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Everything posted by MeghanL

  1. We use Latin for Children for my 9-year-old. We started with Song School Latin and moved to Logos Press, but found Logos to not have enough context around the vocabulary so switched. LFC has an audio CD, a DVD lesson for each chapter, an Activity Book with crossword puzzles, mazes and different review activities for each chapter, a workbook, weekly quiz and review chapter every 4 or 5 lessons. It also has a Latin Primer so the student is pretty immediately translating sentences and getting practice seeing the different endings and sentence structure. For the DVD & CD, there is a classical or ecclesiastical option so both are provided. I've been very happy with the program and intend to continue using it.
  2. Your curriculum looks fine. We all worry if we are doing "enough". However, there is not enough time in a lifetime to cover everything you could learn. I would suggest spending some time with your family and deciding together what "enough" is going to mean for you. If you compare to everyone, you will always come up short. By having a plan in mind of what success will look like for your family and what you are wanting to accomplish, you'll have a much more pleasant homeschool experience. If you are looking to others as a measuring stick, I would imagine it would be very difficult to ever feel successful because something is always left out, kwim?
  3. Glad you are finding a way that works! For me, my house just looked like a tornado blew through every day when my youngest was a toddler. It meant much more clean up time, but we were able to get school done! I would have much preferred something like you describe.
  4. Comparison never ends well. Her family found a way that works for them to get the needed subjects of Science & History along with everything else. Your family has found a way that works for you for Science & History and everything else. All that means is everyone is doing what they need to do. There's no need to second guess yourself or your friend.
  5. "American parents show up at their children’s schools. A lot. Nearly nine out of 10 attended at least one PTA or other school meeting in the 2011–12 school year, according to data released last week by the Department of Education’s National Household Education Surveys Program. " So, attending 1 PTA meeting in a year is considering being at your child's school a lot? I have to disagree with the author's definitions of "a lot" and "volunteer".
  6. I'm not sure this poll will really tell you anything since everyone has a different situation. I outsource deep cleaning and pay someone to clean for me every other week. I keep up with the daily stuff, but I don't have to change sheets, clean bathrooms, vacuum, mop, etc. It also gives me more time to organize since when I have time to work in a room I can concentrate on making it better instead of just getting it to a point of functionality. My husband loves to cook. I hate it. So, he makes dinner when he gets home. He usually works from 6 am- 2 pm and is able to come home between 2:30 & 3. All of my curriculum is pretty materials and teacher intensive. I have a kinesthetic learning style, so it works best for me. My kids are also pretty spread out with no area for overlap. Multiple projects and experiments every week, buying and gathering needed supplies, ordering books from libraries and cleaning up after the projects are done takes up 87% of my time. However, we all really enjoy learning this way so I'm happy that we are in a position to outsource what we hate doing (ie cleaning) in order to do what we love.
  7. I've looked at Life Science I and Physical Science I. He's very neutral. Amazingly, theology doesn't HAVE to come up in a science curriculum!
  8. My blog is in my siggy. I have an Artist Study unit (using art a friend & I put together), Physics Fridays (using a curriculum my friend & I put together), Science Saturday (using a biology program I put together), Wordless Wednesday, Book a Week, Month-in-Review and anything else I feel like putting up there.
  9. It sounds like now is a good time to cut it out cold turkey during this time of transition. When/If you do re-introduce, set some boundaries around it. For instance, I have a rule for myself of no computer time until after school & chores are done. I stay more focused on teaching/helping/maintaining cleanliness if I'm not always running back over to the computer to see what's new. The kids have the same rules except after everything is done, they needed to have exhibited a good attitude and then can have up to 2 hours per day of combined screen time. When we are off school (we take one week off a month), the kids can't have screens during those weeks (I'm allowed), but I take them to a craft store and let them pick out some activities to work on instead.
