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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. We bought bunk beds many years ago and they came with both slats and boards. This was from This End Up and 18yrs ago.
  2. I am dreaming about Algebra problems now...and I like it

  3. When it comes to books, I buy if the deal is good even if it will not be used for years to come. I have boxes of fiction books waiting to be open and placed on the shelves when dd reaches a certain age. Non fiction books go on the shelves right away though. I learned long ago to buy when you find a good deal because when you are ready to read it you might not be able to find/afford it.
  4. I tried to use REAL science Space this past year but was very disappointed. You would need to use lots of library books in order to bring it up to a level of curriculum. I have not used RS4K Astronomy so an not sure about this one. I did use their chemistry II but was unimpressed. I have used some if Elemental Science and though the space science was okay, but we swtched to Apologia Astronomy midway through. Apologia was better as far as info wise went. I read aloud to dd from it and she did the lapbook from RR.
  5. Dd and I will do jigsaw puzzles when listening to an audio book. We also listen to them in the car or knitting, but usually if it is on in the house we are doing a jigsaw puzzle.
  6. If your order is over $100, call them, they will give you a code for free shipping.
  7. My heart aches for your family and little Monkey :grouphug:
  8. I have tried a few non box curricula for geography Trail Guide Around the World in 180 days ACE Paces Galloping the Globe And I know a few box curriculum for World Geography: MFW EC&C SL Eastern Hemisphere What else is out there in box curricula for World Geography? I am thinking ahead for my dd's 5th grade year.
  9. We will be using 3...BJU, BA, and this web sites week by week essentials http://mathlearnnc.sharpschool.com/cms/One.aspx?portalId=4507283&pageId=5051238
  10. Oldest son was not eager to drive but middle son was. The rule in our house...driving is a privilege and you need to afford that privilege. If they cannot pay for all the cost of driving (license, driving lessons, insurance, gas, and half the maintenance on the car they drive if it our car) then they do not need to drive. Oldest felt that was fair and waited till he was 18 to get a license because it would be cheaper that way. Middle son felt it was unfair because he had no money to do this. We now live in a city where everything is either walking distance or on a bus route. I told youngest ds when he gets a job if it is not in walking distance we would buy a bus pass for the first year. No car is needed so no driving is needed for him.
  11. These are funny. The first time one of these were read, my dh read it to the boys. The door to the bedroom was shut and you would hear mumbling and then peals of laughter, I was finally called in to read because dh was laughing so hard. Dd loves the vocabulary. She makes me reread paragraphs just to hear the words again.
  12. Places all my orders this weekend. Now I am waiting (not patiently) but the dang blasted weather might delay some. Large SL and CBD order and a small RR order. That will be everything except I just found a Bible I want ds to use, Understanding the times, but will wait till it is closer to our start date.
  13. I will echo the pp...stick with BJU if it is working. It is a wonderful program. Addressing the Algebra in 8th ....you can skip the BJU Pre Algebra book. It is really a review of the math learned and an intro to Algebra (this you will repeat with the beginning of Algebra 1). Another thing. BJU math breaks down after Algebra 1 but they are redoing the Geometry and up books. Hopefully the problems those books had will be fixed in the new editions. They usually do a great job with the new editions so I have high hopes.
  14. I am using it with an 8yr old and she is getting it but just. I would not use it with a 5 yr old. Keep going to the Space Museum and she will learn tons. Get books from the library. Maybe even do ELemental Science the one for Space Science, this uses books that are geared a younger age.
  15. We found this too, but with BJU. Used it all through but the upper level math the program breaks down. We looked at Abeka for the upper levels and saw similar problems. What we tried: Art of Problem Solving - love this program, the Intro to Algebra is actually Algebra 1 and 2 mixed together. Sadly my son did not like it. It is a different learning style then he liked. The present some problems and the student tries to figure them our based on past knowledge. The the lesson takes place and shows new ways to solve problems and advances the student. I love how the student needs to keep things fresh in their heads. I am actually going through the book and am learning Algebra in a whole new way. Very eye opening. Teaching Textbooks - I was hesitant in using this program, but my son is excelling AND loving math (he despised it before). I know you asked for curricula not online...technically this is not. You have cds . It also comes with a textbook that you can use instead and an answer key but there are no "written solutions" . The cd's have a lesson, practice problems, actual problems, hints and solutions. Since we switched my son gets his math done without complaint
  16. Nothing wrong with rereading a book. I do however have a rule about rereading books...you need to read another book in between rereadings.
  17. Might get a snowball thrown at me but....I am looking forward to more snow this week.

    1. Karen in CO

      Karen in CO

      Snow is great, and we need the moisture.

    2. Chelle in MO
    3. Word Nerd

      Word Nerd

      Hurricanes and tsunamis would bring moisture, too, but I don't want a blizzard any more than I want one of those. ;)

  18. DD just got an American Girl Doll catalog yesterday. They have pictures of girls that look as old as 11 (maybe even older) with their American Girl Dolls. They sell travel cases for these dolls. Things geared to take your doll out of the privacy of your home and into the world. Apparently AG thinks it is normal for older then preschool girls to do this.
  19. My 8yr old dd still takes her baby dolls with her. She has a car seat and carries it in stores. I have no problem with this, she is a little girl. Even at 9, 10, 11, she would be a little girl. I do find the world is trying to make these little girls grow up too fast. If my dd seems weird to her peers then so be it. Her peers will be just as weird to her for not playing with baby dolls. Who's view is correct? Who gets to pick what age a child should stop playing with baby dolls?
  20. I sold my WP things. Never thought twice about it. It was mine, I payed for it. I did not keep a copy for myself.
  21. As another poster did...we got our bunk beds years ago from This End Up. The furniture with a wooden crate look. Anyway, this thing is SOLID. It is over 18yrs old. The top bunk has a sturdy rail, you can lean against it and it does not bow, not even a smidge.You can break the bunk down to 2 twin beds if you want. Dd now has the beds (painted pink)and they are still in top shape.
  22. I sent Konos an email asking for a sample of their curriculum and they sent me a good sample, enough to get a feel for the program. You might want to do that, let them know what ages you are looking for.
  23. Ahhh...that first sip of coffee

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SorrelZG


      I'm contemplating a third cup ...weighing the pros and cons ...

    3. quark


      Go for that 3rd cup! I don't want to be the only one lol.

    4. freeindeed


      Nothing better than coffee. And absolutely go for that third cup!

  24. I am following Ruth Beechicks method for spelling from You Can teach Your Child Successfully. I did a blog post on it if you want more info.
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