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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. We are currently on Tamiflu. We were told that side effects are nightmares and possibly depression/anxiety. I asked the PA about it specificlly and she said 1. incidence is pretty small 2. they're not sure if it's a side-effect of the flu or the Tamiflu. She told us we are to stop immediately if we start having issues. But, my son came down with the flu type A on Friday (here my thread about it) . He went on Tamiflu on Saturday morning. By Sunday he was feeling good enough to sit at his computer. Today he's even better. I'm on a prophylactic dosage. I'm happy with it so far. I'm not sleeping well, but no nightmares. Son is fine. I am amazed at how quickly he's recovered. We've had some friends who were too late to get Tamiflu and they were sick for weeks. No thank you. My daughter (who doesn't live with us) was just dx with flu today (although neither type A or B - some other strain). She's going to give Tamiflu a try because she really can't miss that much work and she's also in school.
  2. I long for those days too. When we were looking at houses the ones that we were drawn to were the ones that had character. We could spot a quicky upgrade or flipper as soon as we walked into the kitchen... and it was yuck. I don't want grey, black and white in my kitchens/bathrooms. Although, we did see a few houses that had...well.. too much character. 😄
  3. Gosh.. that is too bad no one said anything. I emailed the leader of my son's spring trip (he got home last Thurs from 5 days in NY) to give them a heads up, and tell him about Tamiflu. It's spring break for his school now and I hate to see someone's family trip ruined by the flu. He emailed me back last night to say he had sent word on to the other parents.
  4. Thanks everyone. ds was actually at his computer when we got home from church. That's an improvement. FWIW, we both had weird dreams and non-sleeping periods last night. They weren't nightmares... just odd and strange feeling.. More like the half-sleep/half-awake dreaming when someone has a high fever... which neither of us had. I'm going to rest today. I feel run down from lack of sleep. Sorry that this cold/flu season is dragging on for so many of us. I saw that article too @gardenmom5 My dh is resistant to any intervention. when he's sick with the man-cold he rarely takes anything and just wants to suffer and sleep. He's never had the flu though...so we shall see how it goes if he gets it.
  5. Thanks guys for the heads up about how quickly he may, or may not, recover. I took the first dose. My dh has opted to not take it. But, he's had little contact with son and he rarely catches anything from the kids.
  6. I had to do that once with my son too. He had a weird sickness where his stomach hurt (not throw up hurt, but hurt). I was like "just deal with it and go to school." Then i got it. It hurt really badly.
  7. He has Flu type A. I was tested - negative. She put him on Tamiflu and gave me a prescrip for prophylactic level of Tamiflu. I'm debating whether to take it or not. I was definitely exposed as he's been coming to me for comfort and help. I'm leaning towards yes. Anyone know how good it is as a preventative? What are the chances he'll be better by Tues?
  8. It seems like flu symptoms are a bit different every year. I suspect my son may have it. Here's his symptoms: sudden onset yesterday mild fever terrible headache lower back pain that goes down to his feet up-set stomach and lots of burping & gas. Feeling miserable and no energy. We've got an appt at the local clinic this morning. Of course, he's on spring break and we were going on two college visits next week. Ugh.
  9. This... exactly. My husband keeps close watch on markets but says something similar. They'll always be predicting one because it's cyclical. But, we are due
  10. no, he doesn't. He is a narrator like in the Greek plays sense. Completely outside of the story's action.
  11. Any luck on finding a wreath?
  12. I would second Wayfair. They often have good sales.
  13. It's more involved than just cabinets. We could do that ourselves. They're knocking down a load-bearing wall, adding 2 new footers under the house, moving plumbing and hot-water baseboard heat, and redoing the floors.
  14. yup, exactly. I feel like I have offered a boatload of patience. I've reached my limit. I hate to call them because well.. I'm so angry and then I start crying.. I hate that!! I don't want to cry, I want to be in control of the situation.
  15. I did consider asking her to send me a bill for work done and be finished with them... but starting the process over with cabinets sitting in my sunroom is just overwhelming too. IT would probably be summer or later before it gets done if I do that. I realize there's really no good option for me at this point.
