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In the Rain

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Everything posted by In the Rain

  1. My lefty uses the Fiskars that say they are for either hand.
  2. :lol: This is my dd too! She says a sentence aloud, and then repeatedly shortens it. It is sort of funny given her great love of talking. Yesterday she tried to get her sentence shorter, couldn't, and ultimately dictated, "It was a lovely passage". Ha! I think not. To the OP, I encourage my dd to come up with something meaningful about the passage and I don't let her use a sentence exactly as the original author wrote it.
  3. Our church asks $30 per child, less for those who already have vests. We have several families who can not or do not pay. All kids are welcome. :001_smile:
  4. Yes, my kids are allowed to play in my room. We don't let other kids play in there. It really sounds like there are other issues with your son's friend. Does he make your son feel bad? FWIW, my oldest dd is big on "negotiating". It drives me crazy. :tongue_smilie:
  5. My 5yo does not form letters well. I don't think she is ready, so I'm not worried. I agree that you should not hold back your son's reading because of his writing.
  6. Merry's response sounds great. You could also send her a link to this thread. Over 100 people have now viewed it. Now we all know that their packaging job is inadequate and the buyer is held responsible. :glare: You'd think the company would want to make it right before all of the hive forms a negative opinion. :001_huh:
  7. :lol: What a trip! We just returned from a trip to the Redwoods that involved beautiful scenery, lots of hiking, and children throwing up as well. :001_huh: There was also a plane crash on the side of the road. I learned that if a 5yo's sweatshirt seems unnaturally heavy and uncomfortable to carry, it is because every single pocket is stuffed with rocks. :D Ditto for jeans that sound funny when tossed into the washing machine. :tongue_smilie:
  8. I would never invite so many children, but I wouldn't judge anyone who did. One of my best friends never wants to exclude anyone. I could see her ending up with such a huge party, and she has come close. There were too many presents for the child to maintain interest in opening them all. After it was over, she was distressed over how to get them all in the car and where to store them all. :lol: It wasn't about getting lots of gifts- it was about having every child feel included.
  9. Yep! I never give it a second thought. I've never had anyone question us. I think homeschooling is pretty common here.
  10. I liked them so much I wanted to buy them, but didn't really care for the covers that were available at the book store. :tongue_smilie: I'll have to wait for a used copy that I like.
  11. Call and ask! Most church secretaries are probably used to answering the question.
  12. I buy ours at Trader Joes. Their sign says that one of the grades has a milder flavor. I buy that one, although I can't remember whether it is A or B. :tongue_smilie: I have to read the sign every time.
  13. I agree with lgm. My dd just "got it". She was 6, and didn't really need to work with objects. We talked about how if she had 5 pennies, she could split them into two pockets several ways (1 &4, 2&3, etc).
  14. Most of what dd enjoyed has already been mentioned. She is also a sensitive 7yo. Here are a few ideas I haven't seen mentioned (although I may have missed them). Gone-Away Lake and Return to Gone-Away The Dragonling series. I only preread the first of this series but dd read all of them. She didn't mention anything inappropriate.
  15. :confused: People can be so inconsiderate. I feel bad for your dh. Hopefully it will be of some comfort to him to read on this board how common the problem really is. :001_huh:
  16. I tried reading it a few months ago and just couldn't get into it. 7yo dd also stopped reading it because "it goes on and on and on". I wanted to like it though.
  17. :iagree: This is exactly what I did. It cost me $4 per book at Kinkos.
  18. My kids are a year older than yours. Starting when they were the age of your kids, they liked playing the following games. As a 3yr old, dd didn't have strategy, but loved to play. 12 dot dominoes Uno Rat-a-Tat-Cat Sequence for Kids Connect Four Dutch Blitz Candy Land Chutes and Ladders Cariboo
  19. I prefer loaves from the oven: no holes, prettier shape, perfect crust. I use my bread machine more often though. It is simply easier to put it in the machine and forget about it. ;)
  20. Our dentist said that baby teeth are very soft and a cavity can spread through them quickly. He said that in a matter of 6 months to a year, he has seen a baby cavity become problem enough to require removal of the tooth. I trust his judgement on the matter. He watched a bad spot between dd's teeth for over a year before he said it was time to fill the tooth. He did recommend that we go with silver filling for a baby tooth, since it is cheaper and easier for kids to sit through the procedure. Dd's filling isn't very obvious, and it was on a tooth he said that she wouldn't lose for several years. Did your dentist say to fill them all, or just the one? If he wants them all filled, ask if you could wait and have some of them reevaluated in 6 months. If he says they are in danger of the cavity reaching the root, I'd fill them now. FWIW, we still have to brush and floss our 7yo dd's teeth. She has really small spaces between her teeth, and is apparently prone to cavities. :tongue_smilie: I'm sorry for you and your kiddo. That is no fun. I have an appt. next week and I am always nervous about cavities.
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