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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. My husband is a Registered Dental Assistant in the state of California. I asked him and he says he has never heard of that. He thinks it's a BS excuse to keep parents out without having to be confrontational. His office has never denied a parent's presence. Find another dentist.
  2. :lol: :thumbup: My color as a kid in the summer comes in the regular pack :D
  3. I know how to make it simple! I'll buy these and just call myself whatever color is closest :D http://www.crayolastore.com/product_detail.asp?T1=CRA+52-080W&.
  4. I haven't seen anyone suggest raw honey. My grandparents keep bees, and whenever I got a sore they had me hold raw honey against it (granulated works best because it stays in place best.) It stings when you're doing it, but it clears it up pretty well, and it always made it feel better for me.
  5. Spain is from Europe. Are they considered European/Caucasian or Hispanic? (My Great-grandfather would roll over in the grave if he head me ask that question. He immigrated from Spain and he was always very insistent that he was not "Hispanic" in the way anyone from South America was.) And how long back do you have to go to decide that's what you are? Because I have family that descends from English immigrants in America since before the American Revolution. Why isn't American a race?
  6. Back story: I have a friend who has a daughter four months older than my ds#1. We are homeschooling, they are depending on their (well thought of) pre-school to prepare her for kindergarten. When they first started her in the program 1 1/2 ago, her mother answered my questions and said that yes, they would be teaching her letters and some phonics, counting, etc. And indeed they have taught her to color and paste, color in the lines, write her name, and count to 10 (she has trouble going to 20.). I baby-sit her at least once a week, and she always asks to "do school" with us. Because we have included her I know that while she can write her name and tell you how to spell it, she can not look at the individual letters separately and tell you their name. She cannot tell you the names of letters when they are in alphabetical order (she can sing the song.) When counting actual items, she frequently skips/misses and when corrected, cannot continue from the corrected item (me: "No, this one is four, keep going.") Instead she has to begin again. I asked her father (who was homeschooled for several years) if he felt that the pre-school she was going to was preparing her well for kindergarten. He responded proudly that she was meeting all their assessment tests well, and that when they were at the school talking to the teacher, another one came up and told him how impressed that she had sat still while she was waiting, even though there were no other children around. :001_huh: Question: is this the average experience of those who send their children to pre-school? (Thank you in advance for those who read this and will respond. We had considered sending ds to pre-school for social reasons, but I really don't want him to regress...)
  7. My kids can't get enough of it :001_smile: I used to get sick spinning, too, but that was before 9 months of being sick with my ds#1.
  8. Will these websites have the video recorded for watching at a decent hour after the event? Or are they only live, and then nothing?
  9. I haven't read the previous replies, but arn't these the kinds of answers that are used by identity thieves? First pet, street name you grew up on? I don't use any of these as passwords, so I'll play, but I hope people will keep this in mind. Yours cordially, Lady Sandra Dolly-Sunset
  10. My ds2 thanked the nursery worker for changing his diaper :001_huh: :lol: She said she had never been thanked for that before. Well neither have I! :001_smile: OP, I am wondering if they are so surprised because your dc are boys. People, I think, expect girls to be better behaved, but expect much less of boys.
  11. To me, ANYTHING that you take the effort to figure out by ear= good job! :hurray:
  12. :lol::lol: I only think about new inventions during mine. :D
  13. My husband is disappointed if I do not put potatoes in it (diced.) I don't think I add any herbs...
  14. My then 3yo in the doctor's waiting room: "Look, Mama, here come some old people!" :blink::blushing: (And they were under 60.) He went through a phase where he said that at least once every time we went out in public, so we stopped going out as much. Another time I was out with ds now 4 yo and he didn't want to wait in line. So first he said "Let's sneak past the people, Mom!" When I reminded him we had to wait our turn, he then said "Let's bump them and run away!" (No idea where he got that.) He used to have trouble with people understanding what he was saying, but everyone in the long line understood that!
  15. I had desire until I went on pill form birth control. Ever since, not on bc, on different bc, nothing. The ONE time I wanted it I must have been ovulating becuase that's when ds#2 was conceived. I have had my hormones tested, I haved talked to a gp, ob/gyn, and a psychiatrist, and they say there's nothing they can give me. (Well, there is one anti-depresent that might help, but I'm allergic to it:glare:) Guys have their own TeA warming assisters, but none for me? How is that fair? I heard about a testosterone cream you could rub on the "tip" of the lady teapot, but I don't know where to get it or if it will effect my hormones badly.
  16. When your 2yo gives Mummy-tickles (arms out like a zombie saying "err, arg, tickle, tickle, tickle!") Have they read "How to Insult, Abuse & Insinuate in Classical Latin"? http://www.amazon.com/insult-abuse-insinuate-classical-Latin/dp/076071018X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1303615116&sr=8-1
  17. My grandparents were Granny and Papa, and Grammy and Papa Lewis (there was a lot of confusion when I was little.) My great-grandparents were Grandma Honey (because she called everyone "honey") and Grandpa Alex (no "greats" added) and Grandpa Bill and Mambo (MAM-bow.) She decided she was too young to be "grandma" when the frist grandchild was born, so she made that up (her name was Mary.) For my kids: 'Apa (how my first said "grandpa") and Nana (she wanted to be called the samething her kids called her mom. But her mom is still alive and move near us, so the first Nana changed her name to GG for "great grandma.") My mom is Grandma Robyn, aka Rah-rah to my 2yo. My grandparents when they visit are the same as what I call them.
  18. I was wondering the same thing. I didn't have any problem on Amazon yesterday....?
  19. I recently purchased the Apples-to-Apples Game Family version. I opened one of the 3 packs of nouns/verbs and found that 10% were about school that I would take out because my kids wouldn't relate to. An interesting note: the comment on the "back-to-school-shopping" card was "The only thing good about going back to school" :glare: But considering how negatively kid's books portray schools, I don't see having a problem with them reading them.
  20. So in your view I don't count as a homeschooler:001_huh:? I have spent a reasonable amount of money on *official* curriculum, and we are using it on a daily basis. Wouldn't that make me a homeschooler? What about the fact that we are committed to doing it all the way through high school. Does our commitment not mean anything until we actually file with the state? When people ask about daycare or school I tell them we are homeschooling. According to the above, do you think I should stop doing that? (Not sarcasm, not being defensive. Just applying the op's cirtera to my situation to see if you all agree with what was said.)
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