc. Sprays don't always kill them, but when they come out to hunt they get stuck in the traps and die.
  23. Do the siding and roofing people actually read the sign and go away? Would it discourage people running for political office? We start school on Monday, and I'd like to limit my doorbell interruptions to the UPS guy and neighbors with real emergencies, KWIM?
  24. Thanks for the suggestion. I called. The one item I wanted the most is out of stock. It wasn't when I ordered it, but somehow, now it is. Rats. If I'd known this would happen I would have ordered it from Rainbow, but now I'd have to pay extra for the shipping, in addition to the higher price there. Oh, well. I'll just wait.
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