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Everything posted by inmyopinion

  1. I do not have a lot of helpful hints but one that I love is the 10 minute clean up. When I am tire and cannot get motivated to clean, or have just a little time before my next "to-do" I set a timer for 10 minutes and clean something, usually the kitchen or living room. It is amazing what you can get done in 10 minutes and it is usually more than what I was putting off doing. This also works with the kids, toward the end of the day, or a 10 minute power cleaning for their room.
  2. I also love giving paper products as it helps with clean up.
  3. Hard candy to suck on and lozenges. Juicy Gum, anything that can help relieve the dry mouth that comes with Chemo.
  4. We are a Christian group and have a dress code. The intent is to set a standard NOT to embarrass or punish someone. We do not even have someone designated to monitor it. If someone showed up and did not adhere to it, we would let it go (unless it were extreme and we would make it work somehow). It is not worth hurting a young person, embarrassing them, or ruining what should be a memorable evening.
  5. With my daughter, the nurses attached it with . . .wait for it . . .KY Jelly!!!
  6. I changed an outdoor event for 100 people TWICE due to the threat of severe storms and it was sunny both days.
  7. I often wonder how one balances homeschooling with a illness. What was it personally about your desire to homeschool which allowed you to overcome the thought of sending the kids to school due to your heath? .
  8. Hey, I have a flip-phone also. Let's start a cult and then we can have an "ask a flip-phone cult member" thread!
  9. I find it easier to have ridiculously low expectations of people and then inflate my own awesomeness! And I am serious about that.
  10. I got the highlights question with my daughter as her hair changed from black to blonde she had some amazing color. Of course, with three under 4 at the time, I was lucky I bathed them, never mind coloring anyone's hair.
  11. I have to say I am guilty of this. Our local homeschool group has pockets of homeschoolers in quite a few of the local churches so many times I will ask a newer member where they go to church and most times can say "so-and-so goes there and homeschools." I never thought it would be offensive but I also ask where in town they live and where they work. I guess I see it as a way to link them with fellow homeschoolers.
  12. I love Kitty Cat! Very straight forward :) Our cat is Sunshine (all black) and our kitten is kitten! Kitten was a foster kitten so we did not name her (she came with Momma) and when we decided to keep kitten the name just fit.
  13. Maybe the best approach is to address it from your daughter's point of view so that it comes across less of a general criticism. Has she ever operate under an IEP which could be referred to? Can you pull in a guidance counselor? I do not understand how she would not hand back the assignments with corrections and grades, how does the student learn what to do different?
  14. In a bar . . .he was a bouncer. . . I was a drunk! I stole his chair. Now, neither of us drinks but laugh when people say "you won't meet your spouse in a bar" :)
  15. Why did they have some of them go in and some stay outside so that if "something" happens they can be saved?
  16. I agree with what has been said. I read them, I am glad I read them, but I am not sure if I liked them. I almost want to see the movie to decide if I liked the book. I despised the third book. Overall though there was too much going on. I think I was more bothered that anything after I read all three.
  17. YES!!!!! Or suggesting we should do "x" when we already do!!!!!!!!
  18. The past few episodes have been boring!!! I am all for character development but once in a while is enough for me.
  19. I have a close friend who recently adopted and it was a few of us who encouraged her to set up something for fundraising. They shared their story with us and we wanted to help and assumed others would also. It was a help to them not only financially, but to have close friends who supported them emotionally. I would rather be asked to help donate money to bring a child home then to buy some over priced wrapping paper or cheesecake to fund a school program.
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