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Everything posted by NicAnn

  1. Do you sew at all? The dresses on the site are very simple to make. I've been thinking of making those style for my daughter, with slightly different sleeves and possibly shorter hem. But to answer your question, I've never ordered from them. I have ordered from larger manufacturers with mixed results.
  2. Mood changes and irritability are often listed at the end of symptom lists for Celiacs, or squished in the middle where it's not noticeable. If you hunt around naturopathic research sites it becomes much more common. And first hand accounts on celiac forums.I'll look around for actual links.
  3. I've brought this up SO many times when talking about Celiacs. Mood changed were my husbands only noticeable symptom prior to eliminating gluten. His mood and behavior was so annoying/depressing/angry that I was about ready to force him into anti depressants, or therapy. He just happened to go gf that week and instant mood change. We couldn't believe it. I even randomly contaminated him (with his permission!) several times after he detoxed, and his mood came back in just a few hours. Since then, he reports (after gluten eating) tiredness, hair trigger mood swings, and general pessimism. After doing research, I discovered it is a very common, but under reported symptom.
  4. Can I comment for my husband? He would have preferred a more rigorous, formal education. He was allowed to slack off and he wasn't pushed to his full potential. He wished he had a stronger foundations in the basics, particularly English/Grammar. He wished he would have been pushed to pursue his interests. He was very interested in computers, but was discouraged from doing anything with it. He is now starting a computer career, 10 years later than he should be. His experience is what we based our whole homeschool around, really.
  5. I'm not understanding now anyone could be against this type of fundraising. I've read the replies, the reasons, and I still don't get it. We aren't talking about happy, healthy, little babies being raised in affluent two parent homes. Foster care in the states, and orphanages in other countries, are full of problems. If a family has a heart to adopt, particularly at risk kids or special needs, then I'm all for giving them whatever help I can. I think some May not understand that kids in orphanages age out at early ages. It's not like US foster care where you can be in the system until you're 21. We are talking about 12,13,14 year olds no longer being cared for. We are talking about children who could be healthy and thriving with the right care, but instead are left in cribs well into their childhoods and teen years. Even in the decent orphanages, in many countries, there is still a huge level of neglect. I don't personally care if there is a rescue mentality out there. There SHOULD be. Rescuing some of these kids is, in my opinion, the only decent, moral thing to do.
  6. I wouldn't bring ketchup or anything, but yeah, we bring a lot. I always bring pbj stuff, oatmeal, hummus, and snacky food. Partially because we have dietary restrictions, but I would otherwise. Food is expensive. My family likes to eat. If I bring some of my own, I feel I can eat as much as I want or share it. I don't like to expect others to feed me.
  7. It does help me sleep. I am working out only to get stronger and build muscle. I don't want to lose any weight. So before bed I go into my room and do 1/2 hour of weights, yoga, resistance work. I never say I'm going to work out. I just say I'm going to bed. I feel like if I say I'm going to bed, it's understood I want to be left alone. Whereas "working out" implies I still have that 1/2 hour if something else came up.
  8. Ours was an RV, so it was not cute like IKEA...but every inch is functional. Our friends in the 250sq ft house is totally an ikea room come to life. This is the model they live in--http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/products/cypress-overview/#ad-image-3 And it's 130, not 250 sq ft like I thought. But I know their outbuilding is. They have washer/dryer out there and a mud room. It's just the two of them, and a step child on the weekends. My traveling friends, full time rvers, have lots of kids. We had 2 in the rv, but we know others with 2-6. It was a very different life and took a loooong time for us to get used to a full sized housed.
  9. Our house (up until last year) was only 340 sq TOTAL...so yes it can be done! We have friends that live in a 250 sqft house, with a 250 sqft out building. We have friends in busses, in campers, in vw vans, and all varieties of cabins and tiny homes. It's really a matter of perspective and priorities, but small house living is very gratifying and fun!
  10. I can't imagine being bothered by this...assuming grandma is an alright gal in other regards My mother was a delusional, abusive, narcissist...so if it was her saying it, it would bother me.
