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Everything posted by kchara

  1. OK, I need more coffee... seriously. I just almost posted this asking if your twins are identical. :blushing: A nap might do me better... Anyway, I only had a Level II b/c my twins were identical, so there was a chance of TTTS. Since yours are fraternal, there isn't that risk. I wouldn't bother My OB at the time, since it was twins, gave me an u/s at every visit, and I might've pushed for one, if that hadn't been the case. Congratulations!!
  2. I talked my DH into springing the money to buy the Feingold supplies. It was a waste, I didn't learn anything I didn't already know. Food dyes, additives and preservatives are bad. We had already been eliminating those. We are actually working on being more strict than Feingold, with no HFCS, and no processed sugar and flour, among other things (both are OK on Feingold). When we stick to eating clean, there really is a difference, although for my DS, it's not as extreme as I've heard of it being in others.
  3. (sniff) Kymmie got my ticket. ;) I was REALLY glad it went to a Hive member, though. Wish I could join you guys, but... another time. ;-)
  4. I agree with the genetic component. We decided not to vaccinate because on both sides, we have family members with neurological difficulties, including autism. I think that for some families, there is a switch, and I think that vaccines can trip that switch. I think there are also many other factors involved, but I don't believe that we should automatically dismiss vaccines as one of them. I also don't trust "unbiased" studies financed by people who are all in bed together and making billions off of the "safety" of vaccines. I just don't think there's enough truly unbiased research out there to know what is going on, and there's too much money to be made for unbiased research to be done, honestly.
  5. I don't have a clean house because as soon as I clean it, there is someone from our under 2 crowd right behind me tearing it up. I've given up for the time being. I know I've got to get a handle on it, though. Supposed to have visitors this summer. :svengo:
  6. We kept up on our well baby visits just b/c I have a crazy family who hates me, and I want a paper trail in case they try anything stupid. That was until we moved with our youngest, and he really probably should be seen, but he hasn't been yet. I know if something's off, and we don't vax, so there's not been a huge need to. Now, part of that, too, is I haven't found a ped I like yet. There's not a huge selection where we are, and I'm not impressed with the ones I've seen, or I've been warned off of others. And I was rather spoiled by our last, he was AMAZING. I really need to make some more calls, though. I don't like not having a doc, in case something does happened.
  7. :eek::svengo: I don't. do. snakes. I'd move. The snake could have the garage. (((shudder)))
  8. My husband just called. His best friend's son was just hit by a car. Apparently, he's in really bad shape. They medivac'ed him out. Our friend found out at work, he was listening to the police scanner, and it came over there. He's on his way to the hospital. Please pray for this young man! ***************** UPDATE: Thank you all for your prayers, they are much appreciated! It looks like he'll be OK, just bumps and bruises. His dad was understandably freaked out, this is the second time in less than 12 months this particular kid has needed medivac'ed out of an accident. But, not even a broken bone. I swear, he's the luckiest kid alive.
  9. This smacks of spiritual abuse. There's a reason they have a reputation for church splits.
  10. :grouphug::grouphug: I'd be out of there, find a new church, and start over. What are they going to do, send the sheriff after you? Of course not. There's no reason to stay there.
  11. I only drive with my right foot, but I've been known to drive barefoot. Especially if it's a long trip, and I'll have the cruise on for quite a while.
  12. :grouphug: I feel ya. A week ago, my 10 yo told me that she wasn't my maid. Loudly :001_huh::cursing: One of us is not going to survive puberty.
  13. There's a travel agency that puts on The Ultimate Field Trip in September for homeschoolers. The week they go is supposed to be the slowest week at WDW out of the year, probably b/c all of the schools are just starting back.
  14. I looks lovely! I'm following you now. :) Your girls are adorable.
  15. We have 6 at the moment. We haven't received clear direction as to if we're done or not, so we're not sure if there are any more in our future. :)
  16. My dad is an extreme liberal. My mom says she's conservative, but, really, she goes whatever way the wind blows. She's very easily swayed to either side. I'm very conservative.
  17. Thanks ladies! :) I just put the blog link in my siggy, if anyone's interested. I'm giving away a package to the RFWP convention. I bought the meal plan, room for both nights, and the registration, and now I can't go. Hoping someone can. Thanks for the bumps!
  18. I do. My kids are extremely hard on books, and with a bunch of toddlers and babies running around, it protects them. Some.
  19. I'm having a blog giveaway I think people here might be really interested in. Is it against the rules to post it here? I don't want to break any board rules, just sort of get the word out to anyone who's interested.
  20. You don't want to know what I've caught my 8 yo boy doing. Seriously, it's disgusting. :glare: As long as it's a one time thing, I wouldn't sweat it too much.
  21. I cut them and put them in page protectors, but we use Sharpies instead of dry erase markers. The dry erase ones wipe off too easily, but the Sharpies stay put until I get around to grading them. They clean up easily with alcohol and a rag.
  22. We've gone through two lessons so far. There's a readiness test that is basically counting to 10 and knowing the difference between 4 and 2 on sight. Then, the first couple of lessons are counting and number recognition. We'll be taking an accelerated pace with this until we get to something my 4 yo doesn't know. It's set up exactly like the phonics program, except there are two "teachers" instead of one. Since we're using Funnix Reading for his phonics, that works really well for him. I think it ends around double digit addition and subtraction. There are 100 lessons, and a workbook to print out, where they practice matching, number writing, and number recognition (at least in the first few lessons, I haven't looked through them all). It looks rather basic, but it'll work.
  23. I was just coming in to post this! My son LOVES his Funnix reading, and he's bouncing off the walls waiting for his Funnix math to download!
  24. I've seen lots of people do that. Never heard of a problem. We would, if we had a garage.
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