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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I loved the book too, but I don't know about the movie. I don't remember "the giver" having a particularly large part in the book, but it's been a few years since I read it. In the end, I don't trust Hollywood to do a book justice.
  2. absolutely...especially if they're men. We may save someone's marriage.
  3. I think we should merge this topic with the proselytizing one, because I think we should be witnessing to these people about our God of choice.... hey, we've got a captive audience, why not use it productively? ;) Edited to fix the tablet auto correct...
  4. I don't think it's a good book for a 12yr old. Yup there's some words. I also remember his friend/travel companion is creepy and unbalanced. Probably not the best way to introduce the world of back-packing to a 12yr old.
  5. Okay, so I'm going out on a limb to share my anxiety filled experience. Mainly to share something that isn't related to our spouses that also invokes irrational emotions or actions too (at least for me). So my son came home from camp today. Friends, who were on vacation in OH, picked up their dd at the same camp (in PA) and they offered to pick our guy up too. They just left about 15min. ago. I'm a puddle of anxiety. My thoughts are going something like this: "Should I have invited them in??? Should I have invited them for a pit stop??? Offered them something to drink??? Should I stopped and chatted at the van a little longer with them?? I should have listened closer when their dd was telling me about camp!! I'm a terrible person.. I'm an awful friend. I'm such a miserable failure." they've just been on the road for nearly 6-8hrs total (OH-Camp-to home). Wife is in a wheelchair and getting her out of the van is not easy. They're probably tired and just want to be at their own home. I'm mean, I should just get over myself already, but instead I'm a nearly a puddle of tears!!! I might even have trouble sleeping tonight. Sheesh. What happened to the old, rational & laid-back me???
  6. I love a cuddler too... And yes, I think its probably because you know this chapter of your life coming to a close sooner rather than later that you appreciate it more. I know I wanted to slow time down with my last. Pictures???? How did the birth go???
  7. I put a hold on it from my library yesterday. I appreciate jaderbee recommending it.
  8. Wow that would make me angry too. My kids have been exposed a bit to it too since converting, but not that bad. I think I would have to have a talk with the parents...esp. if your dh had a similar experience.
  9. What a bummer about leaving your ds behind. I would be having a hard time with that too. It is very sudden, is there any way you can delay your move until closer to next semester? I live and used to hs in MD. It's not hard at all. The thing I found difficult as the years went on were finding good hsing communities. Most became associated with a specific church - that I didn't go to. There are a few good things there weren't..and it's been 4yrs since I hsed so maybe it's getting better. I think the MD traffic is slightly better than the No. VA traffic, but we don't go to VA all that often. But as Quill said - rush hour will be tough, no matter which side of the Potomac you live on.
  10. I'm with you Sadie...my heart just sank when I read that list. Why can't i be my own person? Why can't he be comfortable with that? I have friends who take separate vacations. They're perfectly happy together. Actually, she takes vacations..he doesn't. He hates being away from home. Would that mean she'd always have to stay home or that she'd always have to bring along a grumpy unhappy dh?? (she tried that one actually and it was a disaster). Now, they're content, she gets the explore the world and he's happy to stay home and work or do a staycation. He'll come with her sometimes if it's a short trip, but there's no pressure and it makes the marriage happier. It works for them.
  11. It looks like Spritz is for eReaders? Would it work for paper books as well?
  12. okay...good food for thought. 42 - I do sometimes move my tongue while reading.. and I do hear the words in my head...so it looks like I'm doing a double-whammy. I hadn't thought about comprehension keeping up with reading...that's something to think about. Sadie - yup - non-fiction is verrrryyyy slow. I heartosunshine - I have newish reading glasses... they definitely help. I haven't had them checked though - I just buy the cheap ones from the drugstore.
  13. I know there are speed reading programs, but I heard they teach skimming. I do want to enjoy a book... but my reading is getting slower and slower... and I fall asleep after about a page or two. I love to read, but sometimes I get bogged down trying to finish a 400 page book and I want to move on. Is there any hope?
  14. I have Ting and I've been happy. I am not a heavy user, so the price is very good (I usually spend about 30-35$ per month). I have no idea how it compares with other pay-per-use plans if you're a heavy user - but I suspect it's not as good. I live in the Mid-Atlantic - so very populated and have no problems with service. I have a Galaxy s3 Refurbished from Ting, but I first bought a Galaxy s2 from Glyde. I loved that phone, but the jack died (a common problem with the Galaxy s2). I read they fixed the jack problem on the s3..so I got it.. .I've only had it about 3weeks. This one did come with some annoying issues - such as the battery was useless... I had to purchase a new battery. They did give me money on my account for the replacement - which was nice... but I was still annoyed that they'd send me a refurbished phone with a bad battery. For example: it would take one photo and then die, even if it was up at 70%.
  15. Thank goodness she's okay. I've heard of this happening, but not for a long time. I'm not sure I'd have thought of it had it one of my kids presented to me this way. I'm glad your mama instincts told you to do the right thing and so happy she's fine now.
  16. oh dear!! Please don't tell me this... I'm planning a backbacking trip with a girlfriend later this summer. I keep thinking this will happen while we're out there in the woods. Yes, the unpredictability is very frustrating.
  17. loved the Rockford Files too. Great actor. May he rest in peace.
  18. Yes, I heard...i was not amused. I probably wont' be watching.
  19. Broadchurch is a great movie/series... but it's pretty intense.
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