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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I have finally come up with something I like! Sceleratus Classical Academy (It means "ruffians!")
  2. You could be construction workers with your belly designated as the construction zone.
  3. Ds4 spend an entire afternoon of shopping going between a baby elephant (arm-trunk engaged) and calling me "Mama Giraffe," and a ballerina (ballerino?) doing buree (can't spell it, but arms up curved above his head, walking on tip-toes.) Did I mention we were walking down the street going like this? Yeah :tongue_smilie:
  4. :lol: :iagree: This is probably a byproduct of parents believing that only "official" teachers can teach their children anything.
  5. You could get him some cheap, plain t-shirts and use fabric paint to paint his name on them. She might get the hint. Or a "My name is J" sticker. There are a lot of kids that she is just getting to know. I am sure she would appreciate the help :D
  6. How about "Hard Knocks, School of" ...oh, wait, that ends in a proposition. Not a good reflection of your school...
  7. :lurk5: I also have a 2 yo who has known all his letters and phonetic sounds for a while. He also knows numerals 1-10 (up to twenty is iffy,) understands one-to-one, and can count up to 20 and down from 10. He's also a lot more verbal than ds#1 was at this age, and has memorized a lot of songs. And all the basic shapes, though he might be color blind. I am afraid to try to teach him to read because I'm afraid at this age he'll just memorize the words instead of blending/sounding them out. I would like some guidance in this as well. (And I'm not a tiger mom, either. He learned all this watching big brother doing it.)
  8. Wait, your key unlocked their door?! If so, I think it's time to switch the locks!
  9. :smilielol5: We're trying to name our "school," too. It will be Something Classical Academy because that sounds really smart :D We just haven't figured out the "something" part.
  10. I think showing your underwear goes beyond "weirdness" and is more "inappropriate." If a grown-up was going around with his boxers exposed to under his cheeks (saw this at hs all the time) around little kids, would he not be arrested for indecent exposure? How is that different from this?
  11. Sigh, and I had a great political link about bOOKs that I wanted to share...
  12. You have described the natural formation of dh's toenails, or as I like to call him, Dagger-toes. :D
  13. http://www.worldbook.com/typical-course-of-study-kindergarten-curriculum-guide.html * Meanings of holidays, traditions, and customs * Understanding and appreciating other cultures * Individual's role in family, home, school, and community * Relationship of the individual to the group * Work and jobs * Safety rules and symbols * Basic human needs * Self-respect and self-awareness * Awareness of others * Location of home and school * Diagram of home and school I am using this as a guide with no actual curriculum, so far.
  14. From YoungerMr.Warde, Registered Dental Assistant: For an 11yo, the very back teeth should be permanent. Around 12yo (plus or minus a year is not unusual) he should get another permanent molar behind that one. He is coming up on the age where he is about done with his baby teeth (around 12) So its not unusual for them to be at least a little worn down. My 4yo grinds pretty severely as well, enough that I can hear it when I stand in his doorway while he is sleeping. Once he gets older, a night guard isn't a bad idea. Unless the grinding is severe, most kinds outgrow their baby teeth before it becomes an issue. The most logical explanation is that his pain is from the adult tooth trying to erupt underneath the baby tooth. If it is a cavity of some sort, it is worth it to see how close the adult tooth is to coming in. If it is close, some dentists might say it's better to just remove it rather than spend money on having it filled. As far as seeing yellow on the top surface, enamel is a somewhat translucent material. If it gets worn down enough, you would be able to see the sub-structure of the tooth (this is slightly yellow) It doesn't necessarily mean the enamel is gone. As someone who works in a dental office, I would try not to get too concerned. it is far more likely to be something simple than it is to be a genetic disorder. A year and a half is a long time for someone his age to go without being seen. Best advice is to ask friends and family if they know a good dentist you can take him to, and see what he says. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Some Dentists may not realize something is a concern to you, if they feel it is normal for a child his age(such as wear on top of the teeth.)
  15. I changed mine. Spike's not as funny as ds2's "Smi-nu!" face (his way of saying "smile" for the camera. :D)
  16. :lol::lol: I read Billy Goats Gruff to my ds4.5 a little while ago for the first time. It had been a looong time since I had read it, and from the horrified look on dh's face, I don't think he'd ever read it :D
  17. You didn't put other! I need an other! :willy_nilly: :D But seriously, I do because I don't got to bed at a fixed time. I should, but dh and I over-indulge in kid-free time :tongue_smilie:
  18. Wow, you describe my situation exactly, except our drive isn't that long. I'm not sure how I feel not being a part of the class. But the church that I want to do it at also hosts the Bible Study Fellowship that I go to. That is open to anyone from any church, and I don't feel bad about going there for that. You can always make a small donation.
  19. I guess mine is only funny if you're a Buffy fan, but I lol every time I see this pic!
  20. Thank you. Since this was a thread about the misuse of apostrophes, I assumed it was supposedly missing one. I am a horrible speller :sad: I'm really hoping teaching my kids will improve myself.
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