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Everything posted by suppleasthewind

  1. Just the puffy cheeks. He doesn't have any other symptoms of mumps. My fil looked and said it looked like mumps. I guess dh's two brothers had it as kids.
  2. One of my eight year olds woke up Monday morning crying his ear hurt. So we went to the doctor, who looked in his ear and saw no infection. I pointed out that ds's cheek/jaw line was puffy. The doctor felt around and asked if his vaccinations were up to date. He checked the records and said, "he has had both mmr shots", turned around and stared at ds in wonder and amazement. The doctor didn't do any tests, or say whether or not he thought is was mumps. he prescribed an antibiotic. So today ds looks fine, but the area on his jaw is still tender. I am going to call the doctor tomorrow to see how long I should keep ds out of circulation. I signed the boys up for a class next Friday and I don't know what to do. I'm finding different info on how long mumps is contagious for, not that I'm sure that's what he has. Should I just suck it up and cancel the boys registration for the class?
  3. I think that that most of our society no longer values reading, books, or learning. Most kids, as well as parents, are addicted to tv, movies, video games, shopping and find school boring in comparison. The advertising industry has learned to make these things exciting with visual and audio effects. Anything else just dulls in comparison. I will get off my soapbox now.
  4. Mine usually turn up under couch, couch cushions, under radiator...
  5. I wish i were as supple as the wind. I am actually rigid, punctual, neurotic, high strung, and obsessive compulsive and thought if I tried out that name i could turn over a new leaf. My husband noticed what forum name I was using and thought it was hysterical.
  6. I love Bill Nye! I will show that to the boys. Catherine, I was wondering if every cell in your body has the same DNA, but your tissue cells only express tissue info, and muscle cells only express muscle info.
  7. We watched Nova last night and the boys were really into it. I kept struggling to explain DNA to them and I guess I don't really understand it myself. Can anyone recommend resources?
  8. I would serve some appetizers and treats and no more.
  9. My mom would've told me that Santa had already packed the sleigh. It made perfect sense to me. I personally wouldn't go to the store because the traffic and stores are crazy right now and I like to avoid the chaos.
  10. I love Dr. Seuss! I think we have inadvertently done a unit on his work. For years I have been reading so many of his books aloud and I bought a few CDs of famous actors reading his work too. I bought a book called, "On the Loose with Dr. Seuss". We haven't started it yet though. Each chapter focuses on a book, gives some background about the story and Dr. Seuss's life, and then gives an activity. You could probably make up your own curriculum by using the internet.
  11. Wow this has been a popular thread. I've tried to cultivate a healthy attitude toward treats. Treats are to be eaten in moderation after healthy food is eaten. I don't allow candy in bedrooms- it was smuggled in. When boys acquire too much candy on holidays I throw some away. I prefer real maple syrup to fake because it is healthier, but still may not be used in excess. I myself will have treats sweetened with sugar substituted but I thought they stunted growth in children. If there is a healthy sugar substitute for children, I would love to find it. My husband was denied sugar when he was little but he loves it. I was allowed sugar in moderation, but I would eat it nonstop if memories of my father's diabetes didn't haunt me.
  12. OK, I am going to stop buying it. I have to break this addiction. I have one too but I am better at controlling it.
  13. I spend a great deal of time and energy trying to get my kids to limit their sugar intake. For years I would calmly tell them too much sugar is not good for them. I would remind them they already had a big sugary treat a few hours ago and they shouldn't have another just yet. My father had diabetes and had toes and an eye amputated. He died three years ago but my twins remember him and his health problems. This morning I just lost it. My twins were eating candy in their room before lunch. Then they argued over the candy and thought I should resolve the matter. I told them they shouldn't be eating candy. Then one of my twins wanted maple syrup on his potato pancake so I put a little on. He became angry and rude because he wanted more. In fact, whenever we have pancakes there is an argument over maple syrup. I can't take it anymore. I just yelled that I am sick of sugar and I am not buying it anymore. I realize they have an addiction but it is driving me crazy. Please give me some advice.
  14. I used Athenaze in college and it taught Attic Greek. I still have that book and look through it sometimes.
  15. We have lost fish before, but this is the first real pet that has died. One of my twins was chasing the gerbil around the room to put her back in the cage and he smooshed her by accident. He was beside himself crying. It was pretty messy too so I feel like he has horrible visions in his mind. I think he feels guilty too. So my twins are crying, my three year old is oblivious and I feel pretty crappy. I sat with the boys and held them but I don't know what else to do. I can't believe I'm crying over a gerbil
  16. I used to love that song as a kid, but after my grandmother passed in my twenties it makes me feel queasy.
  17. I am almost done. Tomorrow I am going to Wegmans, checking my kids into the playcenter, and pick up stocking stuffers. I just hope I don't eat the chocolate Santas before Christmas.
  18. Why do I have to brush my teeth? Why do I have to get up? Why do I have to do math? ugh. everyday. I have even answered these questions many times. My favorite is "why do I have to go to bed?" and the answer is , "the day is done." I refrain from saying, "Because mommy is going loony tunes." :tongue_smilie: I'm having bit of a rough day.
  19. My youngest will turn four in March. Part of me is sad that I won't have any more sweet, cuddly, little babies or toddlers anymore. Part of me is happy that I will be able to have a little more me time soon. Last night I was looking at baby pictures of my older ones and I was so sad. I love babies.
  20. Sometimes I get sick of keeping track of materials (and there are usually many many materials) and I decide to go library free for a while. The last time I returned videos I owed $15 (we canceled netflix to save money, the irony) and I still can't find a book. So we are not going to the library again until after the holidays when I catch my breath.
  21. I wonder if I can find this on youtube. It sounds interesting.
  22. We are learning about colonial American right now, so this is perfect timing. The boys will enjoy this!
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