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Everything posted by ConnieB

  1. She's 18...she can go to a hotel with her boyfriend if she wants. That's the hard reality of having an adult child. :grouphug: And...sadly, there is little you are likely to do to change her choices. She's probably being "two faced" and not telling you about it because she knows that it would cause you the pain you are feeling. And while she doesn't want to cause you that pain (and thus is trying to protect you from it), she also has apparently made her own decision about how she wants to live her life. Another hard reality....you taught her your beliefs, she has to choose now whether to believe them. And, she will have to suffer the consequences, or reap the benefits of her choices. Probably the best thing you can do is try to change your relationship from being her "Mom" to being her friend. Not easy, not necessarily desireable, but it is the best way that you will almost guarantee that you will continue to have a close, honest, loving relationship with her. To continue to judge her by your standards, you risk losing that relationship. And...the positive side to this....once you are able to make the transition to her friend....then your beliefs can be gently instilled again.....or at least remind her of them in a fashion she will listen to. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: It ain't easy, but it quite likely very necessary. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  2. You guys are so good at figuring these out....hopefully you can help me! Back in the 70's (though the book might have been older) I read, and re-read and re-re-read a book but can't remember the title to try to get a copy for my daughter. It was about a young ballet dancer and she couldn't understand why her mom and disabled aunt didn't like watching her dance on stage. Turned out that mom and aunt were both dancers as young ladies and had their eye on the same guy.....young child's dad it turns out. In a flashback the story was solved that dad was supposed to catch aunt, but just before her steps he glanced into the wings, made eye contact with mom (and they'd secretly become engaged and were planning to tell aunt after the performance)....aunt of course saw this, hesitated in her run/jump, and so their timing was off, dad didn't catch her, she fell into the orchestra pit and was forever disabled. I know that sounds horribly depressing, but the rest of the story was wonderful in a ballet sense....that was just kinda of the part that was most unusual and so hopefully sticks in someone's mind. I've tried google searches and amazon but just not found it yet. The dance they performed when the accident happened, I believe, was Swan Lake. Sound familiar to anyone? And if not, ya got any great stories where the main character is a ballet dancer?
  3. Wow! Thanks guys......sounds like R&S or Analytical Grammar get the most votes, lol. Keep 'em coming if you have other recommendations, and I'll pass it on to Mom to do a bit of research. Appreciate the help....we did grammar piecemeal as we did other programs so I didn't really have a single program to recommend to her.
  4. Met a mom who is taking her 11 yo child out of public school next week to homeschool her. Mom has been concerned for a while about child getting good grades but not seeming to know things Mom felt she should.....like what a noun, verb, adverb, etc is. And in math, daughter can add/sub fine but uses hash marks to multiply, etc. Anyway....math recommendations was easy for me to make....but I am stumped as to a Grammar program that would not be so babyish as to bore (or bother) an 11 yo, but would be starting at the very beginning with sentence structure. What sayeth the hive?? :)
  5. I tried going to Sunbrella's website figuring they'd have a more accurate representation (websites try harder to get the colors accurate than an ebay seller likely would, but it is still no guarantee). That particular fabric isn't listed so it's probably not this season's fabric. BUT...you might give Sunbrella a call and ask them. I know that for current fabrics I have called the manufacturer and asked them about the pallette....seems like you should be able to get that information for past seasons as well.
  6. Another possible angle.....perhaps this young child watched a cartoon or TV show with dinos and became frightened....so of course the parent reassures them that dinos aren't real (because it's a fine line that a 4 year old can't handle yet that they are real but aren't going to come and eat her if she goes to the park). Therefore, the child tells her friend they don't exist, they're not real....just some guy in a purple costume, not gonna eat me, whatever. Frankly, I'd stay out of it.....preschoolers especially have their own thought process that adults just don't get, lol. I would only deal with it if it becomes an issue between them....like arguing over who is right and who is wrong. But then, I'd probably want the other parent to help explain it so that you don't confuse the children, because obviously you aren't both giving them the same facts. Only if it then became a serious breach between them would I tell my child to not talk about something they were passionate about. Of course you can also do what the adults on this forum suggest.....pass the bean dip.....if the issue becomes heated between the children, it's probably time for bean dip...or a cookie, whichever works better. Remember, you're dealing with children who think that Big Bird is real....or Barney....or even that Dora the Explorer really goes off on adventures all by herself at her age!