  16. I'm so frustrated!!! Some of you may remember my contractor issues. Here's a quick synopsis. We began discussions with a contractor about doing our master bath and kitchen in Dec. 2017. I opted to go with the MB first since it was in much worse shape. They began in March/April and finished almost within their time frame in late May. It is a husband and wife team and I liked working with them both. She's definitely not about selling me up on high-end items. When they finished I was clear I was ready to start ASAP on the kitchen. Since that time there has been a general lack of communication. I kept emailing them, reminding them I was ready to move. There'd been some stuff in the summer. The engineer came in June.. and architect in July - then silence. I kept emailing. She sent me an email sometime in Nov. with an updated concept and asking me about a time to go pick out cabinets because there was a big 30% off sale up to Dec. 8th. I emailed her back rather annoyed that some "changes" were things we had originally talked about back in Dec. and I explained I was annoyed that I had been waiting for so many months with barely any communication. We set a time to meet at the store. Then she told me that she had had a 2nd occurrence of breast cancer and surgery... lots of brain fog and issues related to recovery. So... I feel awful. I had no idea she was dealing with this. She tells me that they can start in as early as 2 weeks at that time. So we're looking at a Christmas renovation. I'm ready to jump..... I want it done. But dh balks - so we compromise and I tell her we can start Dec. 26th. Then silence. I honestly can't remember how much we've talked since then. but, she does send me some info. and we talk about other issues with the concept and she works on it more. I'm still thinking - any week now.... but here we are in mid March and we STILL don't have a date. So I asked her today about a start date because Easter is a BIG deal at our house. My sunroom (where we entertain) is filled with boxes of kitchen cabinets). She says they're finishing up a job and maybe in 2-3 weeks they can start. I'm just so pissed off. I mean, no communication about Dec actually not working. They've bumped me constantly without talking with me. I've put up with far too much. My dh says to fire them now. But, I've invested some of my own time with this... and we are starting to make progress. Either way I know I won't have a kitchen by Easter. I realize now that I should have changed contractors last summer. I just didn't want to start the process over again of looking for someone new. That alone is such a PIA. But, mostly I'm so mad and I feel rather dismissed as a client. I'm also having a very bad experience trying to get my fireplace upgraded to propane (it's like NO ONE wants to talk with their customers- what is with that???!!!). Today was yet another day they came out to attach the tank to the lines... but oh, we can't do this part because I didn't have something done. Of course not because NO ONE told me "have this done before the guys come out to hook up the line". This is probably the 3rd time this has happened on this one job. And then, no one calls and says, "Mrs. Debbi, we heard there was a problem, I'm sorry - we really need to make sure this gets done BEFORE our guys comes out again." nope.. no communication. It's crazy. Don't they want customers?? I've only paid a down-payment for the fireplace job... they don't seem to want the rest of their money.
  17. I am a singer. I sing Soprano. I *love* bass singers and bass players (my dh pays bass guitar). I also love instruments like the cello, clarinet, & viola. In fact, I took cello for about 3 yrs in my youth. I used to hate the violin. I've learned to enjoy it being in a celtic band with a fiddler.
  18. I was always a delayed vaxer, and i'd probably still try to delay if I were having kids. When I say delay I mean start when kids are 6-9months rather than newborn - not delay for years. I also don't use Homeopathic remedies anymore... but I still use Elderberry. One area that is medical related where I have changed is intervention and testing starting early. When my older kids were young, the homeschooling community was very much against testing and labeling kids. I listened to that advice far too long. I wish I hadn't waited so long to get my daughter tested and some intervention for her LD. It negatively affected her self-esteem.
  19. So happy for you. I love Kensington, it just wasn't a good spot for my dh's commute. Many wonderful houses there - and a few Mcmansions. What is field Trip Thursdays?
  20. I was a little confused on how to vote since you said to vote only one time. But, I voted for multiple things... All our kids except one are adults. The expectation when they were little was that they would at least go to college (or trade school).. always talked about it. We were pretty insistent that they get a useful degree (no art history or philosophy majors please). They could minor in something like that if it was their passion. My dh has a Masters, I am now working to complete my AA. As it's turned out, two opted for career paths that needed PhDs. Two are now currently working on their Masters. One is getting a 4+1 degree that include a certification in teaching.
  21. we are a chatty bunch. And to think there's less of us on the newer boards than when I first started.
  22. @Annie G - we live in an area where summer humidity is a problem. The previous owner had the vented system (which was the rule of thumb years ago) with batting in the joists. We put in a closed (unvented) system. It will only work if you have a dehumidifier under the house otherwise you will have problems with rot and mold. The rule of thumb now is that the crawl space is part of the house= so it needs to be insulated against the outside (no batting in the floor joists!!). I would do some research for sure. We had some older contractors try to tell us we wanted a vented system, but by that time I had done a lot of research and I knew they were wrong.: The Crawl Space Ninja is very informative as is this site: https://www.buildingscience.com/document-search?topics[0]=698
  23. We have a crawl space and I've learned a lot in the last 18months of living here. Yes, you do need a vapor barrier. Go to youtube and look up CrawlSpace Ninja. He has a wealth of information and tips. We hired a company to remove the mold (you probably have mold under there in the joists) and lay the vapor barrier and add the dehumidifier. Ours was mostly paid for by the previous owner since we found the mold in the inspection. Anyway, we've been doing the rest of the work ourselves - which is why we were under the house yesterday. 🙂 You'll need to insulate the perimeter of the house in the crawl space and completely close it off. It is hard work, but its definitely the kind of thing a homeowner can do themselves with the right tools.
  24. @alisoncooks Do you have a crawl space or a wet basement? Fixing the moisture under the house it's fairly big job, but doable as a DIY project.
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