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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Yes please, you have to pm every one of us,... I can't keep up with name changes. I have no idea who the op is either...sadness.
  2. what an awful shock... I'm glad you know why. That at least gives you some closure. But still... so sorry for everyone.
  3. oh dear, that doesn't sound like a drug overdose, but more like head trauma. I hope she's okay.
  4. i remember those... but they were pretty obvious trolls. Okay, so I'm dying to know.. was this thread started because someone here thinks we have a new troll??
  5. melatonin didn't help me much either. Look into Magnesium and see if that helps. I take about 600mg. and I've noticed a huge improvement in my sleeping. Sometimes if I know I'm going to have a bad night or something I also take a natural sleep aid I got from Whole Foods. It has Valerian and a few other things I can't remember. Sorry. But, it just a mild sleep aid. What seems to have really helped me consistently is magnesium.
  6. wow... some people have too much time on their hands.
  7. I'm glad it happened the way you had hoped...but sorry your furry friend is gone.
  8. Whoa, this level of trolling is quite different than the "say something inflammatory and watch the drama ensue" type of trolls I'm used to. I'm going to have to really keep my skeptic radar going...which is hard... I was voted most gullible at one time in my youth. Are these just bored people or are they hoping to actually get something out of all this? Gosh, I can barely keep my own life together, I don't have time to have multiple lives.
  9. truer words..... So frustrated by some of my FB groups and lengths people will go to argue with an obvious troll.
  10. praying for her... please update when you can.
  11. no, the paramedics didn't take them at the house and when the Doula and I got to the hospital after cleaning up, they wouldn't let us up to see them! How rude!
  12. I guess I didn't even think you might mean a British definition... off to google that one.
  13. Yes I know what it is because my grandmother called it that.
  14. I meant to come back and ask for prayers much earlier, but we went from a slow, not-very-active labor to suddenly in very actively labor. Once active labor started it was 3.5 hrs to baby! She had a successful VBAC and she did a fabulous job. Baby had her own mind about such things. As we were leaving for the hospital dd had the urge to push and her water broke. Hospt .was 35min away. Doula (former L/D nurse) checked her and baby was coming. Called 911... we all crowded around in the bathroom and Charlotte was born about 20min later. They're both rather stunned by it alll and I suspect dd is a little disappointed she didn't make it to the hospital. I understand, even with my home births they never go how I thought they would go in my mind. This was on a grander scale. Paramedics transf. her to the closest hospital which is a little community hosp. in a sketchy part of town. Hopefully, she'll be able to come home tomorrow. Thanks so much for all your prayers and good thoughts!
  15. Thank you everyone. She's gone home for the night with her dh. She had a scheduled chiro. appt. tomorrow anyway that she's planning to go to. I'm going on the assumption that nothing much will happen overnight..and am hoping to get a good night's sleep tonight. She told me the MW did tell her at the last apt. that the baby was probably OP - which I have suspected all along - and she had with her previous child. I'm really encouraged by all the things the mw has been telling her over the phone and the fact that they had sent her to a chiro. to help get the baby turned around. And I've heard it can sometimes get laboring in gear. Fortunately, labor has not been tiring her out too much. She walked a lot today, sat on her ball, and did a little hands/elbow positions. Plus a lot of resting too. Thanks again everyone. Keep those prayers/positive thoughts coming. I'll probably start another thread when it seems like it's really getting started again.
  16. Still not much happening... LOL. This is not at how any of my labors went so we're just looking at each other. She's still in good spirits, which is good. We all had a nice long nap. It seems like the contractions pick up when she sits down and squats...rather than walking around. Here's hoping she meets her baby sometime before the day is out.
  17. if the document is to be believed, it seems both parents are NPD... Lord have mercy.
  18. I agree... last birth was a fiasco. I'm so glad she switched. But, I know she's ready for things to either happen or stop altogether...instead of this half-hearted labor she's doing now. We're all vegging out and I plan to nap. ..it's hard with an active toddler around though.
  19. no baby yet... just got back home. labor is taking it's sweet time. I got to her apt. at around 1:15 and she was way too chipper to be ready for birth. I watched her for about 30min and then I sent her & her hubby to bed to sleep through contractions and I slept on the floor (or didn't sleep much). When her youngest got up we went out for breakfast and her dh went to work (he has limited leave). She's pacing my living room as I type. She's still pretty chatty and happy. Prayers for labor to pick up would be wonderful. Good news - she was at 3 cm at her midwife visit on monday.
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