  7. Don't delay in applying for the passports....I'm sure the backlog is better now, but last summer it was taking 2+ MONTHS to get it issued as people prepared for the changes in law (which were then delayed because of the backlog, but have now taken effect). Since it's good for 10 years applying a few months before you plan to leave really isn't wasting some of it's use, especially if the backlog is still there! Have a wonderful time!
  8. I took their challenge...and got my money back because like another poster above my stomach issues got worse not better. Switched to another yogurt and my stomach issues cleared up without the cramps. Don't feel bad if you didn't keep your receipts....honestly, class actions very rarely get you any cash back. After they pay the attorneys and the court costs, the defendants get pennies on their dollars if even that. This lawsuits are more about making changes in products and claims than they are about compensating those that fell for the false advertising. Obviously if you have the receipts, might as well submit, because even pennies is better than nothing of course.
  9. We have 5 cards at one library that allows 35 books at a time.....all five are typically maxed out or close to it...we check out as many as we return. So that's 175 roughly. We have a separate floor to ceiling bookcase that is exclusively for library books. We also have cards to neighboring libraries in the county and how many we have there depends on a lot of different things....some months we have none....right now I probably have 20 or so because we've been making a regular weekly trip to two of these towns so we've been stopping off. BUT....our history lessons consist mostly of reading books on the subject as opposed to having a central core book and only a few supplements. Yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Also...the main library we use has an AWESOME selection of movies and tv shows, so we have a lot of those out as well. Because we don't have cable TV and network TV is just not worth watching.
  10. I've done this many a time when I want the crockpot meal for lunch or to take to a buffet the next day. The only problem.....you're gonna wake up VERY hungry after smelling that stew all night, lol.
  11. A few years ago our support group was looking for someplace to have about 150 shirts made with our logo and called/emailed dozens of places. One thing we learned quickly....the places that use quality blank shirts are proud to tell you the brand and style....and the places that didn't use quality usually had some excuse why they couldn't tell you, lol. So, you might email and see if they use name brands/style. The brand we finally got say Hanes Beefy T....and they have held up very well over the years....the logo is pretty faded, but the Tshirt is thick and not all stretched out despite hundreds of wearings and washings. Can't say the same for the logo tshirts you buy at the mall or Walmart.....the kind that you can practically rip your finger through just pulling it down! Got lots of those with finger holes, lol.
  12. Ooops, hadn't read this far down the thread before responding. Since it sounds like you haven't given her formal written notice of her need to leave the premises (phone calls won't cut it if she decides to dig her heels in about moving on time.). Today is the 14th.....so you don't technically have 30 days....but I would write her a letter confirming that she has agreed to vacate by March 10 the close of escrow, and perhaps apologize that the workers have to get stuff done during escrow. Might placate her to stop bothering you, but most importantly it puts in writing her need to vacate. Technically she could stall until the 15th (30 days) but it puts you in the position of having given her notice to leave as required by law, so if she's still there you can at least begin eviction proceedings (which require that you gave her the required notice in writing). It will also go better for you with the buyers to have dotted the Is and crossed the Ts if she hasn't moved out, or they could get into the legal fray for your having not given proper notice, etc. Send the letter certified so that you have proof of it's delivery.
