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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I like a good Brit mystery and I also enjoy fantasy. For british mysteries: Brother Cadfael series Campion series Lord Peter Whimsey series. for fantasy I've been enjoying Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Pratchett lately.
  2. my new favorite is Fr. Richard Rene, an Orthodox priest in BC. This sermon on the Good Samaritan was excellent: http://audio.ancientfaith.com/mysterion/mys_2012-01-18.mp3 It's only about 11 min. long but quite powerful. Since then I've listened to several of his other sermons and they've all been quite good. Another one is Met. Kallistos (Ware). He's a British convert (back in the early 60's) to Orthodoxy. He's a preeminent scholar and quite respected throughout Christendom. Here's a 5 min. interview with him by Christianity Today: There's lots of free audio/videos from him online if you do a search. And finally, my favorite author is Met. Anthony Bloom. He has since died but here is a great interview done by the Canadian Broadcasting Co. back in the 70's. This is the first of 3 parts on the subject of suffering. You just have to get past the schmaltzy music in the beginning ;)
  3. I agree. I'm sorry this happened to you. FWIW, I always felt pretty isolated at co-ops and it had nothing to do with food. I never really fit in....usually it was over religious beliefs and the fact that many went to the same church together ...but it was still no fun being the odd man out. So, I know how you feel wanting to find a place for your family to fit in.
  4. oh yes. I went gray in my 30s too (thyroid problems). I vowed I would never become one of those frumpy homeschool moms so I did something about it. It's not that I dress to the nines or wear make-up every day, but I do try to be conscience about it. I do color my hair and I try to keep that looking nice. When I go out I do try to wear make-up. It makes me feel better about myself. I also lost 40 lbs on Atkins.
  5. I'm so sorry. :grouphug: I hope your trip brings some inner healing for you and that you can be a blessing to both your sisters.
  6. I love red, but not bright red... more like brick color. I like earthy colors. Actually, this is similar to the color scheme in my living room: I like my blues and greens to be muted, not bright. Unfortunately, when I painted my master bedroom it came out a bit bluer than I wanted, but I wasn't up for a re-do.
  7. I loved sentence diagramming when I was teaching it to my kids. I learned so much stuff I missed from when I was in school.
  8. man, I want you to be my homeschool mom ;) Yummy.
  9. I saw the movie and had a similar reaction. Throughly depressing without any point to it at all.
  10. Did anyone mention Gosford Park. Excellent period drama with Clive Owen. THe only thing is that the accents were very thick (especially the girl protagonist). I'm very used to watching Brit. shows, but I was even tempted to go with subtitles on this one.
  11. yes, that's a good one too. It also has Nathaniel Parker in it (love him!), but he's not such a nice guy in this one. The mini-series took a little while for me to get used to. It uses that wobbly camera angle that I hate. Why can't they hold those things still?? when I'm sitting in a room talking with someone I'm not bobbling my head around, so why do it for a movie?? :confused:
  12. I think it's very hard to find *the* house but perhaps some people are lucky. I spent most of 2011 house hunting. It was hard. I never found *the* house. In fact, we found the house we really liked and as soon as we put a bid on it and it was accepted I starting finding all the thing WRONG with the house! I became a basket case, 2nd guessing myself, realizing that some things I didn't think were important were suddenly VERY important, and regretting our decision, yada yada yada. Just to say - it was an emotional experience I had not expected. I was so excited to LOOK for a house, but when I found one that had nearly 90% of the things on our list that 10% just ate me up. I could go on, but you don't want to hear my selfish and depressing story. It's been a hard few months, but we had our house blessing last night. I'm hoping it will turn a corner for me and I won't be sad so much of the time now.
  13. I would stick it out for one more day and see how it goes. If it doesn't improve I'd probably go home on Weds.
  14. wow... I can't imagine how heartbreaking that must be. Praying.
  15. FWIW, Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell was one of my favorite reads a few years back...but I know it isn't for everyone.
  16. I wonder if it was "Cry, Beloved Country" where the pastor dad goes to Johannesburg to look for his wayward son? The book is terribly awkward to read, but I listened to it on audio and it was wonderful. The movie adaptation with James Earl Jones and Richard Harris is just lovely too. I agree, no grammatical markings is annoying and gimmicky.
  17. So glad your dd is okay! I guess it's too early for a glass of wine. ;)
  18. oh yes, please do. I never read Twilight because I just don't like romance type books but everything I've heard, from people who's reading opinions I trust, is that it drivel.
  19. Yes, that is a good one. Also, Our Mutual Friend Martin Chuzzlewit Persuasion (with Ciarin Hinds) Candleford Moonstone Far from the Madding Crowd (1998 - with Nathaniel Parker -ooh la la) An oldie but goodie but not a mini-series is: A Man For All Seasons and Anne of a Thousand Days
  20. I'd forgotten about the Kite Runner... I agree. Blech. It was another book club read.
  21. I use WP, but I don't have my own domain. I've thought about it several times over the years because I wanted more say in the creative side (colors, font sizes, layout, etc), but just couldn't justify the extra money for do-dads. Are there other benefits you're looking for?
  22. :lol: So true!! I did two book clubs and that was more than enough for me. I got so tired of wasting my time with other people's bad choices.
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