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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I believe children should call adults Mr. or Mrs. X unless the adults specifically request something else. I would also prefer to be called Mrs. Warde by children, unless I am very close with their parents. My one and only friend with children has her kids call me "Auntie A," and my children call her "Auntie D." She lets her daughter call all her other friends by their first name. FYI I am 25, but I've always been a bit old fashioned :001_smile:
  2. I don't understand this question. Is it a generational thing? A regional thing? Who asks such an obvious question? Although my pastor fil did use my husband and I and our children as a cause-and-effect example in a sermon, saying that we knew the cause of our children. I was :blink::svengo:
  3. This thread was posted a month ago, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. In it it was pointed out to me that questions I thought were common of other moms, "Are you going to have more kids?" etc. were very personal and potentially insulting (implying that the number of kids they have is not enough, person could have had a lot of trouble conceiving, etc.) Now, I will grant you that (long depressing story short) I am not very good at societal norms nor realizing that what I think I'm communicating is not always how people interrupt it. That being said, I realized why I thought those questions were fine: because I am asked them and I am not offended by them. In the past 3 weeks I have been asked by a person I had just met if we were going to try for another kid. And last Sunday my new neighbor asked if we were going to try for a girl (we have two boys.) Now, my pregnancies were both difficult, my life and the baby's were in danger both times, and I'm on a medication that I would have to go off if we did start trying again. But I did not consider these questions to be insulting or two personal. As a matter of fact, I do want a little girl. But the old thread made me think that I'm in the minority by not being put off. So my question is, what questions are acceptable to you? If I were to meet you at a playground, what would you want to share with me?
  4. If it was just a few million, I would buy a nice house, and then buy enough houses to rent that we could live off that as a source of income. If it were closer to $10 million, I'd build an energy efficient house-in-a-hill, with two story high south facing windows. Either way, I wold buy every book on my Amazon wish lists :D and I would have dh go to collage to study computer game programing, which is his dream job.
  5. It's not a board game, but dh and I like Mille Bornes a lot.
  6. If you are doing Right Start math and you have a younger child over the age of 2/2.5, and you can spare the extra $10, you might want to get a second abacus. My ds2 always wants to work alongside ds4.5.
  7. I am just flabbergasted by the quotes in the article from the people who oppose these women's choices! And I would like to know about the 3 "waves" of feminism before now :confused:
  8. It helps to remember that kids are resilient. :001_smile:
  9. I have loved everyone I've read, both as a kid and as an adult. I like the Royal Diaries, and I'll be interested in the younger kids and boy series.
  10. Wow, I didn't know that (but we are new at this.) I am glad I read this thread! It doesn't change my mind about homeschooling through high school, but it is important to know!
  11. I would tell him. I think your husband deserves the truth, and it should come from you. I don't know how he'll feel about you keeping it from him, but the longer you keep it from him the worse he'll feel about it.
  12. 1) I call my dh my "back-up brain." I am TERRIBLE at remembering actor's names. All I have to do is go "Oh!" and he'll tell me the character in what movie/tv show I'm most familiar with, since the name wouldn't mean much to me. I really appreciate that because it drives me nuts when I recognize the face, but I can't remember from where. 2) Once we decided to homeschool he hasn't had a doubt since. And when I'm uncertain with what path to take, he has the exactly right perspective and if full of confidence in my abilities. 3) He's a Registered Dental Assistant. It's not what he really wants to be, but he does it because it makes it possible for me to stay at home and teach the kids. 4) He was so darkly tanned when I first saw him that I thought he had some African heritage. He's actually of German descent. 5) We met when he was 17 and I was 15. We got married when he was 20 and I was 18. 6) We met in Foods and Nutrition class. He walked in and offered to wash dishes in exchange for food (his friend was in my kitchen group.) It was a free period for him and even though he never officially joined the class, the teacher let him come every day for the rest of the year. 7) He's a very affectionate dad. His father was disabled physically when dh was a baby, and dh wants to do all the things with his sons that his dad wasn't able to do with him. 8) Once when he was a kid he pestered/annoyed his sister so much that she put him in the trash can (new bag, nothing else in it.) 9) He hid the fact that he could read in 1st grade until a teacher came up behind him when he was sneaking reading and asked him what it said. 10) He has written me some beautiful poems. The first one he ever gave me made me cry.
  13. 1) I am the oldest of 12 kids, but I only grew up the the next 2 born after me. 2) I have a brother who is only four months older than my ds#1. I have another brother who is 1 1/2 years younger than my ds#1. 3) I grew up in a church considered by many to be a cult. 4) I got engaged on my "first date" which was also my 18th birthday (I wasn't allowed to "date" until then, even though dh and I had been "going out" for over two years.) 5) My hair reaches the small of my back. I cut it when I was pregnant with ds#1. At the time of the cutting, I could sit on it. 6) I am the only one of my siblings, parents, and grand parents to have hazel eyes. 7) I grew up with always having at least one dog, and I haven't been able to have one my entire marriage :( 8) I had absolutely NO flowers at my wedding. I had ivy and fall leaves instead (October wedding.) And I actually had to fight with people to keep it that way :confused: 9) I am a BIG sifi fan, Ann McCaffery especially. 10) I am starting to think about what it means that these are the things I am describing myself with...
  14. My ds refuses to take breaks between subjects, so I'm no help there :tongue_smilie: Doing just reading, math, and handwriting is taking 1 1/2-2 hours, with the time flying, so again, not much help there. We are sticking to those three subjects for the first "official" month. Each month after that to December I will add a new subject. For September I am adding "The Nature Connection: An Outdoor Workbook for Kids, Families, and Classrooms" for science to do on the weekends. For October I will add FFL1 if ds has finished his K level reading. That way I ease us both into it, without overwhelming us. I hope there was something helpful in there. If not, at least I can give you a :grouphug:
  15. What I know about Air Force ranks I learned from Stargate SG-1 :D I know part of it goes: Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, "Full bird" Colonel, Brigadier General, then four other General levels after that, each level being represented by that number of stars.
  16. Dear Ms. Frenchcoffeepress, I advise avoiding threads that have the words "bOOK" and tEA in the title. Sincerely, Mrs. Warde
  17. Thank you for your service! I promise, in my family this information is required :001_smile: You can't get away from my fil without learning something about the military, history of the military, history of wars, famous battles, or the differences between the branches every.single.time you visit.
  18. This is the quote from the top of the page: Question asked and answered...
  19. :lol: I have told my husband that when dc get to the logic stage we'd both better learn everything the kids learn or we'll be in trouble!
  20. I am not planning on using it for schooling, but ds4.5 made his own balance scale with a jump-rope and trick-or-treat buckets with the play table as the fulcrum. And it worked! So I would like to get one just so he could explore and experiment wit it.
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