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Boxing Hare

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Everything posted by Boxing Hare

  1. I use this really easy tomato-based sauce: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/mrs-espys-enchilada-sauce/detail.aspx I used beef or chicken, whatever we have. Then I add cheese and diced green chile peppers. FWIW, my husband was in Queretaro, Mexico (1 1/2 hrs from Mexico city) for 3 weeks in Feb, and said he didn't see a single enchilada, or sopapilla, or really any of the Tex-Mex food we have here. We were in shock that Mexicans didn't eat Mexican food.:lol:
  2. I absolutely love our Expedition EL (extended length) It seats 8, so I'm not sure if that's big enough for you. The back seats fold down flat by pushing a button, which is really nice. In the suburban you have to climb in and fold them down manually. That seemed like a lot of work when the seat weighs almost as much as you! We used the internet to find ours used with Car Max. Even with shipping from NM it was cheaper than anything locally. Car shopping is such a pain - good luck!
  3. We love Outdoor Adventure 1 & 3. It is fun and a great workout! Plus it keeps records and we love to beat each other...
  4. An engineer at IBM suggested Gamemaker for my ds 11. It starts as drag and drop, but you can add code as you learn. http://wiki.yoyogames.com/index.php/Main_Page
  5. I called the ped when my youngest got spots and a fever on his chest at 11 mths. The older 2 had been vaccinated, so I had never gone through it before. It was the oddest thing. The dr's office acted like we had the plague. They told me to come in immediately, and to go to the back door and someone would be waiting for me. I was escorted straight to a room, where the doctor came in right away. They took my credit card from me in the room, and then brought me back the receipt to sign. Then, a nurse escorted me out the back door. It was so over the top. But then I started thinking, that was the fastest I've ever been in and out of the pediatrician's on a sick visit. Maybe I'll get a red marker and draw dots the next time I need an appointment.... btw, the dr said tylenol/motrin and socks to cover his hands.
  6. http://www.uship.com is a good site. It's like a reverse e-bay. Different companies will bid to get your business. We used them to move a classic car from GA to TX. Unfortunately, next year we will probably be using them again to move it back to the southeast...
  7. I am highly allergic too, and the steriods make me a crazy person. It is so miserable and lasts for months. This wash has really helped me. It's expensive, but I think it's worth its weight in gold. http://www.zanfel.com/help/
  8. You could look at the read alouds from SL 5 to get some books. I know your dd is older, but maybe some of the read alouds would be on her level.
  9. I do criminal background checks on our tenants, but I think you need their permission to do that. I'm not sure if I need permission just b/c of the landlord/tenant relationship. In TX you go to the county or city website and there's a link for criminal history checks. It cost me about $3 per person.
  10. We rented period costumes there (at the visitor's center, and at a dress shop) for the kids and they loved it. They wore them all day, even though it was so hot. They said that was their favorite part. Jamestown was a lot of fun too. We got to work on hollowing out a canoe, and see how the indians lived. My dd really like that. Have fun!
  11. Maybe Miquon? I haven't used it yet, but am planning to with my ds 6 next year in first. It's very hands on and seems like play time more than math. We're going to use that along with Singapore. Good luck
  12. I'm not sure I know the street slang :lol: Y'all are motivating me to go ahead and talk with my younger ds 6. Hmmm. This was enough for one day!
  13. I remember loving Daddy Long Legs when I was a kid, but I can't remember what age I was when I read it. I want my dd to read it, but can someone recommend an age for me?
  14. Let me start with the fact that this is my oldest and I have no clue what I am doing. He knew that "humans mate." We talked more specifics - physical changes (i.e. pubic hair, and the book had info on wet dreams, etc), and how it actually happens. Plus we talked about STDs and waiting for marriage. I did tell him that probably 90% of what he hears from friends will be exaggerated or just plain wrong and to ask me anything he wants. I told him if he felt awkward he could e-mail me his questions. I feel better about it after some time has passed. I think it went well. It helps that he's not interested in girls yet, I think. So I guess I'm good until he starts dating....maybe??
  15. I thought a poll would make it easier to compare. Someone suggested I edit my poll, but I don't know how to edit it and I don't know how to delete it to start over. So this poll is how much per kid. If someone knows how to make a better poll, please go ahead!
  16. I love this recipe. It is so yummy and so easy. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/easy-slow-cooker-french-dip/detail.aspx
  17. This was my problem exactly! This definitely should have been dh's job. But I thought it was better me than the neighbor boy. After he read one book (Almost 12 from SL) we talked a little. Then he said he would read the other book (The Boys Handbook from SL) later cause it was boring. Sex was boring! Yeah!
  18. My dd 10 likes to wear a boy swimsuit and a swim shirt. I hope she's still like this in 6 years!
  19. He turns 12 next week. I guess the conversation went okay. Not as bad as I thought it would be. He's reading some books I got for him now. I can't think of the adjective to describe how I'm feeling. Just ugggghhhh! I wish he were 5 again! I hope this feeling goes away soon.
  20. Well, I'm going to make you feel really frugal. I added it up last week and so far I've spent $1300 per kid for the 5th and 6th grader, and less on the 1st grader (I didn't add his up - ignorance is bliss). I will point out that I buy used when I can. There's still a geography curriculum that I want to purchase for $200, but I'm waiting to see if I can find it used. The majority of cost is for SL, homeschool band and an outside writing class. We pulled them out of private school, so I always tell my husband, "It's cheaper than their old school."
  21. Well now I want this one too! I'm not looking at this thread anymore :tongue_smilie:
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