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Everything posted by MoniMoni

  1. Yay! You made it! We were cheering for you! Poor Kitty... I'd probably give the booster.
  2. This is the "secret recipe" my Pops uses. We were so suprised years later to see it on the can. I completely agree with everything Ellie wrote. It isn't easy (although Pops makes it look easy- no thermometer) I've trashed far too many batches. But when it is right, nothing compares....
  3. Good for you! I've reserved some books from the library on HTML. I'd love to have a nicer looking blog. Time will tell...
  4. :oLast spring we had a de-cluttering check-in everyday on the old boards. Most of the posters had specific goals or deadlines. I'm still working.... I don't think I'll ever be finished but I dare not tell myself.:o
  5. I guess I'll take a stab at it... My DH and I grew up in NC and our Dads are professors at the same college, although we didn't meet until I went to college. We've been together 20 years/married 15. DH is an electrical engineer/Manager, and for some reason that equates to relocation every 2-3 years. We've lived in NC, TN, OR, PA and now we are in MD. I'm not good at setting up house, so I spend too much time and energy settling in. When we moved to MD 2 years ago, we realized the moves had taken a toll on our oldest's education. Too many gaps and too much repeated, so we decided to homeschool her. Last year we brought them all home and it is a challenge. I found TWTM and this board almost 2 years ago and they've been a life saver. The grammar stage kids are a breeze and I wish I had started homeschooling the older two when they were younger. We use a mixture of curricula; the process has forced me to get to know not only the kids strengths, weaknesses, and styles, but also my own. I will have to farm out writing, math, and science for the older kids. It isn't getting done to the level I would like. My hope is that the older girls find a passion that helps them focus their path. Their mom still doesn't know what she wants to be...I love to create, salvaged items, gardening, sewing, baking, painting... I love young adult, fantasy and historical fiction: Terry Pratchett, Jane Austen, Garth Nix, but have a terrible time reading non-fiction. I scan - ((ducking)) Is there a 10 step program for that? I've enjoyed reading about you all!
  6. Drum roll- My first Thread on the new board! I was given a Sansa c240 for Christmas 2006. I wore it out. (battery might be dead, but it was doing some funky stuff so it isn't long to my world regardless) I've been without portable MP3 for 4-5 months and just today realized how much the loss has diminished my quality of life. Have I gotten anything accomplished in the last 6 months? Does anyone else feel like Dementors have surrounded your house? I've been sullen, moody, depressed, unmotivated, unfocused, need I go on? Question one: I only used the player for audio books, and my biggest complaint was finding my place in the chapters. The c240 wouldn't fast forward well at all and it stored by disk (like in hour + increments) so if I lost my place/powered-down/charged, it was a bear to get back to where I stopped. *Someone* mentioned on the old boards the feature that the player would need to make this easier. I've searched and can't find it. This is one of those "Thought I'd remember, but can't" moments! What is this feature? Question two: So, I am looking to buy a new player, but don't think it's an Ipod because I want to download from the Library as well as Librivox and Audible. Any recommendations? Sansa's OK, but the Sansa site doesn't list features (that FF function from Q1), Zune, or another cheap but good option? I am truly amazed how much this one little device helped me get through the day, week, months... I gardened, painted, cleaned, and de-cluttered listening to books. OF COURSE, this is all "after school" or "kids pleasantly occupied with meaningful pursuits" times. Oh how I miss it. It is my only real alone time. If only in my mind.... (psst. DH detests audiobooks "too slow" for his tastes, which is why I asked for the portable player to begin with...Now he doesn't have to listen.) Question three: Any other "not to be missed" download sites? Please bear with me; I'm in a funk.
  7. Hey! That's not too far from us! Yay!
  8. I knew I liked you :) I didn't answer the first poll, but I change the sheets once a week except when I don't. I do change pillow cases often. Confession: I am struggling with the clutter. I am considering hiring a professional organizer. This house is not working for me... Priorities...Priorities... Clean undies, I'm there... Trying to make a schedule... Ug... I think I can. I think I can. (I'll get back to you.)
  9. I've gotten way behind on the blog, but I hope this will make a fresh start. http://agreatgood.blogspot.com/
  10. Actually, I thought putting away laundry, mopping and cleaning showers/tubs, but as I scrolled through all your posts, I said to myself yea.. and that one...and Oh! That one... and yep, can't stand that... I delegate where ever possible. I'd prefer to have the kids do the basics and I go behind everyone and add finishing touches, but it seems that there's always too much and nothing has been getting done recently. I fell apart after Christmas and I've been very sad about it. School is happening with very few hic-ups now and I finally feel like it is less burdensome and maybe even close to going well, but I need to get the house back together and do something "fun". A messy house is a prison for me.
  11. Yea! I would still love for you to visit, but I am glad you won't be carrying your house on your back! Enjoy... :)
  12. Stephaine, I have been praying since you posted about it on your blog. I was so hopeful for him when he came home last time. Prayers here...
  13. FWIW, My 2nd daughter had this issue and the speech therapist suggested using a mirror so she could watch her mouth as she makes the sound. She would watch us and then watch herself. It was almost an instant fix. DD had no idea her mouth wasn't making the correct shape until she saw it... Hope you get the help you need.
  14. This is the frustration with relo. You are subject to what is on the market. Through the various moves, I have realized my sanity is worth something. Next move, there are things I will pay more for even if I can't get my $ back. The kids, DH and I aren't getting any younger and I've wasted too much of our lives moving and settling in. It isn't something I do well. I think you'll have to write out the pros and cons. You might play hard ball with the builder. If there are few buyers, he might neg other things that would put that house further ahead. Might not come down on price anymore, but put up a fence for more privacy do landscaping, screens, blinds... Sending good vibes...:)
  15. I feel your pain. I am tired of being house poor and they are never quite as good as you think they will be, but if you are getting it at a lower price, and it sounds like it will be less of an adjustment, I'd probably go for it. How soon do you think your DH could get relo'd again? We move about every 2 years and I am sick of it taking 2 years for me to get settled, make repairs, etc only to have to sell. Fixer-uppers are only OK for me *if* we do the work immediately *or* we know we will be there for years and it is perfect in other ways. (Can you tell this house makes me tired) If you know you are staying for the long haul, I'd probably do the apt and find what is right (repairs and all). FWIW, I voted for #4. We are in MD, just north of DC. Come on up and I'll show you a newer house that needs lots of work. :)
  16. Hey, Rich with Kids! I too am curious what I looked like in your head? I agree; I like seeing what others look like. My hair is longer now and my color is no longer taking so I might be really gray soon.... I am usually on the other side of the camera. The only reason I have pictures of myself is that when I let my hair grow out I get sick of it and have it chopped off really short. THen I regret it and start growing it out again. My daughter has been taking pics as it grows so I can always go back to the pic and have it cut to that length. I am due for another pic... or another hair cut?
  17. Trying here too... (no clue what I'm doing)
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