  10. That's a tough one. My son wants to sleep in my bed. I wouldn't mind except he is a restless sleeper and punches me in the face 20 times a night which wakes me up (and hurts!). As a result, he can't sleep in my bed. My well-being (ie getting sleep) comes before his (ie feeling safe with me) because my needs must be met before I can care for him. For other people, this would be horrible and they would never even consider allowing themselves sleep at the expense of their child's discomfort. So, that line is going to be different for every person.
  11. Plus it actually seems to be in keeping with the original complaint. The first name is Martin (one of the surnames) and McCullough is the new surname. Yes, Messiah was gotten rid of and whatever the judges personal preference was seems to be moot. If he had changed the name to Jeremy for no apparent reason, that would be odd. The dispute was so bad it ended up in front of a judge! That is the part that would have me upset. Not the judge creating a compromise.
  12. When you go before a judge though, they get to change all kinds of things. They look at the whole situation. You could go to a judge to ask for more child support...and since you are in front of them they can change all kinds of parts of the custody agreement. I don't see this as any different.
  13. When you go before a judge because you can't agree on a name, then the judge gets to decide. The parents didn't agree on a name and then the judge changed it. I don't really see how the parents can complain when they went before him voluntarily to begin with.
  14. If you don't mind Stevenson's biography, history of trains, politics of emigration and a slew of other topics all in the same book...I would highly recommend Across America on an Emigrant Train. We just finished it and the photography, story line and writing were all excellent. It's on my list of books to buy!
  15. As someone who has had to deliver bad news, I really love Facebook. Instead of me having to call over 30 people to say the same thing over and over again, I get to send out one message and then get back to doing what I need to do. When dealing with an unplanned crisis, it's nice that technology allows us to spread information quickly and efficiently without having to take hours away from the person in the hospital, or the grieving spouse/parent/etc to make personal phone calls to so many different people!
  16. We're starting physics tomorrow. I don't feel ready. But, if I think about what I need to do to get ready, I actually AM ready! Sometimes the planning takes on a life of its own. The goal isn't to plan indefinitely, but to actually implement. Is that the problem? Or is there actually a list of things you need to get done?
  17. I'd drive back home and get as much done as possible in the 3 hours at home. 3 hours is a significant amount of time!
  18. After I had my 2 boys, we tried for a third. I then had 2 miscarriages back-to-back and then a third pregnancy that stuck after taking progesterone. I gained over 50 lbs during that time because of the emotions I had of being out of control. Also, I was essentially pregnant for 17 months straight. I would NOT recommend going the route that I did, but it ended up ok. My daughter is now 3 and my weight is finally returning to normal after all the hormonal shocks it went through. I was anxious through the entire pregnancy. It wasn't enough to see the heartbeat, or see the growth. I don't think I took a full breath in until I made it to 12 weeks. Even then, I was so afraid the only thing "keeping" the baby was the progesterone and it would all end once I stopped. And this is way TMI, but the progesterone also makes you feel kind of "leaky" so that was trauma in and of itself when all day long I would feel like I was bleeding. Looking back, I'm so glad I had 3. That's what we originally wanted (well, we originally wanted 4, but that's another story), and while I was at peace with having 2, I'm glad I knew I did everything I could to try for another. It felt more like my baby-ending days ended on "my" terms instead of my body's...if that makes sense.
  19. I use it whenever I wait to long to plan/prepare for the materials I need for the following week. I can order on Saturday and everything I need for the next school week arrives Monday in a box. You might be way more organized than me though and not depend on 2-day shipping to make up for your procrastination.
  20. I think I got you all emailed. If I missed anyone, let me know (and check your spam folder).
  21. Just PM me your email address and I will email it to you.
  22. The only one I've read is Quintus and we stopped reading it. It had a very graphic description of people being lit on fire as torches. My sensitive child was not going to handle that well.
  23. That uses Mr. Q Biology with additional projects incorporated throughout inspired by the Well-Trained Mind? If so, you are in luck :D I just finished creating it so if you want it, I will email it to you. Seriously, this took me freaking forever to complete. I will give it to you. The more people who use it the more I can divide my time. If it's just me, I took way too long. If 20 people want it, it was only an hour per person! :D
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