  13. Depends on what your rental agreement says.....typically they have a clause in about repair work, and that landlord can enter the premises with reasonable notice for repair work, and no notice for emergencies. If your agreement has that clause send her a COPY (obviously not the original) of the agreement she signed with that highlighted. Let her know that if she fails to pay rent then you will have no choice but to turn it over to your attorney for collection (since you can't threaten her with eviction, lol). Sounds more like she's hoping to get some free rent by being angry at you and hoping you'll just give it to her instead of deal with it. You'll have to decide whether to actually pursue it if she doesn't pay the rent, but that will probably depend on how much money you're talking about versus the attorney fees (and in most states you could actually just go to small claims for this and not need an attorney.....and keep the letter that says she's not paying because of the repair work, and of course take your copy of the agreement that says you have the right to do the work....because I guarantee she'll have a long list of things you "did" and why she didn't pay rent, lol....but if your agreement says you can do the work and that's her reason for non-payment she should lose, and have to pay you rent, plus late fees per the agreement, plus court costs. If you were to hire a lawyer chances are good that you'd be awarded attorney fees). Now...collecting is another story...so be sure that you keep everything you have on the lady, where she banks would be great and if she pays rent by check you will have that information...or where she works. Did the rental agreement have a deposit? Hopefully it was one month's rent so you'll have the February rent by not returning the deposit to her, then it may not be worth the effort for the 10 days of March. Assuming of course she doesn't trash the place on her way out! Good luck!
  14. Carly Simon's website has a whole page about it....including excerpts from interviews she has done over the years. Reading all those articles where in one she hints it might be about this one, or is a little about that one, or isn't about this one.......I think she wrote it about all the men she's known who are vain (as the crowd she would run with would make that a large group!) . http://www.carlysimon.com/vain/vain.html
  15. And you should be PROUD of yourself for keeping your cool....THAT was the better lesson to teach your children. Can you imagine how awful you'd be feeling right now if you had gone off on the lady in front of your children.....would have made your actions as poor as hers! So, what your children learned today is that some people don't have a clue what they're talking about, and are absolutely 100% totally and completely wrong....but, they still deserve a small amount of respect, because being human includes being wrong. And that stooping to their level of behavior makes you no better than they are. You might also discuss the fact that you were very angry at what she said....and whatever you had been feeling, thinking of doing.....but that sometimes you have to control that anger and be the bigger person. Self-control/anger management, whatever today's buzz word for it is, happens to be a behavior that very few people seem to know "now-a-days". Teaching your child about it can only be a positive! Sad reminder in the shootings at the college in Alabama....preliminary news reports makes it sound like it was someone angry at the faculty. The fact that so much anger is spilling out in the form of killing just terrifies me. Teaching our childrent that it's ok to be mad, but also how to channel that anger properly is something a lot of adults need to be retaught...or taught!
  16. I voted other because well, I don't have a watch...I do have a wrist and I do sleep with said wrist attached, but it's naked, like it is all day everyday. I don't like long sleeves either because I don't like my wrist bound by anything. Ok, I'm weird, but I figured you needed more choices, lol.
  17. The same place I watched this Tebow ad there was an ad with Betty White that showed her being tackled.....that one made no sense either. While I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say it "promotes" violence against women, I would say it wasn't necessary to get their point across. I find it hard to believe that a guy watching an entire evening of guys knocking each other over is going to be influenced solely by a 5 second piece of a commercial. "Hey....that Tebow guy just knocked his mom down...I think I'll go do that to the wife". Hmmm, probably not the biggest influence of the day.
  18. There are some people that you simply have to come right out and say it.....subtle hints don't work. Sounds like Friend is one of them. So.... DH: Friend, I'm afraid you're going to have to find your own ride and lodging for the SuperFarm convention. I hear the TravelLodge might have some vacancies. I'm taking the little woman and we're riding alone. I'm sure we'll run into you at the haybaling booth, though. It would be best that this happen ASAP so that friend has time to actually find his own transportation and lodging.
