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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. Oh, I want to go see it but with an 11 week old nursling I can't get away for that long except for work. :(
  2. :iagree: My boys 2 and 5yo just think its how you are supposed to feed a baby :). My oldest boy feeds his Mickey the same way :D. They will ask me " why is that baby drinking out of a bottle?"
  3. PCOS is famous for causing male pattern baldness in women. Have you been checked for that? Testosterone levels would be a great place to start :):grouphug:
  4. We like our travel trailer. Alas, with the latest new addition we have outgrown it and will be selling it to buy a bigger trailer for next summer. We are looking at the Grey Wolf and Outback bunkhouse trailers.
  5. :svengo: Oh my goodness what a mess! I think you have to tell them but what an awkward position to be in!
  6. Well I've been at it for almost a month and have only purchased milk and bread. The neighbors did bring us over some fresh green beans and tomatoes though. I don't get paid for another 9 days (but who's counting ;)) and we have been living on nothing almost through my maternity leave!
  7. I think I'm going bald! I have naturally thick hair but it is coming out by the handfuls! So what supplements can I take to help? It's not a thyroid issue as I had that checked already.
  8. Our local news station is reporting but hasn't confirmed yet. Sad day :(
  9. In our hospital everything gets scanned into the medical record which used to be a paper chart that was kept forever. Now those papers get scanned and are kept that way. So I'm not sure why you wouldn't want that to be a part of the medical record especially since she had been there before, the two separate charts should be connected to ensure continuity of care.
  10. My baby is getting all new clothes for the most part because after they go through the two oldest the need to go to the trash :)
  11. Could she sell some unwanted toys on Craigslist or something?
  12. She's beautiful and he's an idiot! I swear sometimes I think people must leave their brains at home!
  13. Yes, swimmers ear is an infection of the outer ear canal and should be treated with antibiotic drops.
  14. :grouphug: There is a girl a work who makes comments about breastfeeding every time I excuse myself to go pump. Things like..."that is so nasty", "that must hurt", "how long are you gonna nurse this one?", "my son had formula and he's just fine" etc etc. I do my best to spew facts about the benefits of breastfeeding but it really is useless. So I resort to "Pass the bean dip"...
  15. FWIW we pull a 26' travel trailer with my 2003 Chevy Tahoe. It has a towing capacity of 7700lbs. The newer trailers are lighter and easier to tow. Ours is a 2006 Fleetwood Mallard and it weighs the same as the new 30' grey wolf. We are trading ours in after this camping season because we have outgrown it!
  16. He is super full of himself isn't he? I think maybe she was so infatuated with the fact that "Tom Cruise likes me" that she forgot who she was.
  17. We've had an Elmo that ds1 just loved almost to pieces. He finally got put up in a box. Ds2 has a security blanket that I got at Walmart on a clearance rack and he calls it "baby". Why do they always pick something you can't easily replace anyway?
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