  11. Yep. What Pamela said. I think it's very kind and considerate of your family to respect his wishes and take them into account!
  12. Absolutely. DH has Celiacs, and truly his only symptoms were irritability, anger, and depression. My daughter doesn't really have that issue. But she does have hyperactivity when exposed. Anyway, yes, mood changes are a big symptom!
  13. I very much agree that his quote is based on ignorance. Many people have an idealized view of public school. Bill Nye is not someone I care much about at this point. I grew up with The Science Guy. It was the best part of elementary school. As an adult, however, I realize he is too attention seeking and not very genuine. The whole debate premise was ridiculous. I'm not surprised he has these opinions on homeschooling.
  14. I'd assume he was doing it to be nice. Where I'm from in Colorado, everyone helps everybody. Dh has regularly plowed driveways and side streets for free...it's just what you do.
  15. I can talk with DH about anything. I have a few friends I can have interesting discussions with, but certainly not most of them.
  16. How to handle teasing--that depends on the kid. My ideal way would be to encourage confidence and acceptance in her. If she can learn to make TS a part of her, others won't make fun of her. Once I was sitting in a college class lecture and a boy made some kind of verbal tic. The whole class looked at him and he said "oops, there's that Tourette's acting out", in a real light joking way. I don't think the tics were even noticed after that. So I think that attitude is something encourage in the long run. In the meantime, speak with the parents and teacher if needed. But I'd really stay away from making it something negative or apologetic. Just say "hey DD has TS. It'd no big deal, but here's what it looks like/presents as just so you're aware." Don't apologize that it might interrupt class or anything.
  17. I have quite a bit of experience with TS. Pm me if you want. I think that diet and nutritional deficiencies are always the place to start. There is a lot of info out there. I have 1 sibling that is greatly improved when he doesn't have preservatives and dyes. Recognize that certain situations may increase/decrease tics. Teach your child coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety. Locate a support group. I had a great one growing up and still have fond memories of the people I met.
  18. I have two symptoms that may or may not be related. Can Dr. Hive help me out? First, I'm 27, healthy eater, I don't work out. Slight family history or heart problems (very small heart issue in maternal grandfather 15 years ago). Symptom 1- at least once a day, sometimes for a few minutes to an hour, I have a sore feeling near my armpit on the left side. When it happens I rub and squeeze the area, like you might with a sore muscle. It seems to help temporarily, but it doesn't take the discomfort away. I would not call it pain. Symptom 2- today I had an "episode". A squeezing feeling in my chest, not painful, but very uncomfortable. Had a numb, burning feeling in my left hand during/soon after. Hand looked slightly red. I had the exact hand feeling once before, but I cannot remember if chest pain was associated with it. I should go to the dr. I know that. I do not have insurance because I have to buy it through the marketplace, and the darn thing won't work. So anyway, spending several thousand dollars on an ER visit would set us back a year or two. Thoughts? Thank you!
  19. Yes I just read his Wiki page. Was even more surprised to read he was Australian.
  20. He's not American? That blows my mind. Showing my ignorance here, but I thought young earth creationism was strictly an American thing.
  21. Dylan, at this point in life, has little to no reason to continue to lie. None that I can think of. I read the letter, and have no doubt she is telling the truth. As a sexual assault victim myself, at close to the same age, I can hear myself writing the same words. Obviously, we will never know for sure...but I don't see what benefit she has to lie. I know that people DO lie about sexual assault. But generally, they don't and often downplays the assault, if anything.
  22. We are Christians, that don't believe in the Trinity and believe in theistic evolution, so we stick out in our conservative, young earth Christian environment. We are also Christians that, while believing homosexuality is a sin in the biblical sense, fully support marriage rights for all. I don't use any Christian curriculum. While I believe God is all around us, in every creation and science on earth, I don't need scriptures and a biblical worldview to teach math. I don't keep quiet, and I don't nod along if someone expresses a viewpoint that's not my own. But I also don't announce at every gathering what my thoughts are. I keep some where in the middle because, like it or not, I need a homeschool community. We are Libertarians (lots of us on this thread) as well.
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