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Everything posted by kchara

  1. No. The only path to God is through Jesus. However, we are admonished to not forsake the fellowship of other believers, and I think that's very important in a Christan's life.
  2. I don't have quite that age span, but I think they way overreacted. I agree with the others who said the baby was 2, not 12. Heaven help that boy when he's a father himself and can't change a diaper.
  3. We're doing Botany this year. My older two, who are actually doing it, don't like lapbooks. They said it made them feel babyish. So, I didn't get them this year. We're using the free notebooking pages on Jeannie Fulbright's blog. They're the same basic pages as in the paid ones, from what I can tell from the samples, although the paid ones are prettier, and they do have some added things, like crossword puzzles and such. But, the free pages have everything you'd basically need. I supplement them with pages from Notebookingpages.com (I have a membership), and we use those to write out our What Do You Remember questions. Next year, I'll have an up and coming PreK. We'll probably get him a lapbook to play along with Zoology 1, just for fun. I'll have to fill it out for him, though. My big kids just don't like them anymore, though.
  4. I plan on using The Well Planned Day, too, and using the Student Version for my DD. I think my DS is still too young. I don't agree with everything in the Westminster catechism, either, so I plan on taking a sharpie to it, on the weeks I have an issue with. It's what I do with our Apologia books, seems to work. ;)
  5. We are using it now. We just got it, so we're only on week one. Looking through it, it's a lot of diagramming, and a lot of basic grammar. If your kids know that, I wouldn't bother. If they've never had true grammar (mine haven't), then it works really well. We're using it with Rod and Staff English 3 (we started that before we got The Bridge), and it merges well together, but it's a lot. Really, we don't need both, but my DD really does well with over-learning, so I'm keeping both of them up. When DS gets there, we'll probably only do The Latin Road 1, because he'll have had R&S English 3.
  6. No way I could. My family has the money, they just don't like me. :glare: I might be able to raise $500 from them... maybe... if it was everybody's pay weeks.
  7. I had the first "talk" when DD was 8 1/2. We took a special shopping trip and got her The Care and Keeping of You. We revisit it any time she has a question. I haven't done a show and tell yet... hmm... I probably won't inentionally revisit it (coming to her, not her coming to me with questions) until she starts to develop. She's pretty flat yet.
  8. Wonderful for Jasmine!! We'll continue to pray for Amanda and your whole family. (((hugs)))
  9. I tend to say both, but when I'm reading, I use the long "a." We're using Funnix for my 4 yo, and it says "uh." It's driving him batty, and he's getting really confused, so I might just tell him to read it as the long "a."
  10. I got the same email. I really, truly appreciate GHC's class in all of this. Unfortunately, it's not going to change a lot of people's opinions. Apparently, something similar has happened before with AiG (backing out of mediation) a few years ago, when they split from CMI.
  11. We're going down there on Sunday to see what counter-protests we can find. These people are just seriously demented. And greedy. I swear, their evil knows no bounds.
  12. It sounds like desperation to keep the baby out of foster care. :( You're right, it is incredibly dangerous, but desperate people do desperate things.
  13. Nobody said we were being persecuted on the other thread. At least, I didn't see it, if it was there. I could go back and reread, but I don't remember it. And this thread did start off with good intentions, I think, but it snowballed into something else (as usually happens). I never said we were being persecuted in the US, I don't believe we are (although I do agree with what MommaDuck just wrote). But that doesn't mean I don't see a double standard and discrimination when it comes to Christians, and that's just as wrong as a double standard and discrimination when it comes to any other group, but for some reason, it's accepted by society when it happens to Christians. It can be quite frustrating.
  14. This discussion is a spin off of the other post, so, it kind of goes hand in hand. My point is, I don't think it's crying persecution, and I don't think it's being overly sensitive, for a Christian to say they're offended, when offensive things are posted. I DO think there's a double standard. I've seen time and again on this board where people have been jumped on for being offensive (and, in many cases, rightly so). But when a *Christian* gets offended, it starts spin offs of persecution complexes. That's a double standard. No one said that one can't disagree with Christianity, or not believe in it, or whatever. What we are saying is, please be respectful of us while you're doing it. We (at least I, and others I know on here, as well) try to be respectful of you (being a general term ;)).
  15. The story of John the Baptist leaping in Elizabeth's womb when Mary, pregnant with Jesus, comes to mind. In the Christian tradition, he (John) recognized diety (Jesus), while both were in the womb. I'm sure there are more, I think some in the Psalms. I'll look them up after lunch.
  16. You can google the question and come up with a whole host of links. I just did. There's fascinating evidence on both sides of the table, but, realistically, it's all just theory. No one knows for sure. There are studies contradicting studies contradicting studies. BUT.... That wasn't the point. To get back on topic, the point was that attacking one's sanity over a belief system/lifestyle choice/non-choice/ WHATEVER is offensive.
  17. That wasn't even the point. You might want to actually read the post. However, you did make my point quite clearly. Thank you.
  18. I can make my eyes do this weird little shaking thing. I don't even really know how to describe it, but the kids think it's awesome.
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