  19. Be SURE that you check out the Swap Problems board: http://www.vegsource.com/homeschool/problems/index.html I used to buy and sell there almost exclusively but then a few bad seeds came along scamming was rampant and the board leaders attitude was that they provided the board but weren't responsible for the swaps (understandable to some extent, but they refused to even ban/block people who were repeat scammers.). While the scamming can, and does, go on everywhere.....looking at the problems board it appears that it is VERY much still happening there. So use great caution before buying.....ask specifically for referrals and expect to get them from more than one person, hopefully someone that you can see has been posting there for a while (because unlike here, they don't care if you change your handle repeatedly....so there is nothing to prevent a scammer from recommending herself!). As a seller NEVER ever send something until you have money in hand, check has cleared. I know many of us know the check is on it's way and so we go ahead and mail just to get it off our to-do list....never would I do that there unless I'd previously sold to that person without incident. After I saw the positive responses you got I thought perhaps vegsource had changed and was better now....but honestly, looking at the problems board it sure doesn't seem like it has to me. I hope so, but I will forever worry about being scammed from there because I sat and watched so many others have it done to them. As the seller you have a bit more protection because you get the money first, make sure the check completely clears, and keep clear proof that you mailed it as promised so paypal doesn't come back at you.....but as the buyer, you're sending money ahead of the products being sent....and that was the ones that were being scammed the most. For months someone that we all suspected was the same person with different names was answering the "wanted" boards with items people wanted, taking money and never sending anything. It was happening so much it had to be the same person, or a lot of copycats roaming the want board. On a few occasions burned buyers would contact the local police in sellers home but rarely did they do much more than contact the seller....even when the product still wasn't mailed they wouldn't arrest the seller for fraud. I underestand the have more important things than a $50 sale gone bad, but it makes you realize how vulnerable you are. About the only protection a buyer truly has is through something like paypal that will require PROOF from the seller of mailing....and that's only limited protection, there are ways for the seller to still win a dispute while you never get your merchandise. Ok, off the soapbox.
  20. Yep...and sadly they did exactly what Go Daddy was hoping.....how many of us would have ever heard of Go Daddy if they hadn't been in the news after the Super Bowl the last few years because of their commercials? They are a local company (Scottsdale, Arizona) and their billboards were just as distasteful as their ads....thankfully they don't seem to do billboard ads any more though! But.....I doubt there are a lot of adults around who haven't heard of them now. Of course, they're not the first, nor will they be the last I'm afraid, that are willing to do something that receives lots of negative attention and be proud of it.....and watch their business grow because of it. Isn't that a Hollywood saying....no publicity is bad publicity, or something? I saw the FOF ad on a newslink this morning and seriously if I hadn't already heard the rumors and all I'd have had no clue what they were talking about.....I'm not a football fan so I wouldn't have even known this guy's name if it wasn't for all the hoopla. Now, I'll probably never be able to forget his name, lol.
  21. Contact the local police and request a property damage report and then tell them your suspicions. They may be able to look at the tread on the lawn and the tread on your neighbor's vehicles and see a potential match. I would then request that the police talk with them about "being more careful when backing out". Confronting hostile neighbors is dangerous these days. The police should be able to approach them in a more diplomatic manner (especially with evidence that shows the tire treads match....a lot harder to say "it wasn't our car") with the "be careful" idea, whereas if you approach them it turns into some accusational confrontation. Now....I obviously know nothing of the past relationship you've had with these people....if they are the type that might react with revenge or violence to you having the police talk to them, I'd have to think twice. But, then again, if they were that dangerous, I'd probably be putting up a for sale sign. Bad neighbors just drains the joy out of me, and I've moved because of neighbors more than once. :grouphug:
