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Everything posted by cjzimmer1

  1. I pushed for several hours with my second to no avail. Frankly I could have pushed for days and it still wouldn't have mattered. He was wedged in my pelvis so hard that when they did my c-section, the doctor had to rock his head back and forth to get him unstuck. He had grooves in his head from the edge of the pelvic bone. So positioning is one big factor of why pushing is successful and when it not. My next 3 kids required minimal pushing (aka typically 2-3 pushes in total). My last kid required concentrated intentional pushing for quite a while. Cord was wrapped around his neck so every time I stopped pushing, the cord pulled him back up and I had to start over pushing him back down the birth canal.
  2. I've never seen a car that adjusts the tilt either. I've had Toyota Corolla, Ford Taurus, Dodge Caravan, and Honda Civic, Accord, and Odyssey. Was your Accord an older year because my newish one doesn't have it?
  3. I've been contemplating them too. Mostly because they are at restaurants I could never afford to eat at myself (aka my out to eat budget consists of 1-2 trips from Taco Bell's value menu a month. Sit downs don't exist here). It would be pretty easy to say no to whatever they are peddling because I have nothing to buy it with even if I wanted to. Will be curious to hear what others have to say.
  4. You can get it on their grilled chicken too! And I leave off the jalapenos because they are just a bit too spicy for me.
  5. For me, the bun is the least satisfying part and only there to hold it all together, so I guess I would have to just eat the slaw!🤣 I have chronic anemia even with eating red meat regularly so I can't go more than a day or two without it before I feel like I could start chewing on someone's arm. So eating something without meat leaves me feeling very unfulfilled. But that's awesome you hubby was so respectful of your dietary needs! Definitely a winner for you!
  6. You probably don't want to here this but we LOVE the new pimento sandwich. Although to be honest I'm having a hard time envisioning it without chicken.
  7. Things are slowly going down here too. Still picking tomatoes but I'm pretty tired of dealing with them. Since it's smaller amounts, if I just keep serving tomato heavy meals, I'm mostly keeping up with them. Peppers are another matter but I'm giving my mom 3-4 dozen this weekend so that should clean off the most urgent ones for now (at least the sweet ones, she won't touch the hot ones so I still need to work on poblanos and jalepenos). I have a bunch of butternut squash out there but I've never grown them so I have no idea when I should pick them. Also I have a couple volunteer pumpkin plants (I have no idea how they got there as I don't grow, eat or even decorate with pumpkins. I honestly don't remember the last time I had a pumpkin on the property.) In my spare time I've been working on getting the indoor gardening going. I've got lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes all planted and roughly timed to start producing the end of October. I've got radishes that I'm starting to pick and will plant some more to target the timeframe of the other veggies so they can get put on the salads too. Carrots are planted and about an inch tall. They won't be ready more till the end of Novemberish but youngest DS will eat them whenever they are ready. I've got two buckets of potatoes planted and will do two more (since that's how many chitted potatoes I have laying on my counter) once I get to the store to purchase more soil. I will then start another container with more lettuce and hopefully a second one with other greens (probably spinach, kale, and arugula). And my ginger plants are a good 6+ inches tall so I'm glad I took the gamble on playing with them. I will order some apples from the Amish when I go up on Friday. Need some for fresh eating and then dehydrating and of course applesauce. I did by some tulip and hyacinth bulbs from Menards the other day to start building up my flower bed along the fence. Now I just have to find time to dig up the weeds that popped through the mulch and get the bulbs planted. And in a few weeks, it will be time to get the garlic planted. I only got 7 bulbs this year (from 12 cloves I planted but the squirrels had gotten into them so I surprised I got that many) and even though it was the most awful hard clay, the cloves were so big (even though they only got 2-3 cloves per bulb each clove was bigger than a quarter). I'm going to plants some along the edges of the raised beds that has super loose soil and hope for even better yield next year (also the raised beds are in the cage so I shouldn't have to worry about the squirrels).
  8. I give you so much credit for doing it. I can never bring myself to pull plants until they are dead from frost.
  9. And that's totally fine and wonderful for you and you could let everyone know when you told them he arrived that you would love for them to come see baby. And when nephew says we need some time, then he should have the same opportunity to experience it the way that was best for him and his family. Just because someone has different needs and desires doesn't make them wrong. I don't think the pendulum is swinging too far, I think more people are willing to speak up and say hey I know traditionally it's been done this way but that doesn't work for me and this is what I need. So even if every member of a family for hundreds of years has done it a certain way, someone could say, I don't like that family tradition, I want this and they should be respected and granted that.
  10. Why do people NEED to see baby just hours after a birth? Really, grandma, auntie, cousin, whoever, your life is not is over waiting a few days to see baby. And I'm sorry expecting dad to pop out of the room with baby just so you can offer congratulations and get a peek a baby is almost as rude as trying to come into the room. Mom is exhausted but frankly so is dad. In my case, dad has been up all night while I was in labor and then after he got to do a lot of the caregiving, changing diapers, rocking and soothing baby because I could barely move after a c-section. Then he was responsible for having to notify everyone because I was too groggy to talk coherently. And somewhere in all there he had to find his own food and attempt to sleep too. It was nothing personal wishing people would wait, simply sheer exhaustion. Why is it so hard to understand that mom and dad's need to rest is way more important than some relative's desire to offer congratulations and peek at baby?
  11. I guess I'm struggling to understand how asking family to wait until you are home is considered cutting out family. For my first everyone came and visited and frankly that is my biggest regret. I was exhausted and having to be "social" just made it worst. And since the majority of hospitals the baby is now in the room with mom (baring severe medical issues), it means mom does have to be social for every visitor. So family being on the hospital grounds means eventually they will be in my room if they are going to see baby. In this day of instant everything, I think a whole lot of people are forgetting that healing isn't instant and expecting to see baby right away (especially when told by parents to wait), is really rude on the family member's part.
  12. I've caught my kids absentmindedly throwing the silverware away and setting the trash on the counter enough times that I'm certain it also happens when I'm not there to notice and make them correct it.
  13. I've seen it but thankfully not on any of my own posts. I think the hope is that you will think it's a real person and send them a friend request and then they can access your contact list. At least that is what I've always thought the purpose was. Access to more contact/people that then they can send the scamming messages to (not necessary this scamming message but other ones where they do actually try to get your money).
  14. We have long dreary winters, I told my husband I needed a bright cheery color that made me think of summer. It also flooring that has a stone pattern on it and part of my indoor garden is in the room. It's so lovely to go in there in the winter and feel a bit of spring/summer!
  15. I'm of the thought you should paint whatever color YOU like and enjoy (but then again, I'm the person who has a sunroom the color of raspberry sherbet, a kids bedroom the color of deep purple lilacs, another that is a dark teal, another that is a plum pink/purple and another 4-5 shades of blue in other areas of the house). ANYTHING is better than the boring neutral colors that so many homes are done in. Go bold, make a statement and enjoy your color!
  16. Agree with others that magnesium may be the culprit. I also have this problem when my vitamin D is low so that makes ght be something else to check.
  17. Well my sister adopted two 17 year old chihuahuas. One clearly acts her age and sleeps most of the time the other is more spry than her 7 year old dog. As someone who works in rescue, I am most grateful to anyone who opens their hearts and homes to older dogs. They deserve a loving home just as much as a younger dog but are so often overlooked because people don't want the heartbreak of loving a dog with a shorter life. But whether you have them for a year or 10 the heartbreak will still be there on your end but you may be the difference to that dog to live the rest of its life feeling loved. And while I understand no one wants to set their kids up for heartbreak by losing an animal, there are many lessons to be learned about loving and compassion by standing by an elderly animal that even kids can benefit from the experience. With that said, I wouldn't let age be the defining factor, personality and compatibility with your other dog and your children are key. If it's a match on that front, than absolutely I would go for it. Oh and they do make doggy diapers so even things like incontinence don't have to be deal breakers.
  18. I'd be worried the yolks might be too much for a sensitive system. if I did eggs, I would probably do whites only and see how they are tolerated before doing the whole egg.
  19. When my mom's gallbladder went bad and she was not able to have surgery immediately her diet was very low fat. Like she only ate white fish and boneless skinless chicken breast for meat, no pork or beef of any kind. Plain baked potato with no butter/sour cream. Steamed veggies (again no sauces) In other words the most boring diet imaginable. But she was able to stave off any further problems for several months (at which point surgery was possible).
  20. As long as it was sealed and still looked and smelled fine (no rust on cans etc), I could easily go 5 plus years past the date. The only thing I've ever had issue with is things with grains (oats, flour, cake mix etc) as they developed a rancid smell.
  21. I have never heard of this place so was completely unaware of the controversy around it but just based on those prices no I wouldn't go. But then just getting to DC is beyond my budget so if I ever did find a way to get there anything I did would have to be free.
  22. I have never tipped for any appliance delivery. Not sure if that is "correct" or not but I have never done it.
  23. I always add an extra egg. It makes it more moist and a bit more dense (which I happy to prefer).
  24. My son had strep that we didn't realize at the time and didn't seek out care right away. He developed Scarlet fever. My cousin had a similar scenario except hers turned into rheumatic fever. So yes, high fever and sore throat = automatic trip to doctor even though we generally don't visit the doctor for most things. And always take all the antibiotics that are prescribed for it.
  25. I'm in the same boat as you which is why I've turned to indoor gardening. And while I didn't know the bit about the soil, it just confirms my decision to do my indoor gardening in soil instead of the more popular hydroponics.
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