  22. It's time to get a lot of firewood ready.....and then you move into the room with the fireplace and "live" there until the power comes back. Pull the mattress off the beds and put them on the floor in that room. Stack them elsewhere during the day and spend the daytime doing school or whatever in that room. Might be helpful to bring school/hobby/games/clothing/blankets etc into or near that room now, because leaving a warm room to go through a cold house and then back again means that you have to warm yourself up all over again. Take blankets or thick towels and tape them against the windows so that even small air leaks don't chill the room. We used to do that and then move the big bookcases in front of the window as well to block it even more. Made it darker, but we had gas laterns for light (obviously use with caution). Use flashlights as needed, but be sure that if you get down to your last set of batteries for them that you conserve that for real need. Obviously be sure that you have plenty of bottled/stored water available (general rule is minimum of 1 gallon per person per day), and food that you can use without power. You said that your stovetop is gas, so that means that you can cook things like canned soups, etc. Obviously your refrigerator will stop working, but even when the power goes out, keeping things cool won't be a problem, so make sure it's well stocked with foods that require no heating (boiled eggs is a great protein) or easily (quickly) heated on the stove top. Now is the time to bring all that frozen spaghetti sauce out, lol. Cook meats now to reheat later. I know we don't normally reheat chicken on the stove, but you can do it...cut it into smaller pieces so it heats quicker and doesn't cook much more. Cooking them ahead means that you won't have to be in the cold kitchen as long. We had a cast iron pot we used over the fire (think camping) so that we could keep water warm so we were drinking warm water instead of cold which brings your body temp down. Make something of a game of it for your children, especially if they are feeling your anxiety. Think Little House on the Prairie where the only warmth they had ALL winter long was the fireplace. Makes a great read aloud too. And no computer games in Laura's time, but plenty of board games that they can make. We have several friends in the area where they've already lost power, so we'll keep you in good thoughts as well.
  23. My dad used to tell people that if any of us kids got sick he always caught it (though like other posters, seems like it was never "quite" as bad for him as for us). My dad joked constantly that if any of us girls got preggers he was moving out....so, being the first of the family to get pregnant, I called him....when he answered I said "Time for you to move out". The truly hilarious part is that he got it.....pause...."oh my god I'm gonna be a grandpa". I have often felt that men have a deep need to be taken care of, even the strong type that do a great job taking care of us.....but the minute they sniffle they become 8 years old and need their mommmy....and we somehow are she. I hope your little one (and big one) are feeling better today. :grouphug:
  24. What do you sew? Mending, clothes, quilts, home dec (meaning heavy fabrics)? How often do you sew? Daily, weekly, whenver something needs mending? That can make a difference on model to recommend. For $1,000 you can get way more sewing machine that you need for simple occasional tasks. I sew quite a lot.....several times a week, more if I'm lucky. I make a lot of my daugthers' clothing because we have a hard time finding appropriate stuff anymore....I also love to quilt....and I've done some curtains/drapes, pillows etc for around the house. If "I" had $1k I'd get a simple sewing machine and an entry level embroidery machine! Or, sense in my case my sewing machine is just fine, I'd put the whole grand into an embroidery machine. Oh the dreams! Bernina, Janome, Viking are probably the best of the best brand wise, but do some research because each company has winners and losers. Be sure that when reading the negatives you know what they were trying to sew....no sense worrying about someone complaining that it couldn't sew through 2 layers of canvas to make sails for their boat, if you plan to make party dresses and rompers.
  25. Karate and swimming is on both boys lists.....so I'd choose one of those because it would mean less running around trying to get two kids to two different places each week. Find a school that has age appropriate classes for each on the same day either same time or right after each other. If they are in different classes, bring along school work to do when it's not their class time. I'm sure the boys will be disappointed that they can't do it all....but remind them at this year they do swimming and in a year or so they won't need lessons any more, they can switch over to karate or soccer or whatever the newest desire is, lol. As for instruments.....if you can bring a teacher IN rather than having to go to them, it takes less time because you can being doing schoolwork until the teacher arrives. Here it costs a little bit more, but it's worth it for the time saved travelling back and forth. I agree with others who say instruments should be a part of the curriculum and not really an "extra curriculuar" thing....especially if it's not the boys' first choice, as resentment doesn't make a good practice partner, if they're dreaming about how they should be playing soccer instead